13 research outputs found

    Novi steroidni derivati sintetizirani iz 3betha-hidroksiandrosten-17-ona

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    In this study, we synthesized some new substituted steroidal derivatives using 3betha-hydroxyandrosten-17-one (dehydroepiandrosterone) as starting material. The synthesized steroidal derivatives 1-11 were evaluated for their androgenic-anabolic activities compared to testosterone as positive control. Details of the synthesis, spectroscopic data and toxicity (LD50) of synthesized compounds are reported.U radu je opisana sinteza novih steroidnih derivata 1-11 koristeći 3betha-hidroksiandrosten-17-on (dehidroepiandrosteron) kao početnu supstanciju. Androgeno-anaboličko djelovanje tih spojeva uspoređivano je s djelovanjem testosterona kao pozitivnom kontrolom. Navode se detaljni sintetski postupci, spektroskopska karakterizacija i podaci o toksičnosti (LD50)

    Caspases, DNA fragmentation, and oxidative stress: implications for the pathogenesis of preeclamsia and relationship with the maternal risk factors and perinatal outcome

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    No Abstract. The Egyptian Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Vol. 23(2) 2005: 105-12