22 research outputs found


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    Abstract: At the kindergarten, learning is based on 6 aspects in the form of physical, motor, emotional, social, artistic, moral, cognitive and language aspects. One way to realize this is by making batik. There are various techniques on how to make batik, according to the service team, jumputan batik is the most appropriate one to use. Jumputan batik art can improve and develop children's fine motor skills. Steps taken by hands-on practice of making jumputan batik. In general, the service team provides theories to gain insight and knowledge about the art of batik, especially the jumputan batik technique and various jumputan batik motifs that can be formed. The next step, all partisipan divided the participants into small groups, each group of 5 teachers and accompanied by 1 service team. The practice was carried out independently, then the service team asked each group to present their work and explain the jumputan technique of picking them up so that the motif was formed. The final activity is an evaluation. In general, this service activity went smoothly in accordance with the expectations of the service team.Abstrak: Pada masa taman kanak-kanak, pembelajaran didasarkan pada 6 aspek yang berupa aspek fisik motorik, emosi, sosial, seni, moral, kognitif dan bahasa. Salah satu cara untuk merealisasikan hal tersebut adalah dengan membatik. Terdapat bermacam-macam Teknik cara membatik, menurut tim pengabdi batik jumputan adalah yang paling tepat digunakan. Seni membatik jumputan dapat meningkatkan dan mengembangkan kemampuan motorik halus anak. Langkah yang dilakukan dengan praktik secara langsung membuat batik jumputan. Secara umum tim pengabdi memberikan teori guna menambah wawasan dan ilmu pengetahuan tentang seni membatik terutama teknik batik jumputan serta beragam motif batik jumputan yang dapat dibentuk. Langkah selanjutnya tim membagi peserta ke dalam kelompok-kelompok kecil, setiap kelompok 5 orang guru dan didampingi oleh 1 orang tim pengabdi. Praktik secara mandiri dilakukan, kemudian tim pengabdi meminta setiap kelompok untuk mempresentasikan hasil karyanya serta menjelaskan Teknik menjumputnya sehingga terbentuk motif tersebut. Kegiatan akhir berupa evaluasi. Secara umum kegiatan pengabdian ini berjalan dengan lancar sesuai dengan harapan tim pengabdi


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    Abstract: This research was carried out on the basis of the awareness of the devotees who were moved by their enthusiasm for the people of the Rapah Ombo hamlet. This activity is a unique activity that has never existed in the village so that residents and children are very enthusiastic about participating in this activity. This activity was carried out in the hamlet of Rapah Ombo which is a partner in this service activity, which is one of the hamlets left behind in Jombang Regency because of the difficulty of road access to Dusun Rapah Ombo. This activity is carried out through the Community Learning method or learning community known as the People's School with a Super Camp approach which is a more familiar designation in the ears of the Rapah Ombo community. The results of this study are community service which has been carried out by 60 participants who were divided into 12 groups, each group of 5 people, each group prepared 1 tent, the participants took part in this activity until the end which was closed in the morning with outbound activities and distribution. gifts as an appreciation for their enthusiasm for participating in this activity. This activity is important to continue because it has made the people of the rapah ombo hamlet go viral because it has changed the civilization that initially studied only indoors, now becomes more enthusiastic because they can learn while playing with a tent as a place for them to take shelter.Keywords: People's School, Super Camp, Rapah OmboAbstrak: Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan atas dasar kesadaran dari pengabdi sebagai pemerhati keilmuan yang tergugah semangatnya kepada masyarakat dusun Rapah Ombo kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan unik yang belum pernah ada di desa tersebut sehingga warga dan anak -anak sangat antusias mengikuti kegiatan ini. Kegiatan ini di laksanakan di dusun rapah ombo yang merupakan mitra dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini, merupakan salah satu dusun yang tertinggal di Kabupaten Jombang sulitnya akses jalan menuju Dusun Rapah Ombo. Kegiatan ini di lakukan melalui metode learning Community atau masyarakat belajar yag di kenal dengan sebutan Sekolah Rakyat dengan pendekatan Super camp yang merupakan sebutan yang lebih femilier di telinga ,masyarakat rapah ombo. Adapun hasil dari Pengabdian ini adalah Pengabdian masyarakat yang telah di lakukan 60 peserta yang di bagi menjadi 12 kelompok setiap kelompok ada 5 orang yang setiap kelompok di siapkan 1 tenda, para peserta mengikuti kegiatan ini hingga selesai yang pagi nya di tutup dengan kegiatan outbond dan pembagian hadiah sebagai apresiasi atas semangat mereka mengikuti kegiatan ini. Kegiatan ini penting untuk terus diadakan karena menjadikan masyarakat dusun rapah ombo menjadi viral karena mengubah peradaban yang awalnya belajar hanya dalam ruangan sekarang menjadi lebih semangat karena bisa belajar sambil bermain dengan tenda sebagai tempat mereka berteduh.Kata kunci: Sekolah Rakyat, Super Camp, Rapah Omb

    TRECB (Transformative Reflexive Empowering Character Building) Based Practice Student Profile in Elementary Schools

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    The era is so sophisticated, information is developing rapidly, of course accompanied by side effects, namely moral decline, thus the researchers take a solution attitude. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the application of the TRECB model. Information Gathering, Planning, developing initial product forms, initial field tests, main product revisions, main field tests, operational product revisions, operational field tests, final product revisions, and dissemination and implementation of the results of the research from 7 schools the researchers visited 60% that is 4 schools have implemented character education, then 3 schools still have not used the right method in its implementation so researchers found an effective formula in formulating the TRECB model character education with 4P+1i services namely introduction, practice, repetition, habituation , and internalization, research results this is the realization of a significant change of 80% to the realization of an internalized character profile in students, character habituation has begun to cultivate the essence of children who are consciously carrying out good behavior, so that it can be concluded that the idea of developing the TRECBEducational Model is a solution to reflect better changes in student character elementary school that we desire without any coercion the students carry out good character habituation


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    Usia dini adalah usia yang paling tepat dalam menerima pengetahuan dan pengalaman yangbersifat kreatif. Usia ini juga merupakan periode emas, dimana kecepatan penyerapan materi berjalandengan sangat pesat. Oleh karena itu perlu diberikan pengalaman yang memadukan unsur otak kanakdan otak kiri melalui kegiatan kreatif mengaktaulisasikan diri salah satunya adalah kegiatan seni. BatikJumputan merupakan satu kegiatan yang dapat memberikan pengalaman kreatif sekaligus menghasilkanproduk kreatif yang bernilai guna serta berdampak pada aspek afektif yaitu nilai-nilai pendidikankarakter misal ketelatenan, kerjasama, percaya diri serta kemandirian. Guru dituntut memiliki perandalam proses pendampingan peserta didik khususnya adalah usia dini. Pelatihan membatik jumputan inidiharapkan dapat menjadi sarana aktivitas yang dapat dijadikan bekal guru dalam menyiapkanpembelajaran yang berkualitas untuk peserta didik di sekolah dalam jangka panjang


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    This study aimed to encourage students to learn by using reward board-assisted CRH model in order to measure the students’ learning outcomes at grade II elementary school. This study applied course review horay (CRH) model assisted by reward board media on Theme 6: “Merawat Hewan dan Tumbuhan” at SDN Jatirejo. The study was an experimental method with Pre-Experimental Design in the form of Intact-Group Comparison. The subjects were students at grade II SDN Jatirejo in academic year 2019/2020. Data were collected through observations and written tests to measure students’ learning outcomes before and after the treatment. Then, the data were analyzed by using t-test formula in order to determine the effect of the treatment in the experimental and control groups. The results revealed that reward board-assisted course review horay model were more attractive and students actively participated in learning so that the teacher could easily deliver teaching materials. It was found that the average score of the experimental group was 11.843 with a very good category  while the average score of the control group was 11,655. This indicated that reward board- assisted course review horay model significantly influenced on the students’ learning outcomes in the experimental group compared to the conventional learning model implemented in the control group. The results of this study was expected to give a contribution as a source of information input and consideration for institutions related to learning theme 6 grade II elementary school. The conclusion from this research was the influence of reward board-assisted CRH model influenced the students’ learning outcomes at grade II elementary school


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    The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the use of 3-D learning media towards the student’s Indonesian learning result of 2nd grade students in SDI Sabilillah on the sketch material. The type of research used was Quasi Experiment. The subjects of the study were 2nd grade students in SDI Sabilillah in year 2019/2020 which were divided into experimental class and control class. The results of the pretest and posttest tests conducted were obtained an average pretest result of 49.5 and an average posttest of 70.25 in the control class, and the average results of the pretest 50 and an average posttest of 80.25 in the experimental class. After the t test was performed on the pretest and posttest in the control class to get the results of thitung> ttable or 3.67> 2.093 then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, so it could be concluded that there was a positive influence on the control class. T test results in the experimental class were thitung> ttable or 3.73> 2.093 then Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, so it could be concluded that there was a positive influence on Indonesian language learning by using 3-D media. When it was compared to the t test in the experimental class and the control class, namely (3.73)> (3.67) it could be seen that there was a difference between the experimental class using 3-D learning media and the control class using conventional learning, and the influence of using 3-D media were greater than conventional learning

    Pembuatan Hasta Karya Sederhana Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Tali Temali Pada Matakuliah Kepramukaan Mahasiswa PGSD FIP UNHASY

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    Penelitian dengan judul pembuatan hasta karya sederhana untuk meningkatkan kemampuan tali temali pada matakuliah kepramukaan mahasiswa PGSD FIP UNHASY adalah penelitian yang diangkat guna meningkatkan kemampuan mahasiswa dalam bidang keterampilan untuk berkegiatan pramuka. Alur action research atau yang biasa kita kenal dengan nama PTK merupakan desain yang ada dalam penelitian ini. Tahapan dalam penelitian ini mengacu pada tahapan PTK secara umum, yaitu berupa perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Dua siklus merupakan rencana ideal yang akan dilakukan guna melihat kemampuan yang akan diperoleh oleh mahasiwa dalam melaksanakan matakuliah kepramukaaan materi tali temali dalam pembuatan hasta karya sederhana. Hasil pelaksanaan penelitian menunjukkan semua tahapan dalam alur PTK terlaksana dan terlewati dengan baik. Berdasarkan penelitian yang sudah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan hasil keterampilan mahasiswa kelas 1B PGSD FIP UNHASY ada peningkatan, Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan prosentase ketuntasan hasil hasta karya mahasiswa meningkat dari 57% di siklus I menjadi 91% di siklus II. Berdasarkan hasil keterampilan hasta karya mahasiswa menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan tali temali sangat membantu mahasiswa dalam menyelesaikan kegiatan membuat hasta karya


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    Abstract: Class 12 is the decision to choose a major in a university that will support hiscareer in the future. From the results of interviews with teachers of MA Midanutta'limJogoroto Jombang, graduates in 2020 around 55% continue their studies to college and45% go straight to work. 12th graders have difficulty choosing college majors and careerplaces for those who work, partly because they do not know their talents and interests,especially developing these talents and interests. The service that is done to the 12th gradestudents of MA Midanutta'lim Jogoroto Jombang is to create a clinical class incollaboration with the BK teacher. The clinical class went through several stages: (1)Conducting training and mentoring for students in finding talents and interests; (2)Conduct training and mentoring for students in finding appropriate multiple intelligencesbased on Multiple Intelligences; (3) Provide assistance to parents and students todetermine college majors; (4) and direct the right career


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    Abstract: The change in learning patterns looks massive due to the Covid-19 pandemic. ProjectLearning is one of the learning methods to get optimal results according to the imagination, creativityand innovation of students. The Innovative learning model course is a compulsory basic course forprospective teachers that requires students to be active in learning the material and at the same time itcan be practiced when they become teachers. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of projectlearning on student activity in innovative learning models. The subjects of this study were 4th semesterscience students who were taking online lectures. The results showed that student activity in projectactivities was in the high category of 72.7% and student activity in understanding the innovativelearning model was in the medium category 63.6%. Student responses to project learning are includedin the high category of 81.8%. Mastery of student concepts has increased from 65.8 to 85.8. Based onthe research, it was concluded that project learning was effective on student activity in online learningwith innovative learning models

    The Implementation Of Ananda's Ringing Program Based On Linking Books To Improve Grade 1 Learning Discipline

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    This research is motivated by the lack of learning discipline of students at SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid Jombang. Student learning discipline is formed from a good behavior that must be gradually and continuously applied. One of the implementations is to implement a link book-based ananda ring program. The objectives to be achieved in this research are to improve students' learning discipline through ananda ringing program based on connecting books, describe the form of student learning phenomena and describe how to grow student discipline at SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid Jombang. This study uses a qualitative approach with a qualitative descriptive type of research. The subjects of this study were parents, classroom teachers and students. The data collection method used is the method of observation, interviews and documentation. The validity of the data was obtained by using source triangulation, time triangulation and technical triangulation. The results showed that; 1) Ananda ringing program based on the link book is able to improve the learning discipline of SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid Jombang students. 2) Efforts to foster student learning discipline at SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid is to use the Ananda ringing program which is supported by forming a TPDS (School Discipline Enforcement Team). 3) The form of student learning discipline can be seen from the increase in 3 aspects, namely; a) aspects of worship, b) social aspects, and c) aspects of independence.Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya kedisiplinan belajar peserta didik di SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid Jombang. Kedisiplinan belajar peserta didik terbentuk dari suatu perilaku baik yang harus secara bertahap dan dalam waktu yang berkelanjutan diterapkan. Salah satu penerapan yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengimplementasikan program dering ananda berbasis buku penghubung. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah meningkatkan kedisiplinan belajar peserta didik melalui program dering ananda berbasis buku penghubung, mendeskripsikan bentuk fenomena belajar peserta didik dan mendeskripsikan cara menumbuhkan kedisiplinan peserta didik dan di SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid Jombang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah orang tua, guru kelas dan peserta didik. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Keabsahan data diperoleh dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber, triangulasi waktu dan triangulasi teknik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa; 1) Program dering ananda berbasis buku penghubung mampu meningkatkan kedisiplinan belajar peserta didik SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid Jombang. 2) Upaya menumbuhkan kedisiplin belajar peserta didik di SDIT Ar Ruhul Jadid adalah dengan menggunakan program dering ananda yang ditunjang dengan membentuk TPDS (Tim Penegak Kedisiplinan Sekolah). 3) Bentuk kedisiplinan belajar peserta didik dapat dilihat dari meningkatnya 3 aspek, yaitu; a) aspek ibadah, b) aspek sosial, dan c) aspek kemandirian.&nbsp