95 research outputs found

    Thermal Conductivity of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes: Diameter and Annealing Dependence

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    The thermal conductivity, k(T), of bulk single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT's) displays a linear temperature dependence at low T that has been attributed to 1D quantization of phonons. To explore this issue further, we have measured the k(T) of samples with varying average tube diameters. We observe linear k(T) up to higher temperatures in samples with smaller diameters, in agreement with a quantization picture. In addition, we have examined the effect of annealing on k(T). We observe an enhancement in k(T) for annealed samples which we attribute to healing of defects and removal of impurities. These measurements demonstrate how the thermal properties of an SWNT material can be controlled by manipulating its intrinsic nanoscale properties.Comment: Proc. of the XV. Int. Winterschool on Electronic Properties of Novel Materials, Kirchberg/Tirol, Austria, 200

    Carbon nanotube composites for thermal management

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    Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were used to augment the thermal transport properties of industrial epoxy. Samples loaded with 1 wt% unpurified SWNT material show a 70% increase in thermal conductivity at 40K, rising to 125% at room temperature; the enhancement due to 1 wt% loading of vapor grown carbon fibers is three times smaller. Electrical conductivity data show a percolation threshold between 0.1 and 0.2 wt% SWNT loading. The Vickers hardness rises monotonically with SWNT loading up to a factor of 3.5 at 2 wt%. These results suggest that the thermal and mechanical properties of SWNT-epoxy composites are improved, without the need to chemically functionalize the nanotubes

    Measuring Temperature Gradients over Nanometer Length Scales

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    When a quantum dot is subjected to a thermal gradient, the temperature of electrons entering the dot can be determined from the dot's thermocurrent if the conductance spectrum and background temperature are known. We demonstrate this technique by measuring the temperature difference across a 15 nm quantum dot embedded in a nanowire. This technique can be used when the dot's energy states are separated by many kT and will enable future quantitative investigations of electron-phonon interaction, nonlinear thermoelectric effects, and the effciency of thermoelectric energy conversion in quantum dots.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Magnetically aligned single wall carbon nanotube films: preferred orientation and anisotropic transport properties

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    Thick films of single wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) exhibiting in-plane preferred orientation have been produced by filter deposition from suspension in strong magnetic fields. We characterize the field-induced alignment with x-ray fiber diagrams and polarized Raman scattering, using a model which includes a completely unaligned fraction. We correlate the texture parameters with resistivity and thermal conductivity measured parallel and perpendicular to the alignment direction. Results obtained with 7 and 26 Tesla fields are compared. We find no significant field dependence of the distribution width, while the aligned fraction is slightly greater at the higher field. Anisotropy in both transport properties is modest, with ratios in the range 5–9, consistent with the measured texture parameters assuming a simple model of rigid rod conductors. We suggest that further enhancements in anisotropic properties will require optimizing the filter deposition process rather than larger magnetic fields. We show that both x-ray and Raman data are required for a complete texture analysis of oriented SWNT materials

    Thermoelectric Power of p-Doped Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and the Role of Phonon Drag

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    We measured thermoelectric power S of bulk single-wall carbon nanotube (SWNT) materials p-doped with acids. In contrast to oxygen-exposed or degassed samples, S is very small at the lowest temperatures, increases super-linearly above a characteristic and sample-dependent T, and then levels off. We attribute this unusual behavior to 1-D phonon drag, in which the depression of the Fermi energy cuts off electron-phonon scattering at temperatures below a characteristic T0. This idea is supported by a model calculation in which the low temperature behavior of phonon drag is specifically related to the one-dimensional character of the electronic spectrum

    Irradiation of the potential cancer stem cell niches in the adult brain improves progression-free survival of patients with malignant glioma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Glioblastoma is the most common brain tumor in adults. The mechanisms leading to glioblastoma are not well understood but animal studies support that inactivation of tumor suppressor genes in neural stem cells (NSC) is required and sufficient to induce glial cancers. This suggests that the NSC niches in the brain may harbor cancer stem cells (CSCs), Thus providing novel therapy targets. We hypothesize that higher radiation doses to these NSC niches improve patient survival by eradicating CSCs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>55 adult patients with Grade 3 or Grade 4 glial cancer treated with radiotherapy at UCLA between February of 2003 and May of 2009 were included in this retrospective study. Using radiation planning software and patient radiological records, the SVZ and SGL were reconstructed for each of these patients and dosimetry data for these structures was calculated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using Kaplan-Meier analysis we show that patients whose bilateral subventricular zone (SVZ) received greater than the median SVZ dose (= 43 Gy) had a significant improvement in progression-free survival if compared to patients who received less than the median dose (15.0 vs 7.2 months PFS; P = 0.028). Furthermore, a mean dose >43 Gy to the bilateral SVZ yielded a hazard ratio of 0.73 (P = 0.019). Importantly, similarly analyzing total prescription dose failed to illustrate a statistically significant impact.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study leads us to hypothesize that in glioma targeted radiotherapy of the stem cell niches in the adult brain could yield significant benefits over radiotherapy of the primary tumor mass alone and that damage caused by smaller fractions of radiation maybe less efficiently detected by the DNA repair mechanisms in CSCs.</p

    The Probable Cell of Origin of NF1- and PDGF-Driven Glioblastomas

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    Primary glioblastomas are subdivided into several molecular subtypes. There is an ongoing debate over the cell of origin for these tumor types where some suggest a progenitor while others argue for a stem cell origin. Even within the same molecular subgroup, and using lineage tracing in mouse models, different groups have reached different conclusions. We addressed this problem from a combined mathematical modeling and experimental standpoint. We designed a novel mathematical framework to identify the most likely cells of origin of two glioma subtypes. Our mathematical model of the unperturbed in vivo system predicts that if a genetic event contributing to tumor initiation imparts symmetric self-renewing cell division (such as PDGF overexpression), then the cell of origin is a transit amplifier. Otherwise, the initiating mutations arise in stem cells. The mathematical framework was validated with the RCAS/tv-a system of somatic gene transfer in mice. We demonstrated that PDGF-induced gliomas can be derived from GFAP-expressing cells of the subventricular zone or the cortex (reactive astrocytes), thus validating the predictions of our mathematical model. This interdisciplinary approach allowed us to determine the likelihood that individual cell types serve as the cells of origin of gliomas in an unperturbed system

    Opinion: hazards faced by macromolecules when confined to thin aqueous films

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    Samples prepared for single-particle electron cryo-microscopy (cryo-EM) necessarily have a very high surface-to-volume ratio during the short period of time between thinning and vitrification. During this time, there is an obvious risk that macromolecules of interest may adsorb to the air-water interface with a preferred orientation, or that they may even become partially or fully unfolded at the interface. In addition, adsorption of macromolecules to an air-water interface may occur even before thinning. This paper addresses the question whether currently used methods of sample preparation might be improved if one could avoid such interfacial interactions. One possible way to do so might be to preemptively form a surfactant monolayer over the air-water interfaces, to serve as a structure-friendly slide and coverslip. An alternative is to immobilize particles of interest by binding them to some type of support film, which-to continue using the analogy-thus serves as a slide. In this case, the goal is not only to prevent the particles of interest from diffusing into contact with the air-water interface but also to increase the number of particles seen in each image. In this direction, it is natural to think of developing various types of affinity grids as structure-friendly alternatives to thin carbon films. Perhaps ironically, if precautions are not taken against adsorption of particles to air-water interfaces, sacrificial monolayers of denatured protein may take the roles of slide, coverslip, or even both

    Genetic and Functional Role of TNF-alpha in the Development Trypanosoma cruzi Infection

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    TNF-alpha plays an important role in trypanocidal mechanisms and is related to tissue injury. This cytokine has been detected in the heart of human chagasic patients where it is associated with tissue damage. This study investigated whether TNF-alpha levels and the presence of genetic polymorphisms are associated with the presence of T. cruzi infection and/or with the development of the cardiac form in chronic chagasic patients. Genomic DNA of 300 subjects from an endemic area was extracted and analyzed by PCR using specific primers. TNF-alpha was assayed in culture supernatants by ELISA. An association was observed between the absence of the TNF-238A allele and negative serology. Furthermore, seropositive individuals carrying the TNF-238A allele produced significantly higher TNF-alpha levels without stimulation (p = 0.04) and after stimulation with LPS (p = 0.007) and T. cruzi antigens (p = 0.004). The present results suggest that the polymorphism at position -238 influences susceptibility to infection and that this allele is associated with higher TNF-alpha production in seropositive individuals
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