1,052 research outputs found

    Intermediate mass stars: updated models

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    A new set of stellar models in the mass range 1.2 to 9 M⊙M_{\odot} is presented. The adopted chemical compositions cover the typical galactic values, namely 0.0001≀Z≀0.020.0001 \le Z \le 0.02 and 0.23≀Y≀0.280.23 \le Y \le 0.28. A comparison among the most recent compilations of similar stellar models is also discussed. The main conclusion is that the differencies among the various evolutionary results are still rather large. For example, we found that the H-burning evolutionary time may differ up to 20 %. An even larger disagreement is found for the He-burning phase (up to 40-50 %). Since the connection between the various input physics and the numerical algorithms could amplify or counterbalance the effect of a single ingredient on the resulting stellar model, the origin of this discrepancies is not evident. However most of these discrepancies, which are clearly found in the evolutionary tracks, are reduced on the isochrones. By means of our updated models we show that the ages inferred by the theory of stellar evolution is in excellent agreement with those obtained by using other independent methods applied to the nearby Open Clusters. Finally, the theoretical initial/final mass relation is revised.Comment: 35 pages, 24 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophisycal Journa

    Using high-throughput barcode sequencing to efficiently map connectomes

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    The function of a neural circuit is determined by the details of its synaptic connections. At present, the only available method for determining a neural wiring diagram with single synapse precision-a 'connectome'-is based on imaging methods that are slow, labor-intensive and expensive. Here, we present SYNseq, a method for converting the connectome into a form that can exploit the speed and low cost of modern high-throughput DNA sequencing. In SYNseq, each neuron is labeled with a unique random nucleotide sequence-an RNA 'barcode'-which is targeted to the synapse using engineered proteins. Barcodes in pre- and postsynaptic neurons are then associated through protein-protein crosslinking across the synapse, extracted from the tissue, and joined into a form suitable for sequencing. Although our failure to develop an efficient barcode joining scheme precludes the widespread application of this approach, we expect that with further development SYNseq will enable tracing of complex circuits at high speed and low cost

    Uncertainties in stellar evolution models: convective overshoot

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    In spite of the great effort made in the last decades to improve our understanding of stellar evolution, significant uncertainties remain due to our poor knowledge of some complex physical processes that require an empirical calibration, such as the efficiency of the interior mixing related to convective overshoot. Here we review the impact of convective overshoot on the evolution of stars during the main Hydrogen and Helium burning phases.Comment: Proc. of the workshop "Asteroseismology of stellar populations in the Milky Way" (Sesto, 22-26 July 2013), Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, (eds. A. Miglio, L. Girardi, P. Eggenberger, J. Montalban

    Young Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds II

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    We present the results of a quantitative study of the degree of extension to the boundary of the classical convective core within intermediate mass stars. The basis of our empirical study is the stellar population of four young populous clusters in the Magellanic Clouds which has been detailed in Keller, Bessell & Da Costa (2000). The sample affords a meaningful comparison with theoretical scenarios with varying degrees of convective core overshoot and binary star fraction. Two critical properties of the population, the main-sequence luminosity function and the number of evolved stars, form the basis of our comparison between the observed data set and that simulated from the stellar evolutionary models. On the basis of this comparison we conclude that the case of no convective core overshoot is excluded at a 2 sigma level.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, AJ accepte

    Convergent evidences from human and animal studies implicate angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity in cognitive performance in schizophrenia

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    In schizophrenia (SCZ), higher angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) levels have been reported in patient's blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Hereby, we propose to explore whether the ACE activity levels are associated to cognitive performance in SCZ. Seventy-two patients with SCZ or schizoaffective disorder diagnosis, and 69 healthy controls (HCs) underwent a cognitive battery with parallel collection of peripheral blood samples to measure ACE activity. Significant higher ACE activity levels were confirmed in the plasma of SCZ patients compared with HCs (Student's t=−5.216; P<0.001). ACE activity significantly correlated to Hopkins delayed recall measures (r=−0.247; P=0.004) and Hopkins total (r=−0.214; P=0.012). Subjects grouped as high ACE activity (above average) had worse performance compared with low ACE activity level group for Hopkins delayed recall measure, even after correction for clinical condition, age, gender and years of education (P=0.029). The adjusted R squared for this final model was 0.343. This result was evident only comparing extreme groups for ACE activity, when splitting the sample in three groups with similar number of subjects. To clarify this finding, we performed an evaluation of the cognitive performance of transgenic mice with three copies of ACE gene in novel object recognition (NOR) test, which showed that such animals presented impairment in NOR (P<0.05) compared with two copies of wild-type animals. The results observed in SCZ patients and animal model suggest both the association of ACE to cognitive deficits in SCZ. This finding may support the evaluation of novel treatment protocols and/or of innovative drugs for specific intervention of cognitive deficits in SCZ envisioning concomitant ACE activity and behavior evaluations

    IRAS F02044+0957: radio source in interacting system of galaxies

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    The steep spectrum of IRAS F02044+0957 was obtained with the RATAN-600 radio telescope at four frequencies. Optical spectroscopy of the system components, was carried out with the 2.1m telescope of the Guillermo Haro Observatory. Observational data allow us to conclude that this object is a pair of interacting galaxies, a LINER and a HII galaxy, at z=0.093z=0.093.Comment: 2 pages, 2 EPS-figures, uses newpasp.sty. To appear in Proc. IAU Colloq. 184, AGN Surveys, ed. R. F. Green, E. Ye. Khachikian, & D. B. Sanders (San Francisco: ASP
