387 research outputs found

    Choreography, controversy and child sex abuse: Theoretical reflections on a cultural criminological analysis of dance in a pop music video

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    This article was inspired by the controversy over claims of ‘pedophilia!!!!’ undertones and the ‘triggering’ of memories of childhood sexual abuse in some viewers by the dance performance featured in the music video for Sia’s ‘Elastic Heart’ (2015). The case is presented for acknowledging the hidden and/or overlooked presence of dance in social scientific theory and cultural studies and how these can enhance and advance cultural criminological research. Examples of how these insights have been used within other disciplinary frameworks to analyse and address child sex crime and sexual trauma are provided, and the argument is made that popular cultural texts such as dance in pop music videos should be regarded as significant in analysing and tracing public perceptions and epistemologies of crimes such as child sex abuse

    Neutrinos and Future Concordance Cosmologies

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    We review the free parameters in the concordance cosmology, and those which might be added to this set as the quality of astrophysical data improves. Most concordance parameters encode information about otherwise unexplored aspects of high energy physics, up to the GUT scale via the "inflationary sector," and possibly even the Planck scale in the case of dark energy. We explain how neutrino properties may be constrained by future astrophysical measurements. Conversely, future neutrino physics experiments which directly measure these parameters will remove uncertainty from fits to astrophysical data, and improve our ability to determine the global properties of our universe.Comment: Proceedings of paper given at Neutrino 2008 meeting (by RE

    Cosmology With Many Light Scalar Fields: Stochastic Inflation and Loop Corrections

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    We explore the consequences of the existence of a very large number of light scalar degrees of freedom in the early universe. We distinguish between participator and spectator fields. The former have a small mass, and can contribute to the inflationary dynamics; the latter are either strictly massless or have a negligible VEV. In N-flation and generic assisted inflation scenarios, inflation is a co-operative phenomenon driven by N participator fields, none of which could drive inflation on their own. We review upper bounds on N, as a function of the inflationary Hubble scale H. We then consider stochastic and eternal inflation in models with N participator fields showing that individual fields may evolve stochastically while the whole ensemble behaves deterministically, and that a wide range of eternal inflationary scenarios are possible in this regime. We then compute one-loop quantum corrections to the inflationary power spectrum. These are largest with N spectator fields and a single participator field, and the resulting bound on N is always weaker than those obtained in other ways. We find that loop corrections to the N-flation power spectrum do not scale with N, and thus place no upper bound on the number of participator fields. This result also implies that, at least to leading order, the theory behaves like a composite single scalar field. In order to perform this calculation, we address a number of issues associated with loop calculations in the Schwinger-Keldysh "in-in" formalism.Comment: Typos corrected. Matches published versio

    Robotic Intracorporeal Ileal Conduit Formation: Initial Experience from a Single UK Centre

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    Objectives. To describe our technique of robotic intracorporeal ileal conduit formation (RICIC) during robotic-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC). To report our initial results of this new procedure. Patients and Methods. Seven male and one female patients underwent RARC with RICIC over a six-month period. Demographic, operative, and outcome data was collected prospectively. Median patient age was 75 years (range 62–78 years). Median followup was 9 months (range 7–14 months). Results. RARC with RICIC was performed successfully in all eight patients. The median total operating time was 360 minutes (range 310–440 minutes) with a median blood loss of 225 mL (range 50–1000 mL). The median length of stay was nine days (range 6–34 days). Four patients (50%) were discharged within seven days. Four patients (50%) experienced one or more complications. This included two Clavien I complications, two Clavien II complications, and two Clavien III complications. Two patients (25%) required transfusion of two units each. To date, there have been no complications associated with the ileal conduit. Conclusion. Whilst being technically challenging, this procedure is safe, feasible, and reproducible. Patients who avoid complication show potential for rapid recovery and early discharge

    Reionization and the large-scale 21 cm-cosmic microwave background cross correlation

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    Of the many probes of reionization, the 21 cm line and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) are among the most effective. We examine how the cross-correlation of the 21 cm brightness and the CMB Doppler fluctuations on large angular scales can be used to study this epoch. We employ a new model of the growth of large scale fluctuations of the ionized fraction as reionization proceeds. We take into account the peculiar velocity field of baryons and show that its effect on the cross correlation can be interpreted as a mixing of Fourier modes. We find that the cross-correlation signal is strongly peaked toward the end of reionization and that the sign of the correlation should be positive because of the inhomogeneity inherent to reionization. The signal peaks at degree scales (l~100) and comes almost entirely from large physical scales (k~0.01 Mpc). Since many of the foregrounds and noise that plague low frequency radio observations will not correlate with CMB measurements, the cross correlation might appear to provide a robust diagnostic of the cosmological origin of the 21 cm radiation around the epoch of reionization. Unfortunately, we show that these signals are actually only weakly correlated and that cosmic variance dominates the error budget of any attempted detection. We conclude that the detection of a cross-correlation peak at degree-size angular scales is unlikely even with ideal experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Inflation and the Scale Dependent Spectral Index: Prospects and Strategies

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    We consider the running of the spectral index as a probe of both inflation itself, and of the overall evolution of the very early universe. Surveying a collection of simple single field inflationary models, we confirm that the magnitude of the running is relatively consistent, unlike the tensor amplitude, which varies by orders of magnitude. Given this target, we confirm that the running is potentially detectable by future large scale structure or 21 cm observations, but that only the most futuristic measurements can distinguish between these models on the basis of their running. For any specified inflationary scenario, the combination of the running index and unknown post-inflationary expansion history induces a theoretical uncertainty in the predicted value of the spectral index. This effect can easily dominate the statistical uncertainty with which Planck and its successors are expected to measure the spectral index. More positively, upcoming cosmological experiments thus provide an intriguing probe of physics between TeV and GUT scales by constraining the reheating history associated with any specified inflationary model, opening a window into the "primordial dark age" that follows the end of inflation.Comment: 32 pages. v2 and v3 Minor reference updates /clarification

    The role of robotic partial cystectomy in a patient with metastatic primary adenocarcinoma of the bladder

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    Treatment of urachal adenocarcinoma (UA) of the urinary bladder has typically been with radical cystectomy (RC) but more conservative approaches are gaining popularity. Here we present the case of a female patient with metastatic primary bladder UA who was treated with robotic partial cystectomy (RPC) and adjuvant chemotherapy; she is alive with no evidence of disease recurrence or metastatic disease at 5 years. This case provides some of the longest follow-up after RPC to date thereby demonstrating that RPC is a safe and oncologically viable treatment for selected patients even several years after definitive treatment. Patients undergoing RPC benefit from the reduced morbidity associated with this less radical treatment whilst enjoying similarly successful oncological outcomes to RC.  

    Constraining holographic inflation with WMAP

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    In a class of recently proposed models, the early universe is strongly coupled and described holographically by a three-dimensional, weakly coupled, super-renormalizable quantum field theory. This scenario leads to a power spectrum of scalar perturbations that differs from the usual empirical LCDM form and the predictions of generic models of single field, slow roll inflation. This spectrum is characterized by two parameters: an amplitude, and a parameter g related to the coupling constant of the dual theory. We estimate these parameters, using WMAP and other astrophysical data. We compute Bayesian evidence for both the holographic model and standard LCDM and find that their difference is not significant, although LCDM provides a somewhat better fit to the data. However, it appears that Planck will permit a definitive test of this holographic scenario.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figs, published versio
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