1,259 research outputs found


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    The European Commission is currently preparing to implement a new form of carbon regulation a cross-border carbon tax. As conceived by the authors, such a decision will force exporters of goods with a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions during production to improve the environmental friendliness of production and, as a result, to reduce their carbon footprint. In addition, the carbon tax will create a competitive advantage for foreign companies with low greenhouse gas emissions. Such a policy of the European Union can seriously affect the economy of the Russian Federation and Russian companies that are export-oriented. Today, all over the world, more and more importance is attached to environmentally neutral technologies and industries. To keep up with the global trend, as well as to maintain the level of competitiveness, the Russian economy needs to adapt. The speed and efficiency of adaptation directly depend on system solutions both at the state level (development of the necessary regulatory legal acts and standards for reporting and disclosure of information) and at the level of enterprises most sensitive to carbon regulation (audit of the carbon footprint, modernization of production facilities, responsible approach to neutralization carbon footprint). The purpose of this work is to study the impact of carbon regulation mechanisms on the development of industry in the Russian Federation, in accordance with it, the following tasks are formed: to describe the mechanisms of carbon regulation, to assess the economic impact on the domestic industry, to consider world practices of confirming the carbon footprint, to identify threats to implementation of the national program “International cooperation and export” from the introduction of carbon regulation.В настоящее время Европейская комиссия готовится к реализации новой формы углеродного регулирования – трансграничного углеродного налога. По задумке авторов, подобное решение принудит экспортеров товаров со значительным количеством выбросов парниковых газов при производстве к повышению экологичности производств и, как следствие, к снижению углеродного следа. Помимо этого, углеродный налог создаст конкурентное преимущество для зарубежных компаний с незначительными выбросами парниковых газов. Такая политика Европейского союза может серьезно отразиться на экономике Российской Федерации и российских компаниях, ориентированных на экспорт продукции. В настоящее время во всем мире все большее значение придается экологически нейтральным технологиям и производствам. Чтобы соответствовать общемировому тренду, а также для поддержания уровня конкурентоспособности, российской экономике необходимо адаптироваться. Скорость и эффективность адаптации напрямую зависят от системных решений как на государственном уровне (разработка необходимых нормативных правовых актов и стандартов отчетности и раскрытия информации), так и на уровне предприятий, наиболее чувствительных к углеродному регулированию (аудит углеродного следа, модернизация производств, ответственный подход к нейтрализации углеродного следа). Цель настоящей работы состоит в том, чтобы исследовать влияние механизмов углеродного регулирования на развитие промышленности в РФ, в соответствии с ней формируются следующие задачи: описать механизмы углеродного регулирования, дать оценку экономического влияния на отечественную промышленность, рассмотреть мировые практики подтверждения угле родного следа, определить угрозы для исполнения национальной программы «Международная кооперация и экспорт» от введения углеродного регулирования


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    This article discusses the issues of dependence of power engineering in the Russian Federation on imported equipment in general and in the field of gas turbine technologies. The paper describes the features of foreign-made equipment that is operated at the power facilities of the Russian Federation, identifies the countries that produce the installed foreign equipment in the power industry. Possible economic consequences for the energy-intensive industry from the implementation of the program for the modernization of generating equipment within the framework of the import substitution program are estimated. The forecast scenario of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on power consumption in the UNEG and the program for the modernization of generating equipment is also presented.В настоящей статье рассматриваются вопросы зависимости энергетического машиностроения в Российской Федерации от импортного оборудования в целом и в области газотурбинных технологий. В работе описаны особенности оборудования иностранного производства, которое эксплуатируется на объектах электроэнергетики Российской Федерации, выделены страны – производители установленного иностранного оборудования в электроэнергетической отрасли. Оценены возможные экономические последствия для энергоемкой промышленности от реализации программы модернизации генерирующего оборудования в рамках программы импортозамещения. Также представлен прогнозный сценарий влияния пандемии коронавируса на электропотребление в ЕНЭС и программу модернизации генерирующего оборудования

    Present and Future Gamma-Ray Probes of the Cygnus OB2 Environment

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    The MAGIC Collaboration has provided new observational data pertaining to the TeV J2032+4130 gamma-ray source (within the Cygnus OB2 region), for energies E_gamma >400 GeV. It is then appropriate to update the impact of these data on gamma-ray production mechanisms in stellar associations. We consider two mechanisms of gamma-ray emission, pion production and decay (PION) and photo-excitation of high-energy nuclei followed by prompt photo-emission from the daughter nuclei (A*). We find that while the data can be accommodated with either scenario, the A* features a spectral bump, corresponding to the threshold for exciting the Giant Dipole Resonance, which can serve to discriminate between them. We comment on neutrino emission and detection from the region if the PION and/or A* processes are operative. We also touch on the implications for this analysis of future Fermi and Cerenkov Telescope Array data.Comment: 6 pp, 2 figs. Matching version publihed in Phys. Rev.


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    Over the past decade, the global energy sector has undergone major fundamental and structural changes as part of the global energy transition. The energy industry of the Russian Federation, as a key player in the global energy market and the world economy as a whole, is undergoing similar changes. In this case, in terms of ensuring high competitiveness and long-term energy security of the state, it is crucial to set priorities and build models of sustainable development for each of the industries related to the energy sector. Indeed, the process of replacing carbon-intensive energy sources with a systematic increase in the share of new, renewable energy sources (RES) should be gradual and consistent to avoid imbalances in energy systems and maintain equity for all stakeholders. In this context, the search for advanced, low-carbon energy sources is a priority for the vast majority of countries around the world. In addition, the development of renewable energy is one of the goals of Russia՚s energy strategy until 2035. At the same time, despite the obvious advantages of the Russian power industry such as the absence of dependence on budget funds, the overwhelming majority of private investment in the industry, the availability of effective mechanisms for attracting investment and the basic principle of balancing the interests of all market participants, there are also negative consequences of this approach. The nationwide task of developing the energy system and increasing the availability of electricity on the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of financing is becoming an exclusive burden on electricity consumers themselves; even insignificant risks in their operation can turn into a threat not only to sustainable development, but also to their very existence. In this context, the analysis of key directions and proposals to minimise the economic impact of the global energy transition on large energy-intensive industrial consumers of electricity and capacity is of particular relevance.В последнее десятилетие мировая энергетика проходит этап масштабнейших фундаментальных и структурных перемен в рамках глобального энергетического перехода. Отрасль энергетики Российской Федерации как одна из ключевых участниц глобального энергетического рынка и мировой экономики в целом также подвержена подобным изменениям. В данном случае ключевое значение с точки зрения обеспечения высокой конкурентоспособности и долгосрочной энергетической безопасности государства приобретает расстановка приоритетов и выстраивание моделей устойчивого развития каждой из отраслей, связанных с энергетическим сектором, поскольку процесс вытеснения традиционных ископаемых ресурсов с большим содержанием выбросов углерода в атмосферу, прежде всего нефтепродуктов и угля, при планомерном увеличении доли новых, возобновляемых источников энергии должен проходить постепенно и, что особенно важно, последовательно во избежание дисбаланса в энергетических системах и нарушения баланса интересов всех участников.В этой связи поиск передовых, наименее углеродоемких источников энергии является одним из приоритетов подавляющего большинства стран по всему миру. Более того, развитие возобновляемой энергетики – одна из целей энергетической стратегии и в России: до 2035 года в развитие возобновляемых источников энергии планируется инвестировать более 1 трлн руб. При этом, несмотря на очевидные преимущества российской отрасли электроэнергетики, заключающиеся в отсутствии зависимости от бюджетных средств, подавляющем большинстве частных инвестиций в отрасль, наличии действенных механизмов привлечения инвестиций и базовом принципе баланса интересов всех участников рынка, негативная сторона такого подхода также существенна: общегосударственная задача развития энергосистемы и повышения доступности электроэнергии на территории Российской Федерации в вопросе финансирования становится бременем исключительно самих потребителей электрической энергии и в большей степени крупных энергоемких потребителей, даже незначительные риски в работе которых могут обернуться угрозами не только устойчивому развитию, но и в целом их существованию.В этой связи особую актуальность представляет анализ ключевых направлений и предложений по минимизации экономических последствий глобального энергоперехода для крупных энергоемких промышленных потребителей электрической энергии и мощности.最近十年中作为全球能源转型的一部分,全球能源行业经历了重大的根本性结构变革。作为全球能源市场和整个世界经济的主要参与者之一,俄罗斯联邦的能源工业也面临着类似的变化。优先考虑并建立各能源相关产业的可持续发展模式,对于确保国家的高竞争力和长期能源安全至关重要。应逐步取代传统的高碳排放化石资源(主要是石油产品和煤炭),同时系统地增加新的可再生能源(RES)的比例。尤其重要的是,这一过程必须顺序进行,以避免能源系统失衡,并避免破坏所有参与者的利益平衡。目前寻找先进的、碳密集度最低的能源是世界上绝大多数国家的优先事项。此外,俄罗斯能源战略的目标之一是发展可再生能源:计划到 2035 年投资超过 1 万亿卢布发展可再生能源。俄罗斯电力工业优势明显:不依赖预算资金、该行业绝大多数为私人投资、存在吸引投资的有效机制以及平衡所有市场参与者利益的基本原则。然而,这种方法的弊端也很大:在俄罗斯联邦,发展能源系统和增加电力供应的国家任务正成为电力消费者自身的唯一负担,在更大程度上,成为能源密集型大消费者的融资负担。同时,即使是很小的风险也可能不仅威胁到可持续发展,而且威胁到它们的整体生存。因此,大型能源密集型工业用户的全球能源转型重点领域与尽量减少经济影响的建议分析非常有意义


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    This article discusses the issues of dependence of power engineering in the Russian Federation on imported equipment in general and in the field of gas turbine technologies. The paper describes the features of foreign-made equipment that is operated at the power facilities of the Russian Federation, identifies the countries that produce the installed foreign equipment in the power industry. Possible economic consequences for the energy-intensive industry from the implementation of the program for the modernization of generating equipment within the framework of the import substitution program are estimated. The forecast scenario of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on power consumption in the UNEG and the program for the modernization of generating equipment is also presented


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    The European Commission is currently preparing to implement a new form of carbon regulation a cross-border carbon tax. As conceived by the authors, such a decision will force exporters of goods with a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions during production to improve the environmental friendliness of production and, as a result, to reduce their carbon footprint. In addition, the carbon tax will create a competitive advantage for foreign companies with low greenhouse gas emissions. Such a policy of the European Union can seriously affect the economy of the Russian Federation and Russian companies that are export-oriented. Today, all over the world, more and more importance is attached to environmentally neutral technologies and industries. To keep up with the global trend, as well as to maintain the level of competitiveness, the Russian economy needs to adapt. The speed and efficiency of adaptation directly depend on system solutions both at the state level (development of the necessary regulatory legal acts and standards for reporting and disclosure of information) and at the level of enterprises most sensitive to carbon regulation (audit of the carbon footprint, modernization of production facilities, responsible approach to neutralization carbon footprint). The purpose of this work is to study the impact of carbon regulation mechanisms on the development of industry in the Russian Federation, in accordance with it, the following tasks are formed: to describe the mechanisms of carbon regulation, to assess the economic impact on the domestic industry, to consider world practices of confirming the carbon footprint, to identify threats to implementation of the national program “International cooperation and export” from the introduction of carbon regulation


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    At the international level, the problem of the need to increase the contribution of renewable energy sources to domestic electricity demand is highly relevant. Since the production of renewable energy sources is quite expensive, many countries are developing various state and market incentives for investment in such energy sources. One such incentive is renewable energy certificates. The role of these certificates in the development of global renewable energy markets is invaluable. They not only help businesses achieve their goals in the field of renewable energy, but also reduce consumer payments for other renewable energy development programs. This article analyzes the current trends in the use of renewable energy certificates in the world and identifies the prospects for their use in the Russian Federation. In addition, the author of the article studied the issue of cost-effectiveness of renewable certificates. In order to assess the positive economic impact of the application of the certification system, calculations have been made to reduce the financial burden on participants in the Wholesale Electricity and Power Market by taking into account the funds received from the sale of these certificates to reduce payments by market participants to generators based on renewable sources under the program of agreements on the provision of capacity for generating objects operating on the basis of renewable energy sources, from the date of the start of supply of electric energy and of the last planned facility until the date of the last payment under the power capacity agreement. In addition, the author of the article studied the need for renewable energy certificates not only to obtain reliable data on the use of renewable energy sources, but also to create efficient electricity markets using renewable energy sources around the world


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    Over the past decade, the global energy sector has undergone major fundamental and structural changes as part of the global energy transition. The energy industry of the Russian Federation, as a key player in the global energy market and the world economy as a whole, is undergoing similar changes. In this case, in terms of ensuring high competitiveness and long-term energy security of the state, it is crucial to set priorities and build models of sustainable development for each of the industries related to the energy sector. Indeed, the process of replacing carbon-intensive energy sources with a systematic increase in the share of new, renewable energy sources (RES) should be gradual and consistent to avoid imbalances in energy systems and maintain equity for all stakeholders. In this context, the search for advanced, low-carbon energy sources is a priority for the vast majority of countries around the world. In addition, the development of renewable energy is one of the goals of Russia՚s energy strategy until 2035. At the same time, despite the obvious advantages of the Russian power industry such as the absence of dependence on budget funds, the overwhelming majority of private investment in the industry, the availability of effective mechanisms for attracting investment and the basic principle of balancing the interests of all market participants, there are also negative consequences of this approach. The nationwide task of developing the energy system and increasing the availability of electricity on the territory of the Russian Federation in terms of financing is becoming an exclusive burden on electricity consumers themselves; even insignificant risks in their operation can turn into a threat not only to sustainable development, but also to their very existence. In this context, the analysis of key directions and proposals to minimise the economic impact of the global energy transition on large energy-intensive industrial consumers of electricity and capacity is of particular relevance

    Tunnel electron-vibrational spectroscopy of adsorbed complexes on the surface of ultra-small metal nanoparticles

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    This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (the project no. 18-03-00453) and into frameworks of the state task for ICP RAS 0082-2018-0003 (the state registration number АААА-А18-118012390045-2)