6 research outputs found

    Gravitational corrections in supersymmetric gauge theory and matrix models

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    Gravitational corrections in N=1 and N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories are obtained from topological string amplitudes. We show how they are recovered in matrix model computations. This provides a test of the proposal by Dijkgraaf and Vafa beyond the planar limit. Both, matrix model and topological string theory, are used to check a conjecture of Nekrasov concerning these gravitational couplings in Seiberg-Witten theory. Our analysis is performed for those gauge theories which are related to the cubic matrix model, i.e. pure SU(2) Seiberg-Witten theory and N=2 U(N) SYM broken to N=1 via a cubic superpotential. We outline the computation of the topological amplitudes for the local Calabi-Yau manifolds which are relevant for these two cases.Comment: 27 pages, one eps figur

    Matrix Model as a Mirror of Chern-Simons Theory

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    Using mirror symmetry, we show that Chern-Simons theory on certain manifolds such as lens spaces reduces to a novel class of Hermitian matrix models, where the measure is that of unitary matrix models. We show that this agrees with the more conventional canonical quantization of Chern-Simons theory. Moreover, large N dualities in this context lead to computation of all genus A-model topological amplitudes on toric Calabi-Yau manifolds in terms of matrix integrals. In the context of type IIA superstring compactifications on these Calabi-Yau manifolds with wrapped D6 branes (which are dual to M-theory on G2 manifolds) this leads to engineering and solving F-terms for N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories with superpotentials involving certain multi-trace operators.Comment: harvmac, 54 pages, 13 figure

    Superpotentials from flux compactifications of M-theory

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    In flux compactifications of M-theory a superpotential is generated whose explicit form depends on the structure group of the 7-dimensional internal manifold. In this note, we discuss superpotentials for the structure groups: G_2, SU(3) or SU(2). For the G_2 case all internal fluxes have to vanish. For SU(3) structures, the non-zero flux components entering the superpotential describe an effective 1-dimensional model and a Chern-Simons model if there are SU(2) structures.Comment: 10 page

    Topological String Amplitudes, Complete Intersection Calabi-Yau Spaces and Threshold Corrections

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    We present the most complete list of mirror pairs of Calabi-Yau complete intersections in toric ambient varieties and develop the methods to solve the topological string and to calculate higher genus amplitudes on these compact Calabi-Yau spaces. These symplectic invariants are used to remove redundancies in examples. The construction of the B-model propagators leads to compatibility conditions, which constrain multi-parameter mirror maps. For K3 fibered Calabi-Yau spaces without reducible fibers we find closed formulas for all genus contributions in the fiber direction from the geometry of the fibration. If the heterotic dual to this geometry is known, the higher genus invariants can be identified with the degeneracies of BPS states contributing to gravitational threshold corrections and all genus checks on string duality in the perturbative regime are accomplished. We find, however, that the BPS degeneracies do not uniquely fix the non-perturbative completion of the heterotic string. For these geometries we can write the topological partition function in terms of the Donaldson-Thomas invariants and we perform a non-trivial check of S-duality in topological strings. We further investigate transitions via collapsing D5 del Pezzo surfaces and the occurrence of free Z2 quotients that lead to a new class of heterotic duals.Comment: 117 pages, 1 Postscript figur

    Matrix models, complex geometry, and integrable systems: II^*

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