5 research outputs found

    What kind of hepatitis

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    Finding one major hepatotropic virus may not be enough to identify the aetiology of liver disease when risk factors are present, particularly in patients with past or present infection with other viral agents, or chronic liver disease. The pathogenic process in these cases is often complex. In the five cases we report, acute hepatitis (initiated by halothane, cytomegalovirus or Epstein-Barr virus) preceded the reactivation of hepatitis B infection, and these events occurred in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. Each case demonstrates how several viruses can be implicated in the development of hepatitis, either as single agents or via cross-activation of T cells. The nosography of hepatitis, therefore, and the optimum therapeutic choices, can puzzle the clinical team

    Assessment of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke in young adolescents following implementation of smoke-free policy in Italy

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    We investigated acute and chronic exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) in a cohort of young adolescents using urinary cotinine and hair nicotine testing after recent implementation of Italian smoke free legislation. Study subjects were 372 Italian young adolescents, between 10 and 16 years of age from the principal city of Sicily, Palermo. Urine and hair samples were collected between November 2005 and May 2006, when the legislation to ban smoking in all the enclosed places of employment (including bars, restaurants, pubs) was completely enforced. An exhaustive questionnaire including sociodemographic characteristics and active and passive exposure to cigarette smoking was completed. Urinary cotinine was analyzed by radioimmunoassay and hair nicotine by a validated GC/MS method. Based on urinary cotinine results, 2.1% and 89% of the study participants, respectively, showed non-exposure and low acute exposure to ETS, whereas only 1.6% presented very high exposure or a hidden active smoking habit in the recent past. Hair nicotine disclosed non-exposure and low exposure to ETS in 11.8% and 65.6% of the young adolescents, respectively, taking into consideration a larger time-window. High repeated exposure, suggesting active smoking in some cases was observed in 8.6% of the study subjects. Hair nicotine was inversely related to educational level of the adolescents' parents. Overall, due to the implementation of smoke-free legislation and information campaign against smoking, a significant trend toward low exposure to ETS was observed in this study cohort with no association between exposure to ETS and respiratory illnesses

    What Kind of Hepatitis?

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    Finding one major hepatotropic virus may not be enough to identify the aetiology of liver disease when risk factors are present, particularly in patients with past or present infection with other viral agents, or chronic liver disease. The pathogenic process in these cases is often complex. In the five cases we report, acute hepatitis (initiated by halothane, cytomegalovirus or Epstein-Barr virus) preceded the reactivation of hepatitis B infection, and these events occurred in patients with chronic hepatitis C infection. Each case demonstrates how several viruses can be implicated in the development of hepatitis, either as single agents or via cross-activation of T cells. The nosography of hepatitis, therefore, and the optimum therapeutic choices, can puzzle the clinical team

    Multiple viral infections in a group of intravenous drug users: hepatitis B virus exposure is the risk factor

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    Objective Infection with hepatotropic viruses is associated with a variable degree of liver disease, and there is evidence that more severe lesions are related to the association with another viral infection. The aim of this investigation is to establish the relationship between different viral infections occurring in the same individual and the presence and progression of liver disease. Design The study population comprises 754 intravenous (IV) drug abusers exposed to hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or cytomegalovirus (CMV). All individuals were followed for an average of 2 years. Liver disease was assessed by liver function tests, 99m-technetium (Tc-99m) liver scintigraphy, and also by liver biopsy in a subset (n = 136) of patients. The different viral patterns and presence of disease were analysed by logistic regression, and the risk factors were calculated. Contingency tables of patients with single or associated infections were drawn up to evaluate progression of liver disease. Results Association of HIV with at least one other viral infection was constant. Surface antigens of HBV (HBsAg) were always associated with HIV (n = 19); in this group, 18 patients had signs of liver disease. A past infection with HBV, as revealed by the presence of at least antibodies against the surface antigen (HBsAb) and antibodies against the core antigen of HBV (HBcAb), was detected in 463 patients (61.4%). The overall prevalence of HCV antibodies was 63.91% (n = 482). In 96.8% of the 406 patients tested, HCV-RNA was detected by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The majority of patients with high alanine transaminase (ALT) had anti-HBV antibodies in the presence of HCV (56.1%). At the end of follow-up, all of these patients showed signs of active liver disease, and scoring was significantly worse than in patients with either HBV or HCV alone. An infection/reactivation of CMV was found in patients previously exposed to HBV and with increased ALT values. Conclusions Data emerging from this study reveal the association of HCV or CMV, or both, with a previous HBV infection, as demonstrated by HBsAb and HBcAb, and rapid progression of the disease in this group of patients. A previous HBV infection therefore appears to be an important risk factor for subsequent viral-related liver disease. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    L’attività dei Centri Antifumo italiani tra problematiche e aree da potenziare: i risultati di un’indagine svolta attraverso un questionario on-line

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    Introduzione. In Italia sono 295 i Servizi per la cessazione dal fumo di tabacco (Centri Antifumo - CA) afferenti al Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) censiti nel 2011 dall’Osservatorio Fumo, Alcol e Droga (OssFAD) dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità. La presente indagine, condotta dall’OssFAD in collaborazione con i CA, è stata volta a rilevare alcune delle problematiche con le quali il personale dei CA si confronta per portare avanti la propria attività e le iniziative ritenute utili per migliorarla. Materiali e metodi. L’indagine è stata condotta dal 7 al 21 maggio 2012, mediante un questionario compilabile on-line composto da 5 brevi sezioni di domande con un totale di 38 items da completare. Il link al questionario on-line è stato inviato per e-mail a 322 indirizzi dei CA censiti nel 2011 dall’OssFAD. I dati raccolti sono stati elaborati statisticamente con il programma SPSS 20. Risultati. All’indagine hanno risposto 146 operatori dei CA (45,3%). Sebbene ci siano aspetti ormai consolidati dell’attività dei CA, sono ancora molte le criticità che gli operatori riscontrano nella loro attività. Le principali problematiche che influiscono in modo fondamentale/rilevante per la buona attività del centro sono le “Scarse o nulle risorse economiche” per il 60,7% del personale, “la mancanza di personale dedicato” per il 52,4% del personale; il “riconoscimento/mandato istituzionale del CA” per il 40,9% del personale. Tra le azioni ritenute più efficaci per facilitare l’accesso ai CA sono risultate la sensibilizzazione del personale sanitario (91%), in particolare dei medici di famiglia e l’inserimento delle prestazioni antitabagiche nei LEA (76,8%). Conclusioni. È auspicabile che l’attività dei CA riceva una maggiore attenzione, attraverso la dotazione di strutture, personale e finanziamenti adeguati a svolgere un importante ruolo nella tutela e promozione della salute