2,091 research outputs found

    Molecular characterization of a cucumber mosaic cucumovirus isolated from lettuce in Egypt

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    AbstractCucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) was isolated from lettuce plants (Lactuca sativa) showing virus like symptoms. Isolation was performed depending on specific polyclonal antibodies and Chenopodium quinoa as a local lesion host. Virus was purified from 200gm of virus-infected Nicotiana tabacum cv. White Burley leaves giving A260/280 ratio of 1.21 and a yield of 1.7mg. Purified virus preparation was used for rabbit immunization to produce specific polyclonal antibodies. IgGs were purified and evaluated by indirect enzyme linked immunosorbant assay (I-ELISA) to determine the dilution end point which found to be 1:512. Electron micrographs showed spherical virus particles of about 30nm in diameter. Virus coat protein (CP) molecular weight was determined using sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE), giving a single band of 25kDa within resolving gel. Immunocapture-reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (IC-RT-PCR) was used for the amplification of CMV coat protein gene (cp), the appearance of 657bp bands confirmed the expected size of such gene. Comparing virus cp gene sequence with the sequences of seven overseas isolates confirmed that the under study isolate was related to the CMV subgroup I

    Fault tree analysis and prevention strategies for gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan

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    Purpose. Gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan is the main source of coal miners’ mortalities. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main causes of gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan. Methods. The study employs the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to understand the key root causes that lead to system failure. Particularly, this research has articulated the fault tree model in case of gas explosion in underground coal mines to analyze the root causes of this dangerous accident. Findings. This analysis has revealed that most of the root causes (4/7) with 5/10 accidents, 49/53 fatalities and 28/35 injuries resulted from primary failure of the gas explosion that poses a major threat to lives of mine workers. Similarly, the accumulation of gases and ignition are leading causes of gas explosion. Originality. FTA has been employed for the first time to understand the underlying root causes with the corresponding number of accident, fatalities and injuries of gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan. This original application of FTA to the problem under discussion presents some important underlying factors which should be considered to reduce the risk of gas explosion and its related fatal and non-fatal accidents. Practical implications. The study proposes preventive strategies to lessen the fatal and non-fatal accidents resulting from gas explosions. Explicitly, Pakistan has to conduct major structural and safety management reforms.Мета. Аналіз впливу основних факторів, що викликають вибухи шахтного газу метану, на основі складання моделі дерева відмов в умовах вугільних шахт Пакистану. Методика. Для досягнення мети дослідження застосовано емпіричний аналіз вибухів газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану на основі даних з 2010 по 2018 роки для визначення точного числа аварій зі смертельними випадками і травмами. Аналіз вибухів газу вивчався як якісно, так і кількісно для кращого розуміння першопричин, що створюють небезпечні аварійні ситуації на підставі аналізу дерева відмов (АДВ). Результати. Встановлено, що 11 нещасних випадків привели до 53 смертельних випадків і 35 травм у період з 2010 по 2018 роки у Пакистані. Значна частина причин (4 з 7), що призвели до 5 з 10 нещасних випадків, 49 з 53 смертей та 28 з 35 травм, була пов’язана з вибухом газу, а основні фактори, що викликають вибух – це накопичення газу і його загоряння. Акцентовано увагу на належну якість проектування шахт, регулярний огляд шахт, дотримання пропонованих правил і норм безпеки. Наукова новизна. Метод АДВ було вперше застосовано для розуміння глибинних причин, що викликають вибух газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану, а його специфікація дозволила виявити ряд важливих ключових факторів, які слід враховувати для зменшення ризику вибуху газу й запобігання викликаних ним аварій. Практична значимість. Розроблено стратегічні заходи, що дозволяють запобігти або зменшити число аварій зі смертельними наслідками (або без них), викликаних вибухом газу. Для цієї мети пропонується, аби в Пакистані були проведені серйозні структурні реформи і перетворення в галузі охорони праці.Цель. Анализ влияния основных факторов, вызывающих взрывы шахтного газа метана на основе составления модели дерева отказов в условиях угольных шахт Пакистана. Методика. Для достижения цели исследования применен эмпирический анализ взрывов газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана на основе данных с 2010 по 2018 годы для определения точного числа аварий со смертельными случаями и травмами. Анализ взрывов газа изучался как качественно, так и количественно для лучшего понимания первопричин, которые создают опасные аварийные ситуации на основании анализа дерева отказов (АДО). Результаты. Установлено, что 11 несчастных случаев привели к 53 смертельным случаям и 35 травмам в период с 2010 по 2018 годы в Пакистане. Значительная часть причин (4 из 7), приведших к 5 из 10 несчастных случаев, 49 из 53 смертей и 28 из 35 травм, была связана со взрывом газа, а основные факторы, вызывающие взрыв – это накопление газа и его возгорание. Акцентировано внимание на надлежащее качество проектирования шахт, регулярный осмотр шахт, соблюдение предлагаемых правил и норм безопасности шахт. Научная новизна. Метод АДО был впервые применен впервые для понимания глубинных причин, вызывающих взрыв газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана, а его спецификация позволила выявить ряд важных ключевых факторов, которые следует учитывать для сокращения риска взрыва газа и предотвращения вызванных им аварий. Практическая значимость. Разработаны стратегические меры, позволяющие предотвратить или уменьшить число аварий со смертельными последствиями (или без них), вызванных взрывом газа. Для этой цели предлагается, чтобы в Пакистане были проведены серьезные структурные реформы и преобразования в области охраны труда.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51574226) and 2017 Special Project of Subject Frontiers Scientific Research in China University of Mining and Technology (2017XKQY047). Additionally, authors are very thankful to the School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116 China, whose support allowed to accomplish this research within the specified time

    Fault tree analysis and prevention strategies for gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan

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    Purpose. Gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan is the main source of coal miners’ mortalities. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main causes of gas explosion in the underground coal mines of Pakistan. Methods. The study employs the Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) to understand the key root causes that lead to system failure. Particularly, this research has articulated the fault tree model in case of gas explosion in underground coal mines to analyze the root causes of this dangerous accident. Findings. This analysis has revealed that most of the root causes (4/7) with 5/10 accidents, 49/53 fatalities and 28/35 injuries resulted from primary failure of the gas explosion that poses a major threat to lives of mine workers. Similarly, the accumulation of gases and ignition are leading causes of gas explosion. Originality. FTA has been employed for the first time to understand the underlying root causes with the corresponding number of accident, fatalities and injuries of gas explosion in underground coal mines of Pakistan. This original application of FTA to the problem under discussion presents some important underlying factors which should be considered to reduce the risk of gas explosion and its related fatal and non-fatal accidents. Practical implications. The study proposes preventive strategies to lessen the fatal and non-fatal accidents resulting from gas explosions. Explicitly, Pakistan has to conduct major structural and safety management reforms.Мета. Аналіз впливу основних факторів, що викликають вибухи шахтного газу метану, на основі складання моделі дерева відмов в умовах вугільних шахт Пакистану. Методика. Для досягнення мети дослідження застосовано емпіричний аналіз вибухів газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану на основі даних з 2010 по 2018 роки для визначення точного числа аварій зі смертельними випадками і травмами. Аналіз вибухів газу вивчався як якісно, так і кількісно для кращого розуміння першопричин, що створюють небезпечні аварійні ситуації на підставі аналізу дерева відмов (АДВ). Результати. Встановлено, що 11 нещасних випадків привели до 53 смертельних випадків і 35 травм у період з 2010 по 2018 роки у Пакистані. Значна частина причин (4 з 7), що призвели до 5 з 10 нещасних випадків, 49 з 53 смертей та 28 з 35 травм, була пов’язана з вибухом газу, а основні фактори, що викликають вибух – це накопичення газу і його загоряння. Акцентовано увагу на належну якість проектування шахт, регулярний огляд шахт, дотримання пропонованих правил і норм безпеки. Наукова новизна. Метод АДВ було вперше застосовано для розуміння глибинних причин, що викликають вибух газу у вугільних шахтах Пакистану, а його специфікація дозволила виявити ряд важливих ключових факторів, які слід враховувати для зменшення ризику вибуху газу й запобігання викликаних ним аварій. Практична значимість. Розроблено стратегічні заходи, що дозволяють запобігти або зменшити число аварій зі смертельними наслідками (або без них), викликаних вибухом газу. Для цієї мети пропонується, аби в Пакистані були проведені серйозні структурні реформи і перетворення в галузі охорони праці.Цель. Анализ влияния основных факторов, вызывающих взрывы шахтного газа метана на основе составления модели дерева отказов в условиях угольных шахт Пакистана. Методика. Для достижения цели исследования применен эмпирический анализ взрывов газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана на основе данных с 2010 по 2018 годы для определения точного числа аварий со смертельными случаями и травмами. Анализ взрывов газа изучался как качественно, так и количественно для лучшего понимания первопричин, которые создают опасные аварийные ситуации на основании анализа дерева отказов (АДО). Результаты. Установлено, что 11 несчастных случаев привели к 53 смертельным случаям и 35 травмам в период с 2010 по 2018 годы в Пакистане. Значительная часть причин (4 из 7), приведших к 5 из 10 несчастных случаев, 49 из 53 смертей и 28 из 35 травм, была связана со взрывом газа, а основные факторы, вызывающие взрыв – это накопление газа и его возгорание. Акцентировано внимание на надлежащее качество проектирования шахт, регулярный осмотр шахт, соблюдение предлагаемых правил и норм безопасности шахт. Научная новизна. Метод АДО был впервые применен впервые для понимания глубинных причин, вызывающих взрыв газа в угольных шахтах Пакистана, а его спецификация позволила выявить ряд важных ключевых факторов, которые следует учитывать для сокращения риска взрыва газа и предотвращения вызванных им аварий. Практическая значимость. Разработаны стратегические меры, позволяющие предотвратить или уменьшить число аварий со смертельными последствиями (или без них), вызванных взрывом газа. Для этой цели предлагается, чтобы в Пакистане были проведены серьезные структурные реформы и преобразования в области охраны труда.This research was funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (51574226) and 2017 Special Project of Subject Frontiers Scientific Research in China University of Mining and Technology (2017XKQY047). Additionally, authors are very thankful to the School of Mines, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, 221116 China, whose support allowed to accomplish this research within the specified time

    Effects of iso-nitrogenous and iso-phosphorus fertilizers as nutrient sources on carp polyculture in Bangladesh

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    A 120 day long experiment was conducted to find out the effects of cow manure with urea and triple super phosphate (CUT), poultry manure with urea and triple super phosphate (PUT) and cow manure with poultry manure (CP) having similar quantities of nitrogen and phosphorus on pond productivity and fish yield. The stocking fish were rohu (Labeo rohita), catla ( Catla catla) and mrigal ( Cirrhinus mrigala) in each treatment pond at the rate of 10000/ha. All ponds were fertilized fortnightly at the rate of 4000 kg/ha cow manure with 62 kg/ha urea and 65 kg/ha TSP, 2700 kg/ha poultry manure with 62 kg/ha urea and 16 kg/ha TSP, and 4000kg/ha cow manure with 2700 kg/ha poultry manure for the treatment CUT, PUT and CP respectively. Each treatment contained an iso-nitrogen and iso-phosphorus of 56 kg and 46 kg respectively. Though the physico-chemical parameters were more or less similar in all ponds, the chlorophyll-a content and abundance of total plankton were significantly higher (P< 0.05) in the ponds receiving the fertilizer treatment of PUT than those of other treatments. Final growth as well as per unit production of fish of treatment PUT (1773 kg/ha) was significantly higher (P< 0.05) than that of treatment CP (1528 kg/ha) followed by that of treatment CUT (1336 kg/ha). The over all results showed that poultry manure with urea and triple super phosphate proved to be superior to cow manure with urea and triple super phosphate, and poultry manure with cow manure, even when nitrogen and phosphorus content was similar, in carp polyculture system under prevailing conditions

    Effects of lubricated surface in the stagnation point flow of a micropolar fluid

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    In this investigation, we have considered a steady, two-dimensional flow of a micropolar fluid towards a stagnation point over a lubricated plate. A power law fluid is utilized for the purpose of lubrication. To derive the slip condition in the present flow situation, continuity of shear stress and velocity has been imposed at the fluid lubricant interface. The set of nonlinear coupled ordinary differential equations subject to boundary conditions is solved by a powerful numerical technique called the Keller-box method. Some important flow features have been analyzed and discussed under the influence of slip parameter , material parameter and ratio of micro-rotation to the skin friction parameter . The main purpose of the present article is to analyze the reduction in the shear stress and couple stress effects in the presence of lubrication as compared to the viscous fluid that may be beneficial during polymeric processing

    Organoleptic and microbiological quality changes of catla (Catla catla) in immediate and delayed ice storage and at ambient temperature

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    An investigation was carried out on the quality changes of Catla (Catla calla) stored immediately (0 h) in ice, after 6 hours in ice and at ambient temperature. The samples were examined for organoleptic and microbiological parameters in summer. Organoleptically, the acceptability of fish varied between 16-20 days in both the iced storage conditions and 12-13.5 hours at ambient temperature (28°C). When fish were organoleptically just acceptable on the 16th day of storage, bacterial load were 6.23 and 6.17 log10 cfu/g, respectively for 0 hour and after 6 hours iced fish. But on the 20th day of storage, when fish were just unacceptable SPC were 6.51 and 6.62 log10 cfu/g. In case of ambient temperature storage condition standard plate count was 8.36 log10 cfu/g on 13.5 hours, when fish were organoleptically just unacceptable. At the time of rejection for fish stored in ice (0 hour and after 6 hours) on 20th day, gram negative and gram positive values were 55.45%, 44.55% and 44.52%, 55.48% respectively. While fish were rejected after 13.5 hours at ambient temperature gram negative and gram positive bacteria were found as 43.02% and 56.98%. The differences in SPC, gram positive and gram negative bacteria between the storage times were statistically significant (p<0.05)

    Exclusive Radiative B-Decays in the Light-Cone QCD Sum Rule Approach

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    We carry out a detailed study of exclusive radiative rare BB-decays in the framework of the QCD sum rules on the light cone, which combines the traditional QCD sum rule technique with the description of final state vector mesons in terms of the light-cone wave functions of increasing twist. The decays considered are: Bu,dK+γ,Bu,dρ+γ,Bdω+γB_{u,d} \to K^* +\gamma, B_{u,d}\to \rho+\gamma, B_d\to \omega+\gamma and the corresponding decays of the BsB_s mesons, Bsϕ+γB_s\to \phi+\gamma and BsK+γB_s\to K^*+\gamma. Based on our estimate of the transition form factor F_1^{B \to K^*\pg}(0) =0.32\pm0.05, we find for the branching ratio BR(BK+γ)=(4.8±1.5)×105BR(B \to K^* + \gamma) = (4.8\pm 1.5)\times 10^{-5}, which is in agreement with the observed value measured by the CLEO collaboration. We present detailed estimates for the ratios of the radiative decay form factors, which are then used to predict the rates for the exclusive radiative B-decays listed above. This in principle allows the extraction of the CKM matrix element Vtd|V_{td}| from the penguin-dominated CKM-suppressed radiative decays when they are measured. We give a detailed discussion of the dependence of the form factors on the bb-quark mass and on the momentum transfer, as well as their interrelation with the CKM-suppressed semileptonic decay form factors in Bρ++νB\to \rho+\ell+\nu, which we also calculate in our approach.Comment: 32 pages, 10 uuencoded figures, LaTeX, preprint CERN-TH 7118/9

    Securing Low-Power Blockchain-Enabled IoT Devices Against Energy Depletion Attack

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    Blockchain-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) envisions a world with rapid development and implementations to change our everyday lives based on smart devices. These devices are attached to the internet that can communicate with each other without human interference. A well-known wireless network in blockchain-enabled IoT frameworks is the Low Power and Lossy Network (LLN) that uses a novel protocol known as Routing protocol for low power and lossy networks (RPL) to provide effective and energy-efficient routing. LLNs that run on RPL are inherently prone to multiple Denial of Service (DoS) attacks due to the low cost, shared medium. and resource-constrained nature of blockchain-enabled IoT devices. A Spam DODAG Information Solicitation (DIS) attack is one of the novel attacks that drain the energy source of legitimate nodes and ends up causing the legitimate nodes to suffer from DoS. To address this problem, a mitigation scheme named DIS Spam Attack Mitigation (DISAM) is proposed. The proposed scheme effectively mitigates the effects of the Spam DIS attack on the network’s performance. The experimental results show that DISAM detects and mitigates the attack quickly and efficiently

    Dim Isolated Neutron Stars, Cooling and Energy Dissipation

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    The cooling and reheating histories of dim isolated neutron stars(DINs) are discussed. Energy dissipation due to dipole spindown with ordinary and magnetar fields, and due to torques from a fallback disk are considered as alternative sources of reheating which would set the temperature of the neutron star after the initial cooling era. Cooling or thermal ages are related to the numbers and formation rates of the DINs and therefore to their relations with other isolated neutron star populations. Interaction with a fallback disk, higher multipole fields and activity of the neutron star are briefly discussed.Comment: To appear in Astrophysics and Space Science, in the proceedings of the conference "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the Interior to the Surface", London, April 2006; eds. D. Page, R. Turolla and S. Zane. Revised version: with minor change and typos correcte

    Investigation of naproxen drug using mass spectrometry, thermal analyses and semi-empirical molecular orbital calculation

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    AbstractNaproxen (C14H14O3) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). It is important to investigate its structure to know the active groups and weak bonds responsible for medical activity. In the present study, naproxen was investigated by mass spectrometry (MS), thermal analysis (TA) measurements (TG/DTG and DTA) and confirmed by semi empirical molecular orbital (MO) calculation, using PM3 procedure. These calculations included, bond length, bond order, bond strain, partial charge distribution, ionization energy and heat of formation (ΔHf). The mass spectra and thermal analysis fragmentation pathways were proposed and compared to select the most suitable scheme representing the correct fragmentation pathway of the drug in both techniques. The PM3 procedure reveals that the primary cleavage site of the charged molecule is the rupture of the COOH group (lowest bond order and high strain) which followed by CH3 loss of the methoxy group. Thermal analysis of the neutral drug reveals a high response to the temperature variation with very fast rate. It decomposed in several sequential steps in the temperature range 80–400°C. These mass losses appear as two endothermic and one exothermic peaks which required energy values of 255.42, 10.67 and 371.49Jg−1 respectively. The initial thermal ruptures are similar to that obtained by mass spectral fragmentation (COOH rupture). It was followed by the loss of the methyl group and finally by ethylene loss. Therefore, comparison between MS and TA helps in selection of the proper pathway representing its fragmentation. This comparison is successfully confirmed by MO-calculation