456 research outputs found


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    Aim. Clinical and instrumental assessment of long-term results of autologous bone marrow cells (BMC) implantation in laser channels in surgery of ischemic heart disease with diffuse and distal coronary disease.Materials and Methods. In the period of 2007–2008 35 CHD patients with diffuse and distal coronary disease underwent BMC implantation in laser channels during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). The control group consisted of 29 patients. All patients in this group underwent only direct myocardial revascularization (DMR). In the long-term period we examined only 30 patients of the first group. Clinical and instrumental assessment of the method efficacy was carried out in 2 weeks, 6 months and 6 years after surgery.Results. FC (NYHA) mean value in indirect revascularization group significantly decreased from 2.57 ± 0.61 preoperatively to 1.77 ±0.66 in6 months after surgery (p = 0.043). After 6 years FC (NYHA) was not significantly changed – 1.84 ± 0.42 (p = 0.053). Perfusion scintigraphy revealed a slight decrease of stable perfusion defect (SPD) in the immediate postoperative period, a more pronounced reduction of SPD in 6 months after surgery. The average value of SPD before surgery was 20.46 ± 10.75%, in 2 weeks after the operation – 19.07 ± 9.69%, in 6 months after surgery – 15.22 ± 9.49%. In the long-term period (6 years) SPD was 14.8 ± 8.43% (p = 0.047). A similar pattern was observed in the analysis of transient perfusion defect: baseline – 30 ± 2.2%, in 6 months – 15 ± 1.3%, in the long term period – 20 ± 6.1% (p = 0.047). The average value of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) before surgery was 55 ± 10.4%, in 2 weeks after the operation – 55.7 ± 9.3%, in 6 months – 56.7 ± 10%, after 6 years – 54 ± 12%. The dynamics is unauthentic (p = 0.068).Conclusion. BMC implantation in laser channels in addition to CABG is a safe and effective method of surgical treatment in case of CABG inability. The effect of indirect revascularization is formed in the first 6 months after surgery and remains at the same level for 6 years

    Special features of the 9^9Be\to2He fragmentation in emulsion at an energy of 1.2~A~GeV

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    The results of investigations of the relativistic 9^9Be nucleus fragmentation in emulsion which entails the production of two He fragments of an energy of 1.2~A~GeV are presented. The results of the angular measurements of the 9^9Be\to2He events are analyzed. The 9^9Be8\to^8Be+n fragmentation channel involving the 8^8Be decay from the ground (0+^+) and the first excited (2+^+) states to two α\alpha particles is observed to be predominant.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, conference: Conference on Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Moscow, Russia, 5-9 Dec 2005 (Author's translation


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    Aim. Clinical and instrumental assessment of long-term results of autologous bone marrow cells (BMC) implantation in laser channels in surgery of ischemic heart disease with diffuse and distal coronary disease.Materials and Methods. In the period of 2007–2008 35 CHD patients with diffuse and distal coronary disease underwent BMC implantation in laser channels during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). The control group consisted of 29 patients. All patients in this group underwent only direct myocardial revascularization (DMR). In the long-term period we examined only 30 patients of the first group. Clinical and instrumental assessment of the method efficacy was carried out in 2 weeks, 6 months and 6 years after surgery.Results. FC (NYHA) mean value in indirect revascularization group significantly decreased from 2.57 ± 0.61 preoperatively to 1.77 ±0.66 in6 months after surgery (p = 0.043). After 6 years FC (NYHA) was not significantly changed – 1.84 ± 0.42 (p = 0.053). Perfusion scintigraphy revealed a slight decrease of stable perfusion defect (SPD) in the immediate postoperative period, a more pronounced reduction of SPD in 6 months after surgery. The average value of SPD before surgery was 20.46 ± 10.75%, in 2 weeks after the operation – 19.07 ± 9.69%, in 6 months after surgery – 15.22 ± 9.49%. In the long-term period (6 years) SPD was 14.8 ± 8.43% (p = 0.047). A similar pattern was observed in the analysis of transient perfusion defect: baseline – 30 ± 2.2%, in 6 months – 15 ± 1.3%, in the long term period – 20 ± 6.1% (p = 0.047). The average value of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) before surgery was 55 ± 10.4%, in 2 weeks after the operation – 55.7 ± 9.3%, in 6 months – 56.7 ± 10%, after 6 years – 54 ± 12%. The dynamics is unauthentic (p = 0.068).Conclusion. BMC implantation in laser channels in addition to CABG is a safe and effective method of surgical treatment in case of CABG inability. The effect of indirect revascularization is formed in the first 6 months after surgery and remains at the same level for 6 years. Цель. Клинико-функциональная оценка отдаленных результатов применения метода имплантации мононуклеарной фракции аутологичного костного мозга (МФАКМ) в лазерные каналы в хирургии ишемической болезни сердца с диффузным и дистальным поражением коронарного русла.Материалы и методы. За период 2007–2008 гг. в клинике НИИПК 35 больным ИБС с диффузным и дистальным поражением коронарного русла во время операции аортокоронарного шунтирования (АКШ) выполнена процедура имплантации МФАКМ в лазерные каналы. Контрольную группу составили 29 больных. Всем пациентам этой группы выполнена только операция прямой реваскуляризации миокарда. В отдаленном периоде из 35 больных первой группы было обследовано 30. Клинико-функциональная оценка эффекта метода выполнялась через 2 недели, 6 месяцев и 6 лет после операции.Результаты. Среднее значение ФК (NYHA) в группе непрямой реваскуляризации достоверно уменьшилось – с 2,57 ± 0,61 до операции до 1,77 ± 0,66 через 6 месяцев после операции (р = 0,043). Через 6 лет ФК (NYHA) достоверно не изменился – 1,84 ± 0,42 (р = 0,053). По данным перфузионной сцинтиграфии отмечается небольшое уменьшение стабильного дефекта перфузии (СДП) в ближайшем послеоперационном периоде, более выраженное уменьшение СДП через 6 месяцев после операции. Среднее значение СДП до операции составило 20,46 ± 10,75%, через 2 недели после операции – 19,07 ± 9,69%, через 6 месяцев – 15,22 ± 9,49%. В отдаленном периоде (6 лет) СДП – 14,8 ± 8,43% (р = 0,047). Сходная динамика отмечается при анализе преходящего дефекта перфузии: исходно – 30 ± 2,2%, через 6 месяцев – 15 ± 1,3%, в отдаленном периоде – 20 ± 6,1% (р = 0,047). Среднее значение фракции выброса левого желудочка (ФВ ЛЖ) до операции составило 55 ± 10,4%, через 2 недели после операции – 55,7 ± 9,3%, через 6 месяцев – 56,7 ± 10%, через 6 лет – 54 ± 12%. Динамика недостоверная (р = 0,068).Заключение. Метод имплантации МФАКМ в лазерные каналы является безопасным и эффективным способом хирургического лечения при невозможности выполнить прямую реваскуляризацию миокарда. Эффект непрямой реваскуляризации формируется в первые 6 месяцев после операции и остается на одном уровне на протяжении 6 лет

    О численно-аналитическом методе построения экстремальных полиномов комплексного аргумента

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    This article is devoted to the development of a numerical-analytical method for constructing extremes in the Chebyshev norm polynomials, given on the square of the complex plane. The studied polynomials are a generalization of the classical Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind. In the complex case there are no classical Chebyshev alternance conditions, and the Kolmogorov criterion along with the Ivanov – Remez criterion are difficult to prove for establishing the extremality property of specific polynomials. On the basis of the subdifferential construction developed by the authors of the article the extremal polinomials on the squares of the complex plane are calculated in an explicit way. The basic research methods are the methods of functional and complex mathematical analysis, as well as the Maple 2021 computer mathematics system. Methods of function theory and some general results of optimization theory are also used.Разработан численно-аналитический метод построения экстремальных в чебышевской норме по- линомов, заданных на квадрате комплексной плоскости. Такие полиномы являются естественным обобщением классических полиномов Чебышева первого рода. Классические условия Чебышева об альтернансе не распространяются на комплексную ситуацию, а критерий Колмогорова и критерий Иванова – Ремеза трудно проверяемы для установления свойства экстремальности конкретных полиномов в комплексном случае. С помощью разработанной авторами субдифференциальной конструкции вычислены явно экстремальные полиномы на квадратах в комплексной плоскости. Методы исследования – методы математического и функционального анализа с использованием системы компьютерной математики Maple 2021, методы теории функций и некоторые общие результаты теории оптимизации

    Electromagnetic dissociation of relativistic 8^8B nuclei in nuclear track emulsion

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    Experimental data on fragmentation channels in peripheral interactions of 8^8B nuclei in nuclear track emulsions are presented. A detailed analysis made it possible to justify selections of events of the electromagnetic-dissociation process 8^8B 7\to^7Be + \emph{p} and to estimate its cross section. Events of 10^{10}C peripheral dissociation that were observed in the same exposure are described.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, Published in Phys.Atom.Nucl.72:690-701,200