336 research outputs found

    Disperse two-phase flows, with applications to geophysical problems

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    In this paper we study the motion of a fluid with several dispersed particles whose concentration is very small (smaller than 10−3), with possible applications to problems coming from geophysics, meteorology, and oceanography. We consider a very dilute suspension of heavy particles in a quasi-incompressible fluid (low Mach number). In our case the Stokes number is small and --as pointed out in the theory of multiphase turbulence-- we can use an Eulerian model instead of a Lagrangian one. The assumption of low concentration allows us to disregard particle--particle interactions, but we take into account the effect of particles on the fluid (two-way coupling). In this way we can study the physical effect of particle inertia (and not only passive tracers), with a model similar to the Boussinesq equations. The resulting model is used in both direct numerical simulations and large eddy simulations of a dam-break (lock-exchange) problem, which is a well-known academic test case. Keywords: Dilute suspensions, Eulerian models, direct and large eddy simulations, slightly compressible flows, dam-break (lock-exchange) problem

    Path Approximation Strategies for Robot Manufacturing: A Preliminary Experimental Evaluation

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    Industrial Robots (IRs) are increasingly adopted for material subtraction or deposition functions owing to their advantages over machine tools, like cost-effectiveness and versatility. Unfortunately, the development of efficient robot manufacturing processes still faces unsolved issues related to the IRs poor positioning accuracy and to the tool path generation process. Novel engineering methods and tools are needed for CAD based programming of accurate paths and continuous robot motions to obtain the required manufacturing quality and tolerances. Within this context, to achieve smoothness along the tool path formed by linear G-code segments, the IR controllers’ approximation strategies, summarily reported in the manufacturer’s manuals, must be considered. The aim of this paper is to present the preliminary work carried out to identify the approximation algorithms of a Kuka IR when executing linear moves. An experimental study is conducted by varying the controller settings and the maximum translational velocity. The robot behavior has been acquired thanks to the controller tracing function and then processed to yield relations readily employable for the interpretation of G-Code commands and the subsequent generation of proper robot motion instructions. The obtained formulas allow to accurately predict the robot geometric path and kinematics within the corner transition between two linear segments

    Virtual Prototyping of a Flexure-based RCC Device for Automated Assembly

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    The actual use of Industrial Robots (IR) for assembly systems requires the exertion of suitable strategies allowing to overcome shortcomings about IR poor precision and repeatability. In this paper, the practical issues that emerge during common \ue2\u80\u9cpeg-in-hole\ue2\u80\u9d assembly procedures are discussed. In particular, the use of passive Remote Center of Compliance (RCC) devices, capable of compensating the IR non-optimal performance in terms of repeatability, is investigated. The focus of the paper is the design and simulation of a flexure-based RCC that allows the prevention of jamming, due to possible positioning inaccuracies during peg insertion. The proposed RCC architecture comprises a set of flexural hinges, whose behavior is simulated via a CAE tool that provides built-in functions for modelling the motion of compliant members. For given friction coefficients of the contact surfaces, these numerical simulations allow to determine the maximum lateral and angular misalignments effectively manageable by the RCC device

    Adaptive phenotypic plasticity of the native forage grass Paspalum fasciculatum: a trait relevant to climatic changes in wetlands.

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    This study has been conducted to detect natural forage species having adaptive phenotypic plasticity in wetlands to withstand extreme conditions in drought/flooding cycles.(Embrapa Gado de Corte. Documentos, 216). Coordenador Roberto Giolo de Almeida. II SIGEE. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 01 dez. 2016

    Compliant actuation based on dielectric elastomers for a force-feedback device: modeling and experimental evaluation

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    Thanks to their large power densities, low costs and shock-insensitivity, Dielectric Elastomers (DE)seem to be a promising technology for the implementation of light and compact force-feedback devices such as,for instance, haptic interfaces. Nonetheless, the development of these kinds of DE-based systems is not trivialowing to the relevant dissipative phenomena that affect the DE when subjected to rapidly changingdeformations. In this context, the present paper addresses the development of a force feedback controller foran agonist-antagonist linear actuator composed of a couple of conically-shaped DE films and a compliantmechanism behaving as a negative-rate bias spring. The actuator is firstly modeled accounting for the viscohyperelasticnature of the DE material. The model is then linearized and employed for the design of a forcecontroller. The controller employs a position sensor, which determines the actuator configuration, and a forcesensor, which measures the interaction force that the actuator exchanges with the environment. In addition, anoptimum full-state observer is also implemented, which enables both accurate estimation of the time-dependentbehavior of the elastomeric material and adequate suppression of the sensor measurement noise. Preliminaryexperimental results are provided to validate the proposed actuator-controller architectur

    Descrição de sistemas de criação tradicionais de ovinos da Nhecolândia, Pantanal, MS.

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo principal resgatar o conhecimento empírico sobre o sistema de criação tradicional de ovinos no Pantanal, caracterizando-o e descrevendo-o a partir de oito fazendas da sub-região da Nhecolândia, Pantanal, MS. Devido a crescente demanda do mercado por carne ovina, os produtores do Pantanal podem diversificar a produção animal. A região apresenta potencial para a produção de ovelhas pantaneiras para cruzamentos no planalto, produção de cordeiros (orgânicos), produção de subsistência da fazenda, entre outros. Para tanto, há a necessidade de desenvolver práticas sustentáveis de manejo da ovinocultura no Pantanalbitstream/item/80589/1/CT94.pd

    An elementary proof of uniqueness of the particle trajectories for solutions of a class of shear-thinning non-Newtonian 2D fluids

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    We prove some regularity results for a class of two dimensional non-Newtonian fluids. By applying results from [Dashti and Robinson, Nonlinearity, 22 (2009), 735-746] we can then show uniqueness of particle trajectories

    Identificação preliminar de grupos funcionais em pastagens nativas no Pantanal.

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    As pastagens nativas do Pantanal são dinâmicas, principalmente devido às inundações periódicas. O conhecimento sobre os grupos funcionais dos estados de transição dessas comunidades é de extrema importância no manejo para resiliência do ecossistema. Este artigo objetivou identificar grupos funcionais de plantas em uma borda de baía, influenciada por inundação e superpastejo, de bovinos ao longo do tempo. O trabalho foi desenvolvido na borda de uma lagoa superpastejada na fazenda Nhumirim, sub-região da Nhecolândia, Pantanal, no período de setembro 2007 a março 2010