26 research outputs found

    The Characterization of Phase Transformations in Rapidly Solidified Al-Fe and Cu-Fe Alloys through Measurements of the Electrical Resistance and DSC

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    For the characterization of the phase transformations in the alloys during the heat treatment the various methods of the thermal analyses are available. Thermogravimetry, differential thermal analysis (DTA) and the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) are the most frequently used methods. The phase transformations proceed in two stages, i.e. nucleation and the growth of the new phase. Both processes are closely linked with the movement of the atoms. Rapidly solidified alloys often contain the elements with the low diffusivity. During the transition from the unstable to the stable state the energy changes are small, therefore the characterization of the changes by DTA, DSC is very difficult and could not be measured. During the heat treatment the phase transformations of the rapidly solidified alloys of Al-Fe and Cu-Fe were successfully detected by the simultaneous measurements of the electrical resistance, and were compared by the DSC method. By determination of the temperature regions of the phase transitions or temperatures, where the dynamics of the changes is maximal, the samples were heat treated and analysed by the scanning and transmission electron microscopy respectively

    Zlato u prošlosti, sadašnjosti i budućnosti

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    This paper deals with gold, which is described as a chemical element. Special attention is paid to its physical-chemical properties and, furthermore, where or in what form it can be found in nature. We discuss the role it has played through history and we inform how gold has been developed to the level it has reached today’s value. Still more, when gold is broken into nanoparticles, this form could be highly useful for a wide range of processes, including general nanotechnology, electronics manufacturing and the synthesizing of different functional materials. It is important that we know that gold is also used in industry in many engineering applications (contacts in micro-electronics) and medicine (dental alloys, implants).Ovaj članak govori o zlatu kao kemijskom elementu. Posebna pažnja posvećena je njegovim fizikalno-kemijskim svojstvima i gdje i u kojem obliku se može pronaći u prirodi. Razmatra se uloga koju je zlato odigralo u povijesti i donosi se informacije o tome kako je doseglo razinu vrijednosti koju ima danas. Zlato razlomljeno na nanočestice upotrebljivo je u širem spektru procesuiranja, uključujući opću nanotehnologiju, elektroničku prizvodnju i spajanju materijala raznih funkcionalnosti. Važno je znati da se zlato koristi i u industriji, mnogim inženjerskim procesima (kontakti u mikro-elektronici) i medicini (dentalne slitine, implatanti)

    Ellipsometric measurements of plastically deformed copper

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    Chemically pure copper (99.99) prepared in the sample of square cross-section (10 x 10 mm2) and length about 50 mm was extremely plastically deformed with the repeated application of equal channel angular pressing. Equal channel angular pressing was applied as an effective technique for producing bulk nanoscaled structures. It is well known that severe plastic deformation of metallic materials often leads to microstructure with ultrafine grains and cross-sections which remain about equal before and after deformation. Optical properties of the sample were studied using spectroscopic ellipsometry in UV-VIS range. The parameters of the sample like copper oxide and surface roughness overlayer were calculated using two-film model together with the Bruggeman effective medium approximation

    Analiza međupovršine eksplozijski zavarenih ploča iz niskougljičnog čelika i titana

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    On the basis of experimentally obtained data, it was established that a very thin layer of a melt is generated at the explosive welding of two metals at the bond interface within which impurities flow at the bond during melting. Rapid cooling after the collision generates an alloy of different structure and very small grains of an average thickness approximately 1 to 2 mm. The generation of such an amorphous layer in the bond area has been noticed with various metal combinations and represents a fundamental mechanism of explosive welding of metals. Using the metallographic analysis, the development of the vortices which were formed by the explosive welding of low-carbon steel and titanium plates is described in the paper.Na osnovi eksperimentalnih rezultata utvrđeno je da pri eksplozijskom zavarivanju dvaju metala na međupovršini spoja nastaje veoma tanki sloj rastaljenog metala unutar kojeg dolazi do istjecanja nečistoća tijekom taljenja. Velika brzina hlađenja nakon sudara dovodi do nastanka sitnozrnate legure drugačije strukture s proječnom veličinom od 1 do 2 mm. Zapaženo nastajanje amorfnog sloja na području spoja kod različitih kombinacija metalnih materijala predstavlja temeljni mehanizam eksplozijskog zavarivanja metala. Primjenom rezultata metalografske analize u radu je opisan razvoj vrtloga koji su nastali eksplozijskim zavarivanjem ploča iz niskougljičnog čelika i titana

    Optical properties of plastically deformed copper

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    Pure copper (99.99), prepared in the sample of square cross-section (10 x 10 mm2) and length about 50 mm, was extremely plastically deformed with the repeated application of Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP). ECAP was applied as an effective technique for producing bulk nano-scaled structures. Optical properties of the sample were investigated using Raman spectroscopy. Two types of lines: narrow (with width of 7 cm¡1) and wide ( 40 cm¡1) are registered. Existence of two types of lines indicates that in the specimen exists nano-sized crystal structures of both Cu and CuO related with three dimensional amorphous boundary spaces, which indicates that plastic deformation of the sample did not lead to total amorphisation of the specimen

    Unutarnja oksidacija legura srebra s telurom, selenom i sumporom

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    Silver alloys with tellurium, selenium and sulphur fulfil the conditions for the internal oxidation. Microstructure of these alloys consists of matrix (dilute solid solution) and particles of intermetallic compounds. Internal oxidation of ternary alloys is very similar to that of the binary alloys, but there are also distinctions in thermodynamics properties of alloying elements. At the direct oxidation of the particles of the intermetallic compound the phenomena of the selective oxidation was observed. Concentration of more reactive elements is increasing in the oxidized part of the particles of the intermetallic compound (Te in AgTeSe alloys). Therefore the precipitated oxides formed with diffusional internal oxidation are richer with less reactive alloying element (Se in AgTeSe alloy). In the precipitated oxide particles the concentration of selenium is more than twice higher than of tellurium.Legure srebra s telurom, selenom i sumporom ispunjavaju uvjete za unutarnju oksidaciju. Mirkostruktura ovih legura sastoji se od osnove (razrijeđena kruta otopina) i čestica intermetalnih spojeva. Unutarnja oksidacija ternarnih legura veoma je slična onoj za binarne legure, ali postoje i razlike u termodinamičkim svojstvima legirajućih elemenata. Kod izravne oksidacije čestica intermetalnog spoja zapažena je pojava selektivne oksidacije. Koncentracija reaktivnijih elemenata raste u oksidiranom dijelu čestica intermentalnog spoja (Te u AgTeSe leguri). Prema tome precipitirani oksidi nastali difuzijskom unutarnjom oksidacijom su bogati s manje reaktivnim legirajućim elementom (Se u AgTeSe leguri). U percipitiranim oksidnim česticama koncentracija selena je dvostruko veća nego telura

    Optical and Magnetic Properties of PbTe(Ni)

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    Far-infrared and magnetic properties of Ni doped PbTe (ZNi = 1 × 10 19 at./cm 3 ) single crystal are investigated in a broad range of temperature and magnetic fields. Far-infrared reflection spectra were analyzed using a fitting procedure based on the modified plasmon-two phonon interaction model. Together with the strong plasmon-two longitudinal optical phonon coupling we obtained a local mode of Ni at about 180 cm −1 . This mode intensity depends on temperature. Magnetic measurements shows that PbTe alloys doped with Ni reveals weak ferromagnetic interaction between magnetic ions

    Response of monocyte-derived dendritic cells to rapidly solidified nickel-titanium ribbons with shape memory properties

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    Ni-Ti Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) have attracted considerable attention as biomaterials for medical devices. However, the biocompatibility of Ni-Ti SMAs is often unsatisfactory due to their poor surface structure. Here we prepared Rapidly Solidified (RS) Ni-Ti SMA ribbons by melt-spinning and their surface was characterised by Augerelectron spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. The biocompatibility of the produced ribbons and their immunomodulatory properties were studied on human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs). We showed that melt-spinning of Ni-Ti SMAs can form a thin homogenous oxide layer, which improves their corrosion resistance and subsequent toxicity to MoDCs. Ni-Ti RS ribbons stimulated the maturation of MoDCs, as detected by changes in the cells\u27 morphology and increased expression of HLA-DR, CD86, CD40 and CD83 molecules. However, Ni-Ti RS ribbons enhanced the tolerogenic properties of immature MoDCs, which produced higher levels of IL-10 and IL-27, driving the differentiation of IL-10- and TGF-β-producing CD4+T cells. On the other hand, in the presence of lipopolysaccharide, an important pro-inflammatory biomolecule, Ni-Ti RS ribbons enhanced the allostimulatory and Th1 polarising capacity of MoDCs, whereas the production of Th2 and Th17 cytokines was down-regulated. In conclusion, Ni-Ti RS ribbons possess substantial immunomodulatory properties on MoDCs. These findings might be clinically relevant, because implanted Ni-Ti SMA devices can induce both desired and adverse effects on the immune system, depending on the microenvironmental stimuli

    Optične lastnosti plastično deformiranega bakra: študij elipsometrije

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    In this paper the results of optical properties investigations on plastically deformed copper are presented. The optical properties of the plastically deformed copper were studied using spectroscopic ellipsometry in the ultraviolet-visible (UV-VIS) range. Chemically pure copper was deformed by applying the Equal Channel Angular Pressing (ECAP) technique. During the last decade, equal-channel angular pressing procedure was used for the fabrication of ultrafine-grained metals and alloys. The plastic deformation of metallic materials leads to the production of bulk nano-scale structures with ultrafine grains and cross-sections, which remain about equal before and after deformation. The parameters of the sample were calculated using a two-film model together with the Bruggeman effective medium approximation.V članku so predstavljeni rezultati raziskav optičnih lastnosti plastično deformiranega bakra. Te so bile raziskane s spektralno elipsometrijo v območju vidne UV-svetlobe. Kemijsko čist baker je bil deformiran z uporabo ECAP-metode (enakokotno koničasto stiskanje). V zadnjem času se ECAP-postopek uporablja za izdelavo ultra udrobnjenih kovin in zlitin. Takšna plastična deformacija kovinskih materialov vodi k izdelavi masivnih nanostruktur z ultra drobnimi zrni in prečnim prerezom, kar omogoča približno enakost pred deformacijo in po njej. Parametri preiskanih vzorcev so bili izračunani na osnovi uporabe dvojne plasti - filma skupaj s Bruggemanovo srednjo efektivno aproksimacijo