467 research outputs found

    Aerial Vehicle Tracking by Adaptive Fusion of Hyperspectral Likelihood Maps

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    Hyperspectral cameras can provide unique spectral signatures for consistently distinguishing materials that can be used to solve surveillance tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel real-time hyperspectral likelihood maps-aided tracking method (HLT) inspired by an adaptive hyperspectral sensor. A moving object tracking system generally consists of registration, object detection, and tracking modules. We focus on the target detection part and remove the necessity to build any offline classifiers and tune a large amount of hyperparameters, instead learning a generative target model in an online manner for hyperspectral channels ranging from visible to infrared wavelengths. The key idea is that, our adaptive fusion method can combine likelihood maps from multiple bands of hyperspectral imagery into one single more distinctive representation increasing the margin between mean value of foreground and background pixels in the fused map. Experimental results show that the HLT not only outperforms all established fusion methods but is on par with the current state-of-the-art hyperspectral target tracking frameworks.Comment: Accepted at the International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 201

    Chiral Perturbation Theory Analysis of the Baryon Magnetic Moments

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    Nonanalytic mq1/2m_q^{1/2} and mqlnmqm_q\ln m_q chiral corrections to the baryon magnetic moments are computed. The calculation includes contributions from both intermediate octet and decuplet baryon states. Unlike the one-loop contributions to the baryon axial currents and masses, the contribution from decuplet intermediate states does not partially cancel that from octet intermediate states. The fit to the observed magnetic moments including mq1/2m_q^{1/2} corrections is found to be much worse than the tree level SU(3) fit if values for the baryon-pion axial coupling constants obtained from a tree level extraction are used. Using the axial coupling constant values extracted at one loop results in a better fit to the magnetic moments than the tree level SU(3) fit. There are three linear relations amongst the magnetic moments when mq1/2m_q^{1/2} corrections are included, and one relation including mq1/2m_q^{1/2}, mqlnmqm_q\ln m_q and mqm_q corrections. These relations are independent of the axial coupling constants of the baryons and agree well with experiment.Comment: (16 pages, 2 figures; uses harvmac and uufiles), CERN-TH.6735/92, UCSD/PTH 92-3

    Baryon Exotics in the Quark Model, the Skyrme Model and QCD

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    We identify the quantum numbers of baryon exotics in the Quark Model, the Skyrme Model and QCD, and show that they agree for arbitrary colors and flavors. We define exoticness, E, which can be used to classify the states. The exotic baryons include the recently discovered qqqq qbar pentaquarks (E=1), as well as exotic baryons with additional q qbar pairs (E >=1). The mass formula for non-exotic and exotic baryons is given as an expansion in 1/N, and allows one to relate the moment of inertia of the Skyrme soliton to the mass of a constituent quark

    AHP based Optimal Reasoning of Non-functional Requirements in the i∗ Goal Model

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    Goal-Oriented Requirements Engineering (GORE) has been found to be a valuable tool in the early stages of requirements engineering. GORE plays a vital role in requirements analysis like alternative design/ goal selection during decision-making. The decision-making process of alternative design/ goal selection is performed to assess the practicability and value of alternative approaches towards quality goals. Majority of the GORE models manage alternative selection based on qualitative approach, which is extremely coarse-grained, making it impossible for separating two alternatives. A few works are based on quantitative alternative selection, yet this does not provide a consistent judgement on decision-making. In this paper, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is modified to deal with the evaluation of selecting the alternative strategies of inter-dependent actors of i∗ goal model. The proposed approach calculates the contribution degrees of alternatives to the fulfilment of top softgoals. It is then integrated with the normalized relative priority values of top softgoals. The result of integration helps to evaluate the alternative options based on the requirements problem against each other. To clarify the proposed approach, a simple telemedicine system is considered in this paper

    Optimal Reasoning of Opposing Non-functional Requirements based on Game Theory

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    Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering is a modeling technique that represents software system requirements using goals as goal models. In a competitive environment, these requirements may have opposing objectives. Therefore, there is a requirement for a goal reasoning method, which offers an alternative design option that achieves the opposing objectives of inter-dependent actors. In this paper, a multi-objective zero-sum game theory-based approach is applied for choosing an optimum strategy for dependent actors in the i* goal model. By integrating Java with IBM CPLEX optimisation tool, a simulation model based on the proposed method was developed. A successful evaluation was performed on case studies from the existing literature. Results indicate that the developed simulation model helps users to choose an optimal design option feasible in real-time competitive environments

    Efficacy of Active Cycle of Breathing Technique and Postural Drainage in Patients with Bronchiectasis: A Comparative study

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    AIM: The Aim of this study is to compare the Efficacy of Active Cycle of Breathing Technique and Postural Drainage in Patients with Bronchiectasis. OBJECTIVES: 1. To have in-depth knowledge in bronchiectasis patients. 2. To improve the quality of life in patients with bronchiectasis. 3. To find out the effectiveness of ACBT in improving the airway clearance in patients with bronchiectasis. 4. To find out the effectiveness of Postural drainage in improving the airway clearance in patients with bronchiectasis. 5. To compare the effectiveness of ACBT and Postural drainage in improving the airway clearance in patients with bronchiectasis. MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY: A Quasi Experimental study design consisting of reviews of charts of Bronchiectasis patients. Thirty patients were included, (60%) were males, (40%) were females ; the average age was 56 years. All the patients are presented with unilateral lung involvement. Pre- and Post-Treatment scores of FVC, FEV1, PEFR and SPO2 are assessed to know their breathing capacity by Pulmonary Function test and Pulse Oxymetry. INCLUSION CRITERIA: • Both genders. • Age group between 30-60 years. • Sufficient hearing and vision. • Cases of isolated bronchiectasis. • Unilateral lung invovlvement. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: The exclusion Criteria were conditions with symptoms of raised intra cranial pressure, Head and neck injury until stabilized, Active haemorrhage with hemodynamic instability, Recent spinal surgery (e.g., Laminectomy) or acute spinal injury, active haemoptysis, Empyema, Broncho pleural fistula, Pulmonary oedema associated with congestive heart failure, Large pleural effusions, pulmonary embolism, Aged, confused, or anxious patients who do not tolerate position changes, Rib fracture, with or without flail chest, Tumours, Active cases of tuberculosis. RESULTS: The pre and post test values were assessed by PFT and Pulse Oxymetry in Group A and Group B. The mean difference value of FVC is 83 and 77, FEV1 is 81 and 77, PEFR is 209 and 197 and SPO2 is 98 and 94 respectively. The standard deviation of FVC is 1.26 and 1.06, FEV1 is 2.93 and 1.69, PEFR is 3.51 and 3.13 and SPO2 is 1.41 and 1.00 respectively. The paired “t” test value of FVC is 250.31 and 175.20, FEV1 is 103.75 and 102.30, PEFR is 226.26 and 196.85 and SPO2 is 263.30 and 246.50 respectively. The paired “t” test value is more than table value 2.15 for 5% level of significance at 14 degrees of freedom. The calculated “t” values by unpaired “t” test of FVC is 36.45, FEV1 is 10.71, PEFR is 10.92 and SPO2 is 8.88 respectively. The calculated “t” values were more than the table value 2.05 for 5% level of significance at 28 degrees of freedom. CONCLUSION: The paired “t” test values have shown that ACBT was more effective than Postural Drainage in improving airway clearance in patients with Bronchiectasis. The unpaired “t” test values have shown that there was significant difference between two groups in showing improvement in their quality of life in patients with Bronchiectasis

    Measuring gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background using cross correlation with large scale structure

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    We cross correlate the gravitational lensing map extracted from cosmic microwave background measurements by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) with the radio galaxy distribution from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) by using a quadratic estimator technique. We use the full covariance matrix to filter the data, and calculate the cross-power spectra for the lensing-galaxy correlation. We explore the impact of changing the values of cosmological parameters on the lensing reconstruction, and obtain statistical detection significances at >3σ>3\sigma. The results of all cross correlations pass the curl null test as well as a complementary diagnostic test using the NVSS data in equatorial coordinates. We forecast the potential for Planck and NVSS to constrain the lensing-galaxy cross correlation as well as the galaxy bias. The lensing-galaxy cross-power spectra are found to be Gaussian distributed.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure