750 research outputs found

    Observations of an expert

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    Battle in the planning office: Biased experts versus normative statisticians

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    Battle in the planning office: Biased experts versus normative statisticians

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    Inclusive growth through collective bargaining in the Netherlands

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    Розвиток машинобудування в Україні в контексті забезпечення розширеного відтворення економіки

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    У статті досліджено сучасне становище сегменту машинобудування України з наголосом на забезпечення відтворювальних процесів усередині галузі.В статье исследовано современное положение сегмента машиностроения Украины с акцентом на обеспечение воспроизводственных процессов внутри отрасли.This article explores contemporary situation of Ukrainian machine building segment with an emphasis on providing reproductive processes within the industry

    The Role of Medications in Predicting Activity Restriction Due to a Fear of Falling

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    Objectives: To examine the role of medication use and other factors in predicting activity restriction due to a fear of falling (AR/FF). Methods: Older adults were assessed twice with the interRAI Community Health Assessment and the Berg Balance Scale (BBS). The main outcome was limiting going outdoors due to an AR/FF. Medications were recorded by trained assessors. Results: Participants (n=441) had a mean age of 80.3 (sd=7.1) years, most were aged 65+ (96.8%) and 29.3% reported activity restriction. Taking nervous system active or cardiovascular medications was associated with AR/FF. In a multivariate model, the main predictors were having 3+ comorbid health conditions, lower (i.e., worse) scores on the BBS, having difficulty with climbing stairs, and having a visual impairment. Discussion: Modifiable risk factors, related to functional impairments, such as difficulties with balance and vision, appear to be more important predictors than medications

    Geographical patterns of deep mitochondrial differentiation in widespread Malagasy reptiles

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    Using sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene, we reconstructed the phylogeography of six widely distributed Malagasy reptiles: two gekkonid lizard species, Phelsuma lineata and Hemidactylus mercatorius; two chameleons, the Calumma brevicorne complex, and Furcifer lateralis; and two skinks, Trachylepis gravenhorstii and Trachylepis elegans. Genetic differentiation among major haplotype lineages was high and in some cases indicates or confirms species status of the divergent populations. Maximum uncorrected sequence divergences were between 2.2% and 8.3% within the various species or species complexes. Haplotype lineages were exclusive to geographic regions, except in the commensal H. mercatorius where in three anthropogenic habitats coexistence of haplotype lineages was observed, possibly due to human translocation. The eastward flowing rivers Mangoro and Mananara may represent barriers to gene flow in the case of three species each. Some species sampled from humid eastern and arid western Madagascar showed no differentiation between populations from these two regions; instead the pattern observed was in several cases more concordant with a differentiation along a north-south axis

    Mapping nitrate leaching to upper groundwater in the sandy regions of The Netherlands, using conceptual knowledge

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    The European Community asks its Member States to provide a comprehensive and coherent overview of their groundwater chemical status. It is stated that simple conceptual models are necessary to allow assessments of the risks of failing to meet quality objectives. In The Netherlands two monitoring networks (one for agriculture and one for nature) are operational, providing results which can be used for an overview. Two regression models, based upon simple conceptual models, link measured nitrate concentrations to data from remote sensing images of land use, national forest inventory, national cattle inventory, fertiliser use statistics, atmospheric N deposition, soil maps and weather monitoring. The models are used to draw a nitrate leaching map and to estimate the size of the area exceeding the EU limit value in the early 1990s. The 95% confidence interval for the fraction nature and agricultural areas where the EU limit value for nitrate (50 mg/l) was exceeded amounted to 0.77–0.85 while the lower 97.5% confidence limit for the fraction agricultural area where the EU limit value was exceeded amounted to 0.94. Although the two conceptual models can be regarded as simple, the use of the models to give an overview was experienced as complex

    A History of the Histories of Econometrics

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