10,378 research outputs found

    Response of the parasitoid Telenomus podisi to induced volatiles from soybean damaged by stink bug herbivory and oviposition.

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    Egg parasitoids have a short time frame in which their host eggs are suitable for parasitism, and in several systems these parasitoids respond to plant volatiles induced by oviposition on the plant (either in isolation or in combination with feeding damage) as a means of finding suitable hosts. It is known that the parasitoid of pentatomid eggs Telenomus podisi responds to damage done to soybeans by female Euschistus heros, its preferred host. ln this study our aim was to determine the type of E. heros damage to soybean (herbivory, oviposition or a combination of both) necessary for attraction of T. podisi. ln a Y-tube olfactometer the parasitoid has shown to respond to the undamaged plant over clcan air and herbivory-damaged plants over undamaged plants. However, the parasitoids did not respond to the treatments wherc oviposition occurred, either in isolation or in combination with herbivory. Analysis of volatile blends revealed that herbivory plus oviposition damage to soybean induced a volatile blend different to those induced when herbivory or oviposition occurred separately. These results, along with other results from this system, suggest that T. podisi uses plant volatile cues associated with female E. heros damage in order to be present when E. heros lays its eggs, and thus ensure its resource is optimal for parasitism

    Response of the parasitoid Telenomus podisi to induced volatiles from soybean damaged by stink bug herbivory and oviposition.

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    Egg parasitoids have a short time frame in which their host eggs are suitable for parasitism, and in several systems these parasitoids respond to plant volatiles induced by oviposition on the plant (either in isolation or in combination with feeding damage) as a means of finding suitable hosts. It is known that the parasitoid of pentatomid eggs Telenomus podisi responds to damage done to soybeans by female Euschistus heros, its preferred host. ln this study our aim was to determine the type of E. heros damage to soybean (herbivory, oviposition or a combination of both) necessary for attraction of T. podisi. ln a Y-tube olfactometer the parasitoid has shown to respond to the undamaged plant over clcan air and herbivory-damaged plants over undamaged plants. However, the parasitoids did not respond to the treatments wherc oviposition occurred, either in isolation or in combination with herbivory. Analysis of volatile blends revealed that herbivory plus oviposition damage to soybean induced a volatile blend different to those induced when herbivory or oviposition occurred separately. These results, along with other results from this system, suggest that T. podisi uses plant volatile cues associated with female E. heros damage in order to be present when E. heros lays its eggs, and thus ensure its resource is optimal for parasitism

    Agrotóxicos: avaliação ambiental.

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    Vibratory signals of four neotropical stink bug species.

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    The stink bugs Acrosternum impicticorne, Euschistus heros, Piezodorus guildinii and Thyanta perditor (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) feed and mate on the same host plants and constitute major components of the soybean pest complex in Brazil. During mating, they communicate with species and sex-specific vibratory signals whose spectral properties are characteristic of the subfamily Pentatominae. Songs differ between species in the time structure and amplitude modulation of their units. The repertoire of A. impicticorne, E. heros and T. perditor fits into the scheme described for most investigated stink bugs: females call with a sequence of pulses that differ between species in their duration and repetition rate, and males respond with courtship songs of species-specific temporal structure and amplitude modulation of complex pulse trains. Female calling and male courtship songs are the main constituents of vibratory communication between sexes in the mating period. The other vibratory emissions appear to represent either transitional songs, support recognition during close-range courtship, or are involved in male rivalry. The first recorded vibratory emissions of P. guildinii confirm that the genus Piezodorus represents an exception within the Pentatominae. Irregularly repeated female vibratory signals of P. guildinii do not trigger typical male courtship responses as they would in the small stink bugs Holcostethus strictus and Murgantia histrionica. On the other hand, complex rivalry with extensive frequency modulation of pulses, as also described in Piezodorus lituratus, opens a new insight into the role of vibratory communication in stink bug

    Electrostatic self-force in (2+1)-dimensional cosmological gravity

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    Point sources in (2+1)-dimensional gravity are conical singularities that modify the global curvature of the space giving rise to self-interaction effects on classical fields. In this work we study the electrostatic self-interaction of a point charge in the presence of point masses in (2+1)-dimensional gravity with a cosmological constant.Comment: 9 pages, Late

    Resíduo micropulverizado da moagem a seco de milho não afeta biodisponibilidade de zinco em ratos.

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    Trabalho apresentado no XV Congresso Latinoamericano de Nutricion e XVI Jornadas de la Sociedad Chilena de Nutrición, 2009, Santiago do Chile

    Nematic liquid crystal dynamics under applied electric fields

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    In this paper we investigate the dynamics of liquid crystal textures in a two-dimensional nematic under applied electric fields, using numerical simulations performed using a publicly available LIquid CRystal Algorithm (LICRA) developed by the authors. We consider both positive and negative dielectric anisotropies and two different possibilities for the orientation of the electric field (parallel and perpendicular to the two-dimensional lattice). We determine the effect of an applied electric field pulse on the evolution of the characteristic length scale and other properties of the liquid crystal texture network. In particular, we show that different types of defects are produced after the electric field is switched on, depending on the orientation of the electric field and the sign of the dielectric anisotropy.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    Adubação nitrogenada e inoculação com Azospirillum brasilense em algodoeiro.

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    De modo geral, no Brasil, o aproveitamento dos fertilizantes nitrogenados pelas plantas é relativamente baixo, chegando, em muitos casos, a menos que 50%. Nesse contexto, várias pesquisas têm apresentado como fonte alternativa para a economia de fertilizantes nitrogenados, a fixação biológica de nitrogênio (FBN), que pode suplementar ou até mesmo substituir a adubação nitrogenada, e o uso de bactérias promotoras do crescimento de plantas (BPCP), que atuam por meio de vários mecanismos, inclusive a FBN. O uso de BPCP em culturas de não leguminosas como milho, trigo e algumas pastagens é promissor. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a inoculação de sementes de algodão (nome científico) com Azospirillum brasilense melhora o efeito da adubação nitrogenada em cobertura.O experimento foi instalado em Santa Helena de Goiás, Goiás, Brasil. O algodoeiro foi semeado em dezembro de 2012 em sistema de semeadura direta, sob palhada de Brachiaria (=Urochloa) ruziziensis, utilizando sementes da cultivar BRS 370 RF, objetivando população de 110.000 plantas por hectare. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados com 4 repetiçoes com os tratamentos distribuídos em esquema fatorial 2x4, sendo dois tratamentos de semente: com e sem inoculação de A. brasilense estirpes Ab-V5 + Ab-V6 e quatro doses de nitrogênio (N) (0, 90, 180 e 270 kg ha-1 fornecido como uréia) aplicadas em cobertura. As doses de N foram aplicadas no algodoeiro, parceladas em duas coberturas até o início do florescimento. Na adubação de semeadura, todas as parcelas receberam o equivalente a 20 kg ha-1 de N. A inoculação foi realizada com inoculante turfos, na dose de 100 g por 25 kg de semente. As variáveis avaliadas foram: altura final de plantas; número de capulhos por planta (NCP); produtividade de algodão em caroço. Os resultados obtidos foram analisados estatisticamente por meio da análise de variância (teste F; Pr<0,01), análise de regressão para doses de N. A interação entre os fatores dose e tratamento de sementes não foi significativa. A inoculação com A. brasiliense não resultou em diferença nas variáveis estudadas. Já as doses de N influenciaram a altura de plantas, o NCP e a produtividade de algodão. O aumento da dose de N incrementou linearmente a altura de plantas eo NCP. A produtividade de algodão em caroço apresentou comportamento quadrático em função de doses de N, sendo a produtividade física máxima atingida com a dose estimada de 217 kg ha-1.Pode-se concluir que o algodoeiro semeado em sistema de semeadura direta, sob palhada de B. ruziziensis responde positivamente ao aumento da adubação nitrogenada de cobertura