61 research outputs found

    Study of the nanocrystalline bulk Al alloys synthesized by high energy mechanical milling followed by room temperature high pressing consolidation

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    AbstractIn the present study high energy mechanical milling followed by high-pressing consolidation has been used to obtain bulk nanocrystalline Al-Fe-Si alloy. Quantitative XRD analysis and scanning electron microscopy were used to characterize the material evolution during thermal treatments in the temperature range 25–500∘C. The cold-worked structure have been synthesized with microstructure showing a mixture of a significant low size of crystallite (70 nm) and a high level of lattice strains (0.85%). Starting from the nanocrystalline specimens, isochronal experiments were carried out to monitor the reserve microstructure and transformations. The high temperature annealing is required for ameliorating the quality of room temperature consolidated materials by removing all porosity and obtaining good interparticle bonding. The thermal conductivity and the thermal diffusivity are investigated with the Photothermal deflection technique. These thermal parameters increase with the annealing temperatures. This behavior is attributed to the increase in the rate of diffusion coefficient of added elements inside the aluminum matrix

    Performance and bacterial community shifts during phosphogypsum biotransformation

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    Phosphogypsum (PG) is an industrial waste composed mainly by sulfate, turning it a suitable sulfate source for sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB). In the present work, the capability of two SRB communities, one enriched from Portuguese PG (culture PG) and the other from sludge from a wastewater treatment plant (culture WWT-1), to use sulfate from PG was compared. In addition, the impact of this sulfate-rich waste in the microbial community was assessed. The highest efficiency in terms of sulfate reduction was observed with culture WWT-1. The bacterial composition of this culture was not significantly affected when sodium sulfate from the nutrient medium was replaced by PG as a sulfate source. Next generation sequencing (NGS) showed that this community was phylogenetically diverse, composed by bacteria affiliated to Clostridium, Arcobacter, and Sulfurospirillum genera and by SRB belonging to Desulfovibrio, Desulfomicrobium, and Desulfobulbus genera. In contrast, the bacterial structure of the community enriched from PG was modified when sodium sulfate was replaced by PG as the sulfate source. This culture, which showed the poorest performance in the use of sulfate from PG, was mainly composed by SRB related to Desulfosporosinus genus. The present work provides new information regarding the phylogenetic characterization of anaerobic bacterial communities with the ability to use PG as sulfate donor, thus, contributing to improve the knowledge of microorganisms suitable to be used in PG bioremediation. Additionally, this paper demonstrates that an alternative to lactate and low-cost carbon source (wine wastes) can be used efficiently for that purpose

    Structural characterization of mechanically alloyed nanocrystalline Cu-Fe: Strain broadening due to dislocations

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    Nanocrystalline Cu(Fe) solid solution was successfully synthesized by using high-energy mechanical milling. The structural and morphological changes during mechanical milling were investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The patterns so obtained were analyzed using the X’Pert High Score Plus program. The final product of the mechanical alloying process was nanocrystalline FCC Cu(Fe) solid solution with a mean crystallite size in the range of few nanometers. The final microstructure, especially the high levels of lattice strains was explained by the presence of dislocations, with a dislocation density of about 7.4×1016 m−2. The identified steady-state saturation values of these parameters can be related to accumulate strain hardening of the powder material during longer milling times

    Structural characterization of mechanically alloyed nanocrystalline Cu-Fe: Strain broadening due to dislocations

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    Nanocrystalline Cu(Fe) solid solution was successfully synthesized by using high-energy mechanical milling. The structural and morphological changes during mechanical milling were investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The patterns so obtained were analyzed using the X’Pert High Score Plus program. The final product of the mechanical alloying process was nanocrystalline FCC Cu(Fe) solid solution with a mean crystallite size in the range of few nanometers. The final microstructure, especially the high levels of lattice strains was explained by the presence of dislocations, with a dislocation density of about 7.4×1016 m−2. The identified steady-state saturation values of these parameters can be related to accumulate strain hardening of the powder material during longer milling times

    A comparative study of the biodegradability of oleic acid by sludge from a reactor fed with olive mill wastewater and sludge from a reactor fed with oleic acid

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    In the present study, we investigate the biodegradability of oleic acid by sludge from anaerobic filter reactor fed with olive mill wastewater (sludge T). A comparative study was conducted using a second sludge from an expanded granular bed reactor exposed to oleic acid (sludge P). The performance of treating oleic acid and the influence of the composition of the culture media were investigated and compared. Methane production by sludge T started after a lag phase of 150 hours. However no lag phase was observed with sludge P. In contrast a higher methane production was obtained with the sludge T. The addition of nutrients (minerals and yeast extract) to culture medium reduced the lag phase of methane production by 40 hours

    Catalytic wet air oxidation of olive oil mill effluents 4. Treatment and detoxification of real effluents

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    Minh, Doan Pharn Gallezot, Pierre Azabou, Samia Sayadi, Sami Besson, MicweOlive oil mill wastewater (OMW) generated by the olive oil extraction industry constitutes a major pollutant, posing severe environmental threats. It contains a high organic load and phytotoxic and antibacterial phenolic compounds which resist biological degradation. Platinum and ruthenium supported titania or zirconia were studied in the catalytic wet air oxidation (CWAO) of OMWs in a batch reactor and in a continuous trickle-bed reactor. CWAO experiments at 190 degrees C and 70 bar total air pressure confirmed the effective elimination of the TOC(total organic carbon) and of the phenolic content of actual diluted OMW. Simultaneously, toxicity towards Vibrio fischeri was reduced and a decrease in phytotoxicity occurred. The ruthenium catalysts were found stable over a long period of operation in a trickle-bed reactor. The biodegradability of the oxidized waste has been enhanced and this study also examined the feasibility of coupling CWAO and an anaerobic digestion treatment. The pretreatment of the OMW in the presence of a ruthenium catalyst reduced considerably the total phenolic contents of the wastewater, and produced an effluent suitable to be treated by anaerobic treatment with increased biomethane production compared to the untreated effluent. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Rheological and emulsifying properties of an exopolysaccharide produced by potential probiotic Leuconostoc citreum-BMS strain

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    EPS-BMS, is to our knowledge, the first high molecular weight exopolysaccharide from potential probiotic Leuconostoc citreum-BMS strain that consists on a mixture of α-(1,6)-dextran branched at the third position and β-(2,6)-levan. This sample exhibited interesting rheological and emulsifying properties under different conditions. Steady shear experiments proved that EPS-BMS had a pseudoplastic behavior without thixotropic properties. Interestingly, pseudoplasticity was maintained even under stress conditions of temperature, pH and salts, which could provide some sensory properties for food products such as mouth feel. Dynamic oscillatory measurements reflected a liquid-like behavior of the sample regardless of the studied EPS concentration, pH, temperature and ionic force. Results related to the emulsifying as well as interfacial properties showed that EPS-BMS had great potential to be applied as emulsifier and/or emulsion stabilizer in both neutral and acidic conditions. Based on the properties reported in this work, EPS-BMS could be potentially applied in the food industry
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