72 research outputs found

    Suppression of collisional shifts in a strongly interacting lattice clock

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    Optical lattice clocks have the potential for extremely high frequency stability owing to the simultaneous interrogation of many atoms, but this precision may come at the cost of systematic inaccuracy due to atomic interactions. Density-dependent frequency shifts can occur even in a clock that uses fermionic atoms if they are subject to inhomogeneous optical excitation [1, 2]. Here we present a seemingly paradoxical solution to this problem. By dramatically increasing the strength of atomic interactions, we suppress collisional shifts in lattice sites containing NN > 1 atoms; strong interactions introduce an energy splitting into the system, and evolution into a many-particle state in which collisions occur is inhibited. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach with the JILA Sr lattice clock by reducing both the collisional frequency shift and its uncertainty by more than a factor of ten [3], to the level of 101710^{-17}. This result eliminates the compromise between precision and accuracy in a many-particle system, since both will continue to improve as the particle number increases.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Heisenberg-Limited Atom Clocks Based on Entangled Qubits

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    We present a quantum-enhanced atomic clock protocol based on groups of sequentially larger Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states that achieves the best clock stability allowed by quantum theory up to a logarithmic correction. Importantly the protocol is designed to work under realistic conditions where the drift of the phase of the laser interrogating the atoms is the main source of decoherence. The simultaneous interrogation of the laser phase with a cascade of GHZ states realizes an incoherent version of the phase estimation algorithm that enables Heisenberg-limited operation while extending the coherent interrogation time beyond the laser noise limit. We compare and merge the new protocol with existing state of the art interrogation schemes, and identify the precise conditions under which entanglement provides an advantage for clock stabilization: it allows a significant gain in the stability for short averaging time.Physic

    Probing many-body interactions in an optical lattice clock

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    We present a unifying theoretical framework that describes recently observed many-body effects during the interrogation of an optical lattice clock operated with thousands of fermionic alkaline earth atoms. The framework is based on a many-body master equation that accounts for the interplay between elastic and inelastic p-wave and s-wave interactions, finite temperature effects and excitation inhomogeneity during the quantum dynamics of the interrogated atoms. Solutions of the master equation in different parameter regimes are presented and compared. It is shown that a general solution can be obtained by using the so called Truncated Wigner Approximation which is applied in our case in the context of an open quantum system. We use the developed framework to model the density shift and decay of the fringes observed during Ramsey spectroscopy in the JILA (^87)Sr and NIST (^171)Yb optical lattice clocks. The developed framework opens a suitable path for dealing with a variety of strongly-correlated and driven open-quantum spin systems

    Collective atomic scattering and motional effects in a dense coherent medium

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    We investigate collective emission from coherently driven ultracold 88Sr atoms. We perform two sets of experiments using a strong and weak transition that are insensitive and sensitive, respectively, to atomic motion at 1 μK. We observe highly directional forward emission with a peak intensity that is enhanced, for the strong transition, by >103 compared with that in the transverse direction. This is accompanied by substantial broadening of spectral lines. For the weak transition, the forward enhancement is substantially reduced due to motion. Meanwhile, a density-dependent frequency shift of the weak transition (∼10% of the natural linewidth) is observed. In contrast, this shift is suppressed to <1% of the natural linewidth for the strong transition. Along the transverse direction, we observe strong polarization dependences of the fluorescence intensity and line broadening for both transitions. The measurements are reproduced with a theoretical model treating the atoms as coherent, interacting radiating dipoles