376 research outputs found

    Conductivity, weak ferromagnetism and charge instability in αMnS\alpha-MnS single crystal

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    The temperature dependence of resistivity, magnetization and electron-spin resonance of the αMnS\alpha- MnS single crystal were measured in temperature range of 5K<T<550K5 K < T < 550 K. Magnetization hysteresis in applied magnetic field up to 0.7 T at T=5K,77K,300KT=5 K, 77 K, 300 K, irreversible temperature behavior of magnetization and resistivity were found . The obtained data were explained in terms of degenerate tight binding model using random phase approximation. The contribution of holes in t2gt_{2g} and ege_g bands of manganese ions to the conductivity, optical absorbtion spectra and charge instability in αMnS\alpha -MnS were studied. Charge susceptibility maxima resulted from the competition of the on-site Coulomb interaction between the holes in different orbitals and small hybridization of sub-bands were calculated at T=160K,250K,475KT=160 K, 250 K, 475 K.Comment: 6 pages, 12 figure


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    International audienceInvestigations of an ultrafine-grained (UFG) Cr-Ni austenitic stainless steel produced by high pressure torsion (HPT) at room and elevated (400 C) temperatures followed by series of annealing up to 700 C are reported. The grain size of the alloy processed at room temperature (55 nm) was found to be about twice lower than the grain size of the alloy (90 nm) processed at elevated temperature. Besides, both as-processed states demonstrated a very high value of microhardness (~590 Hv) , while the steel in initial quenched state had the microhardness about 155 Hv. It is shown that the hardness of the steel in both UFG states does not decrease with annealing up to 650 C, and even a certain increase in hardness was observed for the steel produced at room temperature. At higher temperature (700 C), the recrystallization starts, and precipitation was observed

    The chiral Anomalous Hall effect in re-entrant AuFe alloys

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    The Hall effect has been studied in a series of AuFe samples in the re-entrant concentration range, as well as in part of the spin glass range. An anomalous Hall contribution linked to the tilting of the local spins can be identified, confirming theoretical predictions of a novel topological Hall term induced when chirality is present. This effect can be understood in terms of Aharonov-Bohm-like intrinsic current loops arising from successive scatterings by canted local spins. The experimental measurements indicate that the chiral signal persists, meaning scattering within the nanoscopic loops remains coherent, up to temperatures of the order of 150 K.Comment: 7 pages, 11 eps figures Published version. Minor change

    The role of polymorphism of hereditary thrombophilia candidate genes in the development of arterial hypertension in women with preeclampsia

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    Preeclampsia is a severe pregnancy complication that has long been one of the leading causes of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity worldwide. Despite the achievements of modern medicine, the etiology of this pathology is not known. Multiple risk factors for the development of PE have been identified: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, obesity, a hereditary history of preeclampsia, thrombophilia, etc., but recently, special attention has been paid to genetic determinants, namely, the contribution of individual polymorphic loci of various gene

    Controlling atomic vapor density in paraffin-coated cells using light-induced atomic desorption

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    Atomic-vapor density change due to light induced atomic desorption (LIAD) is studied in paraffin-coated rubidium, cesium, sodium and potassium cells. In the present experiment, low-intensity probe light is used to obtain an absorption spectrum and measure the vapor density, while light from an argon-ion laser, array of light emitting diodes, or discharge lamp is used for desorption. Potassium is found to exhibit significantly weaker LIAD from paraffin compared to Rb and Cs, and we were unable to observe LIAD with sodium. A simple LIAD model is applied to describe the observed vapor-density dynamics, and the role of the cell's stem is explored through the use of cells with lockable stems. Stabilization of Cs vapor density above its equilibrium value over 25 minutes is demonstrated. The results of this work could be used to assess the use of LIAD for vapor-density control in magnetometers, clocks, and gyroscopes utilizing coated cells.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Atomic and Molecular Gas Components in Spiral Galaxies of the Virgo Cluster

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    Based on two models, we investigate the molecular-to-atomic gas ratio in Virgo cluster galaxies in comparison with field galaxies. We show that the enhanced metallicity for cluster members and the ram pressure stripping of atomic gas from the disk periphery cannot fully explain the observed gas component ratios. The additional environmental factors affecting the interstellar medium and leading to an increase in the molecular gas fraction should be taken into account for cluster galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Quartz crystal microbalance immunosensor for the detection of antibodies to double-stranded DNA

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    We report the development of a novel quartz crystal microbalance immunosensor with the simultaneous measurement of resonance frequency and motional resistance for the detection of antibodies to double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). The immobilization of poly(l-lysine) and subsequent complexation with DNA resulted in formation of a sensitive dsDNA-containing nanofilm on the surface of a gold electrode. Atomic force microscopy has been applied for the characterization of a poly(l-lysine)-DNA film. After the blocking with bovine serum albumin, the immunosensor in flow-injection mode was used to detect the antibodies to dsDNA in purified protein solutions of antibodies to dsDNA and to single-stranded DNA, monoclonal human immunoglobulin G, DNase I and in blood serum of patients with bronchial asthma and systemic lupus erythematosus. Experimental results indicate high sensitivity and selectivity of the immunosensor. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]. © Springer-Verlag 2007

    The thickness of HI in galactic discs under MOND: theory and application to the Galaxy

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    The outskirts of galaxies are a very good laboratory for testing the nature of the gravitational field at low accelerations. By assuming that the neutral hydrogen gas is in hydrostatic equilibrium in the gravitational potential of the host galaxy, the observed flaring of the gas layer can be used to test modified gravities. For the first time we construct a simple framework to derive the scaleheight of the neutral hydrogen gas disc in the MOND scenario and apply this to the Milky Way. It is shown that using a constant gas velocity dispersion of ~9 km/s, MOND is able to give a very good fit to the observed HI flaring beyond a galactocentric distance of 17 kpc up to the last measured point (~40 kpc). Between 10 and 16 kpc, however, the observed scaleheight is about 40% more than what MOND predicts for the standard interpolating function and 70% for the form suggested by Famaey & Binney. Given the uncertainties in the non-thermal pressure support by cosmic rays and magnetic fields, MOND seems to be a plausible alternative to dark matter in explaining the Milky Way flaring. Studying the flaring of extended HI discs in external edge-on galaxies may be a promising approach to assess the viability of MOND.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Silkworm Thermal Biology: A Review of Heat Shock Response, Heat Shock Proteins and Heat Acclimation in the Domesticated Silkworm, Bombyx mori

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    Heat shock proteins (HSPs) are known to play ecological and evolutionary roles in this postgenomic era. Recent research suggests that HSPs are implicated in cardiovascular biology and disease development, proliferation and regulation of cancer cells, cell death via apoptosis, and several other key cellular functions. These activities have generated great interest amongst cell and molecular biologists, and these biologists are keen to unravel other hitherto unknown potential functions of this group of proteins. Consequently, the biological significance of HSPs has led to cloning and characterization of genes encoding HSPs in many organisms including the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae). However, most of the past investigations in B. mori were confined to expression of HSPs in tissues and cell lines, whereas information on their specific functional roles in biological, physiological, and molecular processes is scarce. Naturally occurring or domesticated polyvoltines (known to be the tropical race) are more resistant to high temperatures and diseases than bi- or univoltines (temperate races). The mechanism of ecological or evolutionary modification of HSPs during the course of domestication of B. mori - particularly in relation to thermotolerance in geographically distinct races/strains - is still unclear. In addition, the heat shock response, thermal acclimation, and hardening have not been studied extensively in B. mori compared to other organisms. Towards this, recent investigations on differential expression of HSPs at various stages of development, considering the concept of the whole organism, open ample scope to evaluate their biological and commercial importance in B. mori which has not been addressed in any of the representative organisms studied so far. Comparatively, heat shock response among different silkworm races/strains of poly-, bi-, and univoltines varies significantly and thermotolerance increases as the larval development proceeds. Hence, this being the first review in this area, an attempt has been made to collate all available information on the heat shock response, HSPs expression, associated genes, amino acid sequences, and acquired/unacquired thermotolerance. The aim is to present this as a valuable resource for addressing the gap in knowledge and understanding evolutionary significance of HSPs between domesticated (B. mori) and non-domesticated insects. It is believed that the information presented here will also help researchers/breeders to design appropriate strategies for developing novel strains for the tropics

    Исследования эффективности и безопасности биматопроста 0,03% в качестве препарата первого выбора у пациентов с первичной открытоугольной глаукомой

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    Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Bimatoprost 0.03% (bimatan) treatment for patients with newly diagnosed open-angle glaucoma (POAG) I-II stages as the first line drug.Methods: 64 eyes of 46 patients (26 men, 20 women) with newly diagnosed POAG I-II stages were included into the study. The average age of the men was 61.3 years, women - 65 years. The study comprised 31 patients (67.4% of 46 patients) with early glaucoma changes (mild, moderate) and 15 patients (32.6% of 46 patients) with advanced glaucoma changes. The patient's non-corrected visual acuity varied from 0.2 to 0.8. Prior to treatment all patients underwent a complex ophtalmological examination: visual acuity, perimetry, tomometry, tonography, gonioscopy and ophthalmoscopy. The examination in 14 days after treatment included of visual acuity, tonometry, tonography and in 3 months after treatment - visual acuity, perimetry, tomometry, tonography, gonioscopy and ophthalmoscopy.All patients received instillation of Bimatoprost 0.03% (Bimatan) once daily in the evening at 8 p.m. Adverse reactions were reported at every step.Results: After 14 days of Bimatoprost 0.03% instillations intraocular pressure (P0) level decreased from 17.2+3.1 to 13.9+1.8 mm Hg due to an increase in outflow facility (C) from 0.081+0.042 mm3/min/mm Hg to 0.198+0.044 mm3/min/mm Hg and the suppression of aqueous humor production (F) from 0.91+0.18 to 0.78+0.12 mm3/min (p&lt;0,05). There were no significant changes in the hydrodynamic indicators after 3 months of treatment (p&gt;0.05).IOP reduced to the individual tolerance level due to bimatoprost 0.03% instillation in 100% of cases (64 eyes).Conclusion: Bimatoprost 0.03% is an effective and safe drug for reducing IOP in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma I-II stages. The hypotensive effect is achieved by increasing the outflow of aqueous humor and the suppression of aqueous humor production. This agent is characterized by minor topical adverse reactions. Bimatoprost 0.03% may be recommended for POAG treatment to reduce IOP as the first line drug.Цель. Оценка эффективности и переносимости биматопроста 0,03% (Биматан) при его применении в качестве препарата первого выбора у пациентов с впервые выявленной первичной открытоугольной глаукомой (ПОУГ) I-II стадий.Методы. Изучение действия биматопроста 0,03% (Биматан) проводилось у 46 пациентов (64 глаз) с ПОУГ в течение 3 месяцев. Мужчин в группе наблюдения — 26, женщин — 20. Средний возраст мужчин — 61,3 года, средний возраст женщин — 65 лет. Все пациенты страдали впервые выявленной ПОУГ: I стадии — 31 пациент (67,4% от 46 пациентов), II стадии — 15 пациентов (32,6% от 46 пациентов). Острота зрения больных варьировалась от 0,2 до 0,8 без коррекции.Пациентам проводилось комплексное офтальмологическое обследование: визометрия, офтальмо- и гониоскопия, компьютерная периметрия, тонометрия, тонография. Биматопрост 0,03% (Биматан) применялся ежедневно по 1 капле в пораженный глаз в 20 часов ежедневно. Повторная тонография проводилась через 2 недели и 3 месяца после начала терапии. Оценка изменений визометрии и компьютерной периметрии проводилась через 3 месяца после начала ежедневных систематических инстилляций.Результаты. Через 2 недели после использования биматопроста 0,03% ВГД снизилось с 17,2±3,1 до 13,9±1,8 мм рт.ст. за счет увеличения легкости оттока (С) c 0,081 ±0,042 до 0,198±0,044 мм3/мин/мм рт.ст., а также отмечалось достоверное снижение продукции водянистой влаги (F) с 0,91±0,18 до 0,78±0,12 мм3/мин (p&lt;0,05). Через 3 месяца лечения достоверных изменений в показателях гидродинамики, по сравнению с измерениями через 2 недели, отмечено не было (p&gt;0,05). Индивидуальный уровень ВГД на фоне монотерапии был достигнут у 46 пациентов (64 глаза) — 100% случаев.У 8 пациентов (17,4% из 46 пациентов) были отмечены нежелательные побочные эффекты. Ни у одного больного эти эффекты не явились причиной для отмены препарата.Выводы. Биматопрост 0,03% является эффективным препаратом первого выбора у пациентов с ПОУГ. Препарат обладает выраженным и стойким гипотензивным эффектом. В реализации высокого гипотензивного эффекта биматопроста участвует не только увеличение легкости оттока, но и достоверное уменьшение продукции водянистой влаги. Препарат характеризуется низким уровнем местных побочных эффектов и может быть рекомендован в качестве препарата первого выбора для пациентов с ПОУГ I-II стадий