2 research outputs found

    Experimental study on hollow section joints under impact loading

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    U ovom se radu analizira udarna otpornost čeličnih profila s četiri različite vrste priključaka. Za te je potrebe razvijeno ispitivanje uređajem s padajućim teretom. Ispitivanja otpornosti na udarno opterećenje provedena su za dvije razine energije. Izrađeni su i prikazani dijagrami ubrzanja i vremena, pomaka i vremena, udarnog opterećenja u vremenu te odnosa udarnog opterećenja i pomaka. Utvrđeno je da na ponašanje uzoraka utječe vrsta priključka i nanesena udarna energija. Do sloma oštećenjem dolazi ranije kod niže krutosti uzoraka te pri nanošenju više razine udarne energije.Steel sections with four different joint types, subjected to sudden impact, are investigated in this study. A drop weight test setup was developed for this purpose. Impact tests were performed for two different energy levels. Acceleration-time, displacement-time, impact load-time, and impact load-displacement graphs were developed and presented. It was established that the behaviour of test specimens is affected by joint types and impact energy applied. Failure damage situation occurs earlier when rigidity of specimens decreases and when higher level of impact energy is applied

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Steel Sections under Impact Effect

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    U radu se analizira eksperimentalno i numeričko ponašanje čeličnih ispitnih uzoraka s različitim vrstama priključaka. U tu svrhu korišten je uređaj s padajućim utegom. Kako bi se primijenila ista količina udarne energije na ispitne uzorke, masa i visina udarnog utega uzete su kao konstante. Eksperimentalnim istraživanjem dobivene su vrijednosti ubrzanja, pomaka, udarnog opterećenja, broja ispusta i trajanja pada. Tijekom ispitivanja pratilo se i širenje oštećenja na ispitnim uzorcima. Provedena je i numerička analiza ponašanja uzoraka uslijed udarnog opterećenja pomoću računalnog programa Abaqus te je napravljena usporedba rezultata.Experimental and numerical behaviour of steel test specimens with various types of joints is investigated in this study. A drop weight test setup with necessary test equipment is used for this purpose. The mass and drop height of the hammer is taken to be constant so that the same impact energy can be applied on test specimens. The acceleration, displacement, impact load, drop numbers and drop durations, are obtained through experimental study. In addition, development of damage to test specimens is observed during tests. Numerical analyses of behaviour of test specimens under impact load are also conducted to verify test results using the Abaqus software, and a comparison of results is made