606 research outputs found

    Modeling SNR Cassiopeia A from the Supernova Explosion to its Current Age: The role of post-explosion anisotropies of ejecta

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    The remnants of core-collapse supernovae (SNe) have complex morphologies that may reflect asymmetries and structures developed during the progenitor SN explosion. Here we investigate how the morphology of the SNR Cassiopeia A (Cas A) reflects the characteristics of the progenitor SN with the aim to derive the energies and masses of the post-explosion anisotropies responsible for the observed spatial distribution of Fe and Si/S. We model the evolution of Cas A from the immediate aftermath of the progenitor SN to the three-dimensional interaction of the remnant with the surrounding medium. The post-explosion structure of the ejecta is described by small-scale clumping of material and larger-scale anisotropies. The hydrodynamic multi-species simulations consider an appropriate post-explosion isotopic composition of the ejecta. The observed average expansion rate and shock velocities can be well reproduced by models with ejecta mass Mej≈4M⊙M_{\rm ej}\approx 4M_{\odot} and explosion energy ESN≈2.3×1051E_{\rm SN}\approx 2.3\times 10^{51} erg. The post-explosion anisotropies (pistons) reproduce the observed distributions of Fe and Si/S if they had a total mass of ≈0.25 M⊙\approx 0.25\,M_{\odot} and a total kinetic energy of ≈1.5×1050\approx 1.5\times 10^{50} erg. The pistons produce a spatial inversion of ejecta layers at the epoch of Cas A, leading to the Si/S-rich ejecta physically interior to the Fe-rich ejecta. The pistons are also responsible for the development of bright rings of Si/S-rich material which form at the intersection between the reverse shock and the material accumulated around the pistons during their propagation. Our result supports the idea that the bulk of asymmetries observed in Cas A are intrinsic to the explosion.Comment: 19 pages, 14 Figures; accepted for publication on Ap

    Supernova 1987A: a Template to Link Supernovae to their Remnants

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    The emission of supernova remnants reflects the properties of both the progenitor supernovae and the surrounding environment. The complex morphology of the remnants, however, hampers the disentanglement of the two contributions. Here we aim at identifying the imprint of SN 1987A on the X-ray emission of its remnant and at constraining the structure of the environment surrounding the supernova. We performed high-resolution hydrodynamic simulations describing SN 1987A soon after the core-collapse and the following three-dimensional expansion of its remnant between days 1 and 15000 after the supernova. We demonstrated that the physical model reproducing the main observables of SN 1987A during the first 250 days of evolution reproduces also the X-ray emission of the subsequent expanding remnant, thus bridging the gap between supernovae and supernova remnants. By comparing model results with observations, we constrained the explosion energy in the range 1.2−1.4×10511.2-1.4\times 10^{51}~erg and the envelope mass in the range 15−17M⊙15-17 M_{\odot}. We found that the shape of X-ray lightcurves and spectra at early epochs (<15 years) reflects the structure of outer ejecta: our model reproduces the observations if the outermost ejecta have a post-explosion radial profile of density approximated by a power law with index α=−8\alpha = -8. At later epochs, the shapes of X-ray lightcurves and spectra reflect the density structure of the nebula around SN 1987A. This enabled us to ascertain the origin of the multi-thermal X-ray emission, to disentangle the imprint of the supernova on the remnant emission from the effects of the remnant interaction with the environment, and to constrain the pre-supernova structure of the nebula.Comment: 16 pages, 11 Figures; accepted for publication on Ap

    Linking gamma-ray spectra of supernova remnants to the cosmic ray injection properties in the aftermath of supernovae

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    The acceleration times of the highest-energy particles which emit gamma-rays in young and middle-age SNRs are comparable with SNR age. If the number of particles starting acceleration was varying during early times after the supernova explosion then this variation should be reflected in the shape of the gamma-ray spectrum. We use the solution of the non-stationary equation for particle acceleration in order to analyze this effect. As a test case, we apply our method to describe gamma-rays from IC443. As a proxy of the IC443 parent supernova we consider SN1987A. First, we infer the time dependence of injection efficiency from evolution of the radio spectral index in SN1987A. Then, we use the inferred injection behavior to fit the gamma-ray spectrum of IC443. We show that the break in the proton spectrum needed to explain the gamma-ray emission is a natural consequence of the early variation of the cosmic ray injection, and that the very-high energy gamma-rays originate from particles which began acceleration during the first months after the supernova explosion. We conclude that the shape of the gamma-ray spectrum observed today in SNRs critically depends on the time variation of the cosmic ray injection process in the immediate post explosion phases. With the same model, we estimate also the possibility in the future to detect gamma-rays from SN 1987A.Comment: A&A, accepte

    Hard Extended X-ray Source in the IC 443 SNR Resolved by Chandra: A Fast Ejecta Fragment or a New Pulsar Wind Nebula?

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    A Chandra observation of the isolated hard X-ray source XMMU J061804.3+222732, located in the region of apparent interaction of the supernova remnant IC 443 with a molecular cloud, resolved the complex structure of the source in a few bright clumps embedded in an extended emission of a ~ 30 arcsec size. The X-ray spectra of the clumps and the extended emission are dominated by a hard power-law component with a photon index of 1.2--1.4. In addition, we see some indications of an optically thin thermal plasma of a ~ 0.3 keV temperature. The observed X-ray morphology and spectra are consistent with those expected for an isolated supernova ejecta fragment interacting with a dense ambient medium. A possible alternative interpretation is a pulsar wind nebula associated with either IC 443 or another SNR, G189.6+3.3.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters High resolution Images of Fig.1 are appende

    Comparison of Horizontal Ground Source (Geothermal) Heat Pump Layouts for Optimal Performance and Thermal Efficiency

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    This study investigates the difference in thermal efficiencies of horizontal ground source heat pump layouts through computer simulation and experimental modeling. The main objective of this project was to determine if the shape of the layout affects the total heat exchange in a horizontal geothermal system. Geothermal energy is power extracted from the Earth and studies have been focused on increasing the efficiency of the heat transfer from the Earth to the system. Steady state and transient thermal analyses were conducted on two horizontal layout shapes, a U-loop and a coil, in ANSYS Fluent. This system was not full size, both of the layouts were about 2.1 meters in length. The steady state analyses show that the coil shape is more efficient with a steady state heat transfer rate of 8.3 W, compared to 7.5 W produced by the U-loop. A transient simulation was also conducted for each layout and the results were dependent upon initial conditions. Setting different initial conditions to the soil and the working fluid resulted in slightly higher heat transfer rates initially. An experimental model of the coil layout was constructed and the results were compared to the results of the ANSYS simulations. The results from the experimental testing were inconclusive. However, for the conditions tested in the computational analyses, the coil shape produced more heat transfer than the U-loop shape, indicating that the shape of the layout does affect the total heat transfer, due to carry over heating through the soil

    The plerion nebula in IC 443: the XMM-Newton view

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    \xmm ~observations of the X-ray feature 1SAX J0617.1+2221 in the IC443 supernova remnant are reported.We resolve the structure of the nebula into a compact core with a hard spectrum of photon index γ=1.63−0.10+0.11\gamma= 1.63^{+0.11}_{-0.10} in the 2--10 keV energy range. The nebula also has an extended (\sim 8\arcmin \times 5\arcmin) X-ray halo, much larger than the radio emission extension. The photon index softens, following a linear scaling with distance from the centroid, similar to other known X-ray plerions. The index range is compatible with synchrotron burn-off models. All the observational evidence points toward a confirmation of the plerionic nature of the nebula, as recently suggested by a \ch observation, but with characteristics more similar to "non Crab-like" plerions. We discuss the implications on the synchrotron nebula magnetic field if the >100>100 MeV emission reported by {\it CGRO EGRET} is produced by the synchrotron emission. We also constrain the thermal emission of the central object, arguing that the surface temperature should be around 0.1 keV, although other possible fits cannot be excluded on the base of the \xmm dataComment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Color PDF file ftp://astro.estec.esa.nl/pub/sciproj/fbocchin_h2804.pdf. Color PS file http://www.astropa.unipa.it/biblioteca/OAPA_preprints/h2804.ps.g

    Hydrodynamic modelling of ejecta shrapnel in the Vela supernova remnant

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    Many supernova remnants (SNRs) are characterized by a knotty ejecta structure. The Vela SNR is an excellent example of remnant in which detached clumps of ejecta are visible as X-ray emitting bullets that have been observed and studied in great detail. We aim at modelling the evolution of ejecta shrapnel in the Vela SNR, investigating the role of their initial parameters (position and density) and addressing the effects of thermal conduction and radiative losses. We performed a set of 2-D hydrodynamic simulations describing the evolution of a density inhomogeneity in the ejecta profile. We explored different initial setups. We found that the final position of the shrapnel is very sensitive to its initial position within the ejecta, while the dependence on the initial density contrast is weaker. Our model also shows that moderately overdense knots can reproduce the detached features observed in the Vela SNR. Efficient thermal conduction produces detectable effects by determining an efficient mixing of the ejecta knot with the surrounding medium and shaping a characteristic elongated morphology in the clump.Comment: Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    XMM-Newton observations of the supernova remnant IC443: I. soft X-ray emission from shocked interstellar medium

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    The shocked interstellar medium around IC443 produces strong X-ray emission in the soft energy band (E<1.5 keV). We present an analysis of such emission as observed with the EPIC MOS cameras on board the XMM-Newotn observatory, with the purpose to find clear signatures of the interactions with the interstellar medium (ISM) in the X-ray band, which may complement results obtained in other wavelenghts. We found that the giant molecular cloud mapped in CO emission is located in the foreground and gives an evident signature in the absorption of X-rays. This cloud may have a torus shape and the part of torus interacting with the IC443 shock gives rise to 2MASS-K emission in the southeast. The measured density of emitting X-ray shocked plasma increases toward the northeastern limb, where the remnant is interacting with an atomic cloud. We found an excellent correlation between emission in the 0.3-0.5 keV band and bright optical/radio filament on large spatial scales. The partial shell structure seen in this band therefore traces the encounter with the atomic cloud.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ (20 September 2006, v649). For hi-res figures, see http://www.astropa.unipa.it/Library/OAPA_preprints/ic443ele1.ps.g
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