271 research outputs found

    Interventional Ultrasound for Ovarian Cyst Aspiration During Pregnancy; A Case Report and Literature Review

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    Abstract: Herewith we present perinatal outcome in pregnancies with ovarian cysts after fine needle aspiration in the second trimester and excision during c-section at term. Outcome was satisfactory for both maternal and fetal. 28 years primigravida presented with huge ovarian cyst, size 18 X 16 cm in her second trimester of pregnancy. The procedure was performed without anaesthesia under ultrasound guidance. Three litres were aspirated within two hours while the patient was on her right lateral position. Cytology of the aspirated fluid revealed a simple ovarian cyst and no evidence of malignancy. The pregnancy continued uneventfully. C-section was done at 37 weeks gestational age.  Ovarian cystectomy was performed. The result of histopathology was benign cystadenoma. We concluded that ovarian cyst aspiration under ultrasound guidance is simple, safe and useful in the management of ultrasonically benign ovarian cysts. We advocate using this procedure in similar situation and same characteristics


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    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus results from defects in insulin secretion and/or insulin action or both. Objectives: The present study was conducted to investigate the hypoglycemic effects of Allium cepa in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.   Results: In type 2 diabetic patients (n=21) the administration of crude Allium cepa (100g) markedly reduced fasting blood glucose levels by 40 mg/dl 4 hours later, compared to glibenclamide (81 mg/dl). Also Allium cepa significantly reduced the induced hyperglycemia (GTT) after ingestion of 75 grams dextrose by 159 mg/dl in the test subgroup (n=7) of type 2 diabetic patients to a point below that produced in the negative control group after 4 hours. Conclusion: Crude Allium cepa produced hypoglycemic effects, thus it could be used as a dietary supplement in management of diabetes

    Direct Extraction and Assessment of Genomic DNA of Mycetoma Fungi from Black-grains Specimen

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    Background: Direct isolation of genomic DNA of mycetoma fungi from black-grains achieve rapid diagnosis and may overcome culture disadvantages. Objectives: This study aimed to isolate and assess the DNA of mycetoma fungi using black-grains and to apply amplification of ITS region and nucleotide sequences. Methods: CTAB method was followed by manual homogenization alternatively to liquid nitrogen and glass beads disruption to obtain the genomic DNA. Results: Yielded DNA concentrations vary from 1.50 to 47.97 μg/ml (mean 10.09 μg/ml) while the optimum DNA purity recorded with 75.8% of specimens (n=69/91).Successful amplification of ITS region was done using pan-fungal primers (ITS4/5) with 90.1 (n=82/91)percentage. Species nucleotide sequences were detected with 67 (94.4%) amplicons from a total of 71.Conclusion: The study recommended using of black-grain specimens for DNA extraction of mycetoma fungi parallel with culture to insure rabid diagnosis and identification

    Antibacterial Activity and Preliminary Phytochemical Screening of Four Medicinal Plants

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           The present study was undertaken to investigate the antibacterial activity and to find the biologically active functional groups of four medicinal plants. The ethanolic extracts which were obtained by maceration were tested against in vitro five bacterial strains, using cup-plate agar diffusion method. Preliminary phytochemical screening techniques were also used to test for the presence and nature of the active constituents in these plant extracts.      Extracts of the plants; Adansonia digitata, Eucalyptus globulus and Trigonella foenum graecum showed a remarkable antibacterial activity against all tested bacterial strains. Meanwhile, the ethanolic extract of Ficus sycomorous exhibited a considerable antibacterial activity against Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeuroginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. The preliminary phytochemical screening revealed the presence of terpenes, tannins and saponins in all tested plant extracts, whereas alkaloids and cardiac glycosides were found in appreciable amounts in extracts Trigonella foenum graecum and Adansonia digitata respectively.       It can be concluded that the tested plants demonstrating broad spectra of activity which may help to discover new chemical classes of antibiotics that could serve as selective agents for the maintenance of health

    Investigation of Anti-nociceptive Activity of Neem (Azadirachta indica) A. Juss on Acetic Acid Induced Writhing in Rats

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    Background: Plants represent the principal means of therapy in traditional medicine and the plant kingdom has long served as a prolific source of useful drugs. Objective: This study was undertaken to investigate the anti-nociceptive activity of Azadirachta indica A.juss leaf extract in experimental animals.   Methods: Three doses of methanolic extract of Azadirachta indica leaf (100, 200, and 400 mg/kg) were administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) to  investigate their potential antinociceptive activity using acetic acid induced writhing in rats compared to morphine and diclofenac sodium as standard drugs.   Results: The methanolic extract of indica at a dose of 400 mg/kg produced 72.01% protection against writhing induced by acetic acid. This result points to approximately equal protection exhibited by 25mg/kg diclofenac sodium. Co-administration of indica (400 mg/kg) and diclofenac (25 mg/kg) produced 100% protection as diclofenac sodium (50mg/kg) and morphine (2.5, 5 mg/kg). Conclusion and recommendation: On the basis of results obtained, the use of indica leaf extract as antinociceptive seems to be promising. Bioassay guided fractionation of the methanolic extract of indica leaf is recommended for safety and efficacious use. Further work on determination of active ingredient(s) and mechanism of action is also needed

    Investigation of anti -nociceptive activity of Zingabeel (Zingiber officinale) on acetic acid induced writhing in rats

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    This study was carried out to test for antinociceptive effect of the methanolic extract of ginger using acetic acid induced writhing in rats and compared to morphine and diclofenac sodium as standard drugs. The methanolic extract of ginger, showed dose dependent responses whereas 50 and 100mg/kg produced 100%protection against writhing  induced  by  acetic acid (0.6 %  i.p.) .  This protection supersedes the effect of diclofenac sodium (25, 50 and 75 mg/kg). On the other hand morphine (2.5- 10 mg/kg), exhibited 100% protection against writhing induced by acetic acid. Therefore we can conclude and recommend that, ginger is a potential source of new and effective anti-nociceptive agent(s). Bioassay guided fractionation for the methanolic extract of ginger should be investigated for the determination of active ingredient(s), and to elucidate their mechanism of action.  الخلاصة: أجريت هذ الدراسة  لإختبار تأثيرالخلاصة الميثانولية  للزنجبيل كمسكن للألم باستخدام حمض الاستيك الذي يحفز الانقباضات ألبطنيه المسببة للألم ومقارنته بالمورفين و الدايكلوفيناك صوديوم  كأدوية مرجعية. أظهر  المستخلص الميثانولي للزنجبيل إستجابات إعتمادا على  الجرعات حيث إنه في الجرعات  50 و 100مجم/كجم نتجت حماية بنسبة 100% ضد الانقباضات المسببة  بواسطة حمض الأسيتيك (0,6%)˛ حيث يعتبر أفضل تأثيرا من الدايكلوفيناك صوديوم (25، 50، 75مجم/كجم) ومن ناحية أخرى فإن المورفين (2.5 -10 مجم/كج) قد أعطى حماية بنسبة 100% ضد الانقباضات المسببه بواسطة حمض الأسيتيك.  لذا نستنتج   ونوصي بأن الزنجبيل مصدر متوقع  جديد فعال كمسكن للآلام. كما نوصي  بأن تجرى الاختبارات الحيوية الموجهه للتجزئة للزنجبيل لتحديد المادة الفعالة و توضيح آلية عملها.    &nbsp

    Liquid-Liquid Successive Fractionation of Stem Bark Alcoholic Extract from Acacia polyacantha: GC-MS Analysis and Antibacterial Activities.

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    Antimicrobial resistance is considered as one of the top problematic issues facing world health system. Fortunately, medicinal plants, considered as ongoing source of antimicrobial agents can resolve this health problem Acacia polyacantha tree (AL-Kakamout) is widely available in Sudan. It is one of the main sources of Gum Arabic and used traditionally for treating many bacterial diseases. This study aimed to analyze the fractions of hydro-ethanol extract of A. polyacantha stem bark obtained by liquid-liquid successive fractionation by GC-MS method and to determine the antibacterial activity of these fractions against two standard bacterial strains of Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Gram-negative bacteria Pseudomonas aeroginosa (ATCC 27853) by well diffusion technique. The powdered A. polyacantha stem bark was extracted by cold maceration using 70% Ethanol and successively fractionated to produce petroleum ether, butanol and aqueous fraction. The butanol fraction in which Cyclolanostanol acetate (28.29%), Dopamine, N,N-dimethyl-, dimethyl ether (21.94%), were dominating, was the most active against both bacterial strains. Petroleum ether fraction which is rich in Lupeol, trifluoroacetate (37.64%) and stigmasterol (13.05%) triterpenoids was found to be more active against P. aeroginosa and with less activity against S.aureus. While the remaining aqueous fraction where hordenine alkaloid (47.21%) and 3-O-Methyl-d-glucose (%30.46) were dominant components showed no activity against S.aureus and with low activity against P. aeroginosa. In conclusion, A.polyacantha bark extract fractions are rich in phytochemical compounds having antibacterial activity and highly recommended to be further investigated as potential antibacterial agents

    GC-MS analysis, antioxidant and antibacterial activity of acetone fractions obtained from Guiera Senegalensis leaves and Quercus Infectoria Nutgalls extracts

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    Medicinal plants are considered an important source of phytochemical compounds that play a vital role to produce a definite physiological action for the treatment of several diseases. This study was aimed to investigate the phytoconstituents of Guiera senegalensis leaves and Quercus infectoria nutgalls extracts, and to study their antioxidant and antibacterial activities. Ethanol extracts were subjected to sequential fractionation using petroleum ether, dichloromethane and acetone. Acetone fraction (as major) was analyzed using qualitative and quantitative GC-MS analysis. In vitro antioxidant activity and antibacterial sensitivity against Staphylococcus aureus of acetone fraction were evaluated whereas; DPPH radical scavenging activity and disc diffusion methods were used, respectively. Results obtained from GC-MS analysis for G. senegalensis were showed the presence of eupafolin, pyrogallol, hydroquinone and catechol with percentages of 65.16%, 15.79%, 10.36% and 8.69%, respectively. While Q. infectoria GC-MS analysis was revealed the presence of pyrogallol as major phytoconstituent (94.77%).  The antioxidant activity of the two extracts showed higher 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging activity (94%) at a concentration of 250 μg/ml compared to standard popylgallate. Both extracts at a concentration of 25 mg/ml were exhibited higher antibacterial activity against S. aureus compared to gentamicin. It could be concluded that G. senegalensis leaves and Q. infectoria nutgalls possess significant antioxidant and antibacterial principles for possible treatment of inflammations and bacterial infections especially those caused by S. aureus. Further experimental and clinical studies are warranted.


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    The word achondroplasia is derived from Greek and means "without cartilage formation," although individuals with achondroplasia do have cartilage. In genetics, dominance describes the effects of the different versions of a particular gene on the phenotype of an organism. Many animals (including humans) and plants have two copies of each gene in their genome, one inherited from each parent