4 research outputs found

    Linearly independent pure-state decomposition and quantum state discrimination

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    We put the pure-state decomposition mathematical property of a mixed state to a physical test. We begin by characterizing all the possible decompositions of a rank-two mixed state by means of the complex overlap between two involved states. The physical test proposes a scheme of quantum state recognition of one of the two linearly independent states which arise from the decomposition. We find that the two states associated with the balanced pure-state decomposition have the smaller overlap modulus and therefore the smallest probability of being discriminated conclusively, while in the nonconclusive scheme they have the highest probability of having an error. In addition, we design an experimental scheme which allows to discriminate conclusively and optimally two nonorthogonal states prepared with different a priori probabilities. Thus, we propose a physical implementation for this linearly independent pure-state decomposition and state discrimination test by using twin photons generated in the process of spontaneous parametric down conversion. The information-state is encoded in one photon polarization state whereas the second single-photon is used for heralded detection.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Quantum correlations support probabilistic pure state cloning

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    The probabilistic scheme for making two copies of two nonorthogonal pure states requires two auxiliary systems, one for copying and one for attempting to project onto the suitable subspace. The process is performed by means of a unitary-reduction scheme which allows having a success probability of cloning different from zero. The scheme becomes optimal when the probability of success is maximized. In this case, a bipartite state remains as a free degree which does not affect the probability. We find bipartite states for which the unitarity does not introduce entanglement, but does introduce quantum discord between some involved subsystems. � 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved