55 research outputs found

    Classical Analysis of Phenomenological Potentials for Metallic Clusters

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    The classical trajectories of single particle motion in a Wodds-Saxon and a modified Nilsson potential are studied for axial quadrupole deformation. Both cases give rise to chaotic behaviour when the deformation in the Woods-Saxon and the l**2 term in the modified Nilsson potential are turned on. Important similarities, in particular with regard to the shortest periodic orbits, have been found.Comment: 9 pages LaTex + 4 figures available via e-mail requests from the authors, to appear in Phys.Rev.Let

    Semiclassical analysis of the lowest-order multipole deformations of simple metal clusters

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    We use a perturbative semiclassical trace formula to calculate the three lowest-order multipole (quadrupole \eps_2, octupole \eps_3, and hexadecapole \eps_4) deformations of simple metal clusters with 90N55090 \le N \le 550 atoms in their ground states. The self-consistent mean field of the valence electrons is modeled by an axially deformed cavity and the oscillating part of the total energy is calculated semiclassically using the shortest periodic orbits. The average energy is obtained from a liquid-drop model adjusted to the empirical bulk and surface properties of the sodium metal. We obtain good qualitative agreement with the results of quantum-mechanical calculations using Strutinsky's shell-correction method.Comment: LaTeX file (v2) 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Lett.

    Electronic-structure-induced deformations of liquid metal clusters

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    Ab initio molecular dynamics is used to study deformations of sodium clusters at temperatures 5001100500\cdots 1100 K. Open-shell Na14_{14} cluster has two shape isomers, prolate and oblate, in the liquid state. The deformation is stabilized by opening a gap at the Fermi level. The closed-shell Na8_8 remains magic also at the liquid state.Comment: REVTex, 11 pages, no figures, figures (2) available upon request (e-mail to hakkinen at jyfl.jyu.fi), submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Deformed Harmonic Oscillators for Metal Clusters: Analytic Properties and Supershells

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    The analytic properties of Nilsson's Modified Oscillator (MO), which was first introduced in nuclear structure, and of the recently introduced, based on quantum algebraic techniques, 3-dimensional q-deformed harmonic oscillator (3-dim q-HO) with Uq(3) > SOq(3) symmetry, which is known to reproduce correctly in terms of only one parameter the magic numbers of alkali clusters up to 1500 (the expected limit of validity for theories based on the filling of electronic shells), are considered. Exact expressions for the total energy of closed shells are determined and compared among them. Furthermore, the systematics of the appearance of supershells in the spectra of the two oscillators is considered, showing that the 3-dim q-HO correctly predicts the first supershell closure in alkali clusters without use of any extra parameter.Comment: 25 pages LaTeX plus 21 postscript figure

    Semiclassical theory of surface plasmons in spheroidal clusters

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    A microscopic theory of linear response based on the Vlasov equation is extended to systems having spheroidal equilibrium shape. The solution of the linearized Vlasov equation, which gives a semiclassical version of the random phase approximation, is studied for electrons moving in a deformed equilibrium mean field. The deformed field has been approximated by a cavity of spheroidal shape, both prolate and oblate. Contrary to spherical systems, there is now a coupling among excitations of different multipolarity induced by the interaction among constituents. Explicit calculations are performed for the dipole response of deformed clusters of different size. In all cases studied here the photoabsorption strength for prolate clusters always displays a typical double-peaked structure. For oblate clusters we find that the high--frequency component of the plasmon doublet can get fragmented in the medium size region (N250N \sim 250). This fragmentation is related to the presence of two kinds of three-dimensional electron orbits in oblate cavities. The possible scaling of our semiclassical equations with the valence electron number and density is investigated.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, revised version, includes discussion of scalin

    Periodic orbit theory for realistic cluster potentials: The leptodermous expansion

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    The formation of supershells observed in large metal clusters can be qualitatively understood from a periodic-orbit-expansion for a spherical cavity. To describe the changes in the supershell structure for different materials, one has, however, to go beyond that simple model. We show how periodic-orbit-expansions for realistic cluster potentials can be derived by expanding only the classical radial action around the limiting case of a spherical potential well. We give analytical results for the leptodermous expansion of Woods-Saxon potentials and show that it describes the shift of the supershells as the surface of a cluster potential gets softer. As a byproduct of our work, we find that the electronic shell and supershell structure is not affected by a lattice contraction, which might be present in small clusters.Comment: 15 pages RevTex, 11 eps figures, additional information at http://www.mpi-stuttgart.mpg.de/docs/ANDERSEN/users/koch/Diss

    Electronic entropy, shell structure, and size-evolutionary patterns of metal clusters

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    We show that electronic-entropy effects in the size-evolutionary patterns of relatively small (as small as 20 atoms), simple-metal clusters become prominent already at moderate temperatures. Detailed agreement between our finite-temperature-shell-correction-method calculations and experimental results is obtained for certain temperatures. This agreement includes a size-dependent smearing out of fine-structure features, accompanied by a measurable reduction of the heights of the steps marking major-shell and subshell closings, thus allowing for a quantitative analysis of cluster temperatures.Comment: Latex/Revtex, 4 pages with 3 Postscript figure

    Rough droplet model for spherical metal clusters

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    We study the thermally activated oscillations, or capillary waves, of a neutral metal cluster within the liquid drop model. These deformations correspond to a surface roughness which we characterize by a single parameter Δ\Delta. We derive a simple analytic approximate expression determining Δ\Delta as a function of temperature and cluster size. We then estimate the induced effects on shell structure by means of a periodic orbit analysis and compare with recent data for shell energy of sodium clusters in the size range 50<N<25050 < N < 250. A small surface roughness Δ0.6\Delta\simeq 0.6 \AA~ is seen to give a reasonable account of the decrease of amplitude of the shell structure observed in experiment. Moreover -- contrary to usual Jahn-Teller type of deformations -- roughness correctly reproduces the shape of the shell energy in the domain of sizes considered in experiment.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, important modifications of the presentation, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Group theoretical analysis of symmetry breaking in two-dimensional quantum dots

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    We present a group theoretical study of the symmetry-broken unrestricted Hartree-Fock orbitals and electron densities in the case of a two-dimensional N-electron single quantum dot (with and without an external magnetic field). The breaking of rotational symmetry results in canonical orbitals that (1) are associated with the eigenvectors of a Hueckel hamiltonian having sites at the positions determined by the equilibrium molecular configuration of the classical N-electron problem, and (2) transform according to the irreducible representations of the point group specified by the discrete symmetries of this classical molecular configuration. Through restoration of the total-spin and rotational symmetries via projection techniques, we show that the point-group discrete symmetry of the unrestricted Hartree-Fock wave function underlies the appearance of magic angular momenta (familiar from exact-diagonalization studies) in the excitation spectra of the quantum dot. Furthermore, this two-step symmetry-breaking/symmetry-restoration method accurately describes the energy spectra associated with the magic angular momenta.Comment: A section VI.B entitled "Quantitative description of the lowest rotational band" has been added. 16 pages. Revtex with 10 EPS figures. A version of the manuscript with high quality figures is available at http://calcite.physics.gatech.edu/~costas/uhf_group.html For related papers, see http://www.prism.gatech.edu/~ph274c

    Ionic and electronic structure of sodium clusters up to N=59

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    We determined the ionic and electronic structure of sodium clusters with even electron numbers and 2 to 59 atoms in axially averaged and three-dimensional density functional calculations. A local, phenomenological pseudopotential that reproduces important bulk and atomic properties and facilitates structure calculations has been developed. Photoabsorption spectra have been calculated for Na2\mathrm{Na}_2, Na8\mathrm{Na}_8, and Na9+\mathrm{Na}_9^+ to Na59+\mathrm{Na}_{59}^+. The consistent inclusion of ionic structure considerably improves agreement with experiment. An icosahedral growth pattern is observed for Na19+\mathrm{Na}_{19}^+ to Na59+\mathrm{Na}_{59}^+. This finding is supported by photoabsorption data.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. B 62. Version with figures in better quality can be requested from the author