795 research outputs found

    Prolactin and Prolactin Receptor Expression in Rat, Small Intestine, Intraepithelial Lymphocytes During Neonatal Developmen

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    Intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) are specialized T cells found between the epithelial cells of the small intestine. Because of their location, IEL are the first lymphocytes to contact intestinal bacteria and food antigens. In the neonate, IEL may be the first cells of the immune system to interact with milk-borne hormones including prolactin (PRL). PRL, an endocrine hormone abundant in breast milk, interacts with cells through surface receptors. PRL has been shown to function as an immunoregulator and may affect the development of the newborn's immune system. To determine if PRL plays a role in IEL development, small intestine IEL from rats of various ages were examined for the presence of surface prolactin receptor (PRL-R) and several lymphoid markers by flow cytometry. Between birth and 96 days of age about 80% of IEL were found to express PRL-R. These same cells also expressed the mRNA for PRL. Additionally, all of the IEL subpopulations examined were found to express PRL-R. Analysis of the normal development of rat IEL revealed an age related increase in total IEL, CD4 positive cells as well as a peak in interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) expression at weaning. In summary, the results indicate that IEL express PRL and PRL-R. In addition, an activation marker, IL-2R, changes in expression during neonatal development

    Diffusion in the aqueous compartment.

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    Chicory and Jerusalem artichoke productivity in different areas of Italy, in relation to water availability and time of harvest

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    Inulin is an important polysaccharide synthesised by different crops, which, in the EU has been included in the system of sugar quotas since 1994. Currently, one of the major problems of the agro-industry is the need to extend the length of the sugar crop harvest season. It was therefore decided, also in relation to the increased demand for inulin, to study the two main inulin producing crops in Italy (chicory and Jerusalem artichoke), to verify yield and quality potential and stability in relation to some important agronomic factors such as irrigation and time of harvest. The work was conducted in 1999 and 2000 in four areas of Italy (Udine, Rovigo, Bologna and Bari). The effects evaluated were time of harvest (3 for chicory and 2 for Jerusalem artichoke) and irrigation system (evapotranspiration replacement and dry regime, with irrigation applied only when strictly necessary) on the production of storage organs, sugars and inulin in the two crops. The highest chicory root yield was in Bologna, with an average production of 65.6 t ha -1 (fresh weight), compared to Rovigo (54.4 t ha -1 ), Bari (46.5 t ha -1 ) and Udine (38.7 t ha -1). For final tuber yield in Jerusalem artichoke, Bari was the most productive environment with an average of 80 t ha -1 , followed by Bologna (61 t ha -1 ) and Udine (55.5 t ha -1 ). However, when this crop is whole-plant harvested (stalks and tubers) at pre-flowering, Bologna, with high stalk yields (58.7 t ha -1) appeared to be the most suitable environment. This type of harvesting was also shown to be more productive in terms of sugar and inulin yield. The total sugar content in the different organs analysed (roots, stalk and tubers) was always higher in Udine compared to Bologna, for both crops. Lastly, the length of the inulin chain (average degree of polymerisation [DP]) diminishes with the delaying of the harvest in both crops. The Bologna area had the highest potential in terms of chicory root production, while for the tubers yield of Jerusalem artichoke, the Bari environment was the most productive. But, when Jerusalem artichoke is instead considered as a crop for whole-plant harvest (stalks and tubers), Bologna, with a very high stalk yields, becomes the most suitable area. The highest sugar content in roots, stalks and tubers of both crops was found in the Udine tria

    Camelina sativa (L. Crantz) Fresh Forage Productive Performance and Quality at Different Vegetative Stages: Effects of Dietary Supplementation in Ionica Goats on Milk Quality

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    The research meant to study the productive performances of Camelina sativa and the effects of feeding Camelina fresh forage harvested during five phenological stages (I: main stem elongation; II: maximum stem elongation: III: inflorescence appearance; IV: flowering; V: fruit set visible) on the yield, chemical composition and fatty acid profile of milk from autochthonous Ionica goats. Goats were randomly assigned to two groups (n = 15) that received a traditional forage mixture (Control) or Camelina forage harvested at different stages (CAM). The field experiment was conducted in two years; no significant differences between years were recorded for any of the Camelina production traits. The total biomass increased (p < 0.05) from phase I (1.4 t/ha) to phase V (5.2 t/ha). The distribution of stem, leaves and pod also changed during growth, showing a significant increase of stem from 40.8 to 45.6% and of pod from 0 to 19.4%, whereas leaves decreased from 59.2 to 35.1%. The milk yield and chemical composition were unaffected by the diet, while supplementation with Camelina forage increased milk CLA content (on average 1.14 vs. 0.78%). A markedly higher concentration of PUFAs was found in milk from goats fed Camelina harvested during the last three phenological stages. The index of thrombogenicity of milk from the CAM fed goats was significantly lower compared to the control group. In conclusion, Camelina sativa is a multi-purpose crop that may be successfully cultivated in Southern Italy regions and used as fresh forage for goat feeding. Milk obtained from Camelina fed goats showed satisfactory chemical and fatty acid composition, with potential benefits for human health

    Dietary supplementation with camelina sativa (L. crantz) forage in autochthonous ionica goats: Effects on milk and caciotta cheese chemical, fatty acid composition and sensory properties

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    The research studied the effects of dietary supplementation with Camelina sativa fresh forage on the chemical and fatty acid composition of milk and Caciotta cheese, and its sensory properties. Twenty Ionica goats were randomly assigned to the following two groups (n = 10): the control received a traditional forage mixture (Avena sativa, 70%; Vicia sativa, 20%; Trifolium spp., 10%), while the experimental group was given Camelina sativa fresh forage (CAM). All of the dams grazed on pasture and received a commercial feed (500 g/head/day) at housing. The milk from the CAM group showed a higher (p < 0.05) content of dry matter, fat, lactose and concentrations of C6:0, C11:0, C14:0, C18:2 n-6, CLA and PUFA, while lower (p < 0.05) amounts of C12:0, C18:0 and saturated long chain FA (SLCFA). The Caciotta cheese from the CAM group showed a greater (p < 0.05) content of n-6 FA and n-6/n-3 ratio, although close to four, thus resulting adequate under the nutritional point of view. The overall liking, odour, taste, hardness, solubility and “goaty” flavour were better (p < 0.05) in the CAM cheeses. Further investigation would be advisable in order to evaluate the effect of feeding Camelina forage obtained from different phenological stages, and the application of ensiling techniques

    Episodic angioedema with hypereosinophilia (Gleich’s syndrome): A case report and extensive review of the literature

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    Episodic angioedema with eosinophilia (EAE) (Gleich’s syndrome) is a rare disease charac-terized by hypereosinophilia (up to 95 × 109 cells/L), recurrent episodes of angioedema, urticaria, weight gain, and fever, that occur at periodical intervals (usually every 3–4 weeks). The exact etiology of EAE is still unclear, but both eosinophils and abnormalities of cytokines homeostasis seem to play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of the disease. In particular, the cyclic elevation of serum interleukin-5 before the increase in eosinophil count has been reported. Herein, we performed a broad literature review and report the case of a thirty-two-year-old woman with a two-year history of cyclic angioedema attacks, urticaria, periodic weight gain, and severe hypereosinophilia, diagnosed with EAE and treated with oral corticosteroids. Describing the most relevant clinical features of EAE reported so far in the literature, we aim to provide physicians with some useful tools to help them deal with this disease. In addition, we aim to raise awareness about this rare condition in which approved diagnostic classification criteria are currently missing

    Large-scale plant production of lycium barbarum l. By liquid culture in temporary immersion system and possible application to the synthesis of bioactive substance

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    Goji (Lycium barbarum L.) has recognized nutritive and antioxidant properties and many products are commercialized for health in food market. Besides its food use, goji has been the subject of more than 2000 years of traditional Chinese medicine, using berries, root bark, and leaves. Here, the potential of the liquid culture in temporary immersion system (TIS) by using the bioreactor Plantform™ was tested for the large-scale production of high-quality goji shoots and the subsequent production of total phenols and flavonoids. The three tested immersion cycles differently influenced the shoot quality in terms of proliferation and hyperhydricity. The best immersion cycle (time and frequency) was proven to have the shortest daily immersion time (6 min every 24 h) which ensured good levels of relative growth and multiplication rate, very limited onset of hyperydricity, and the longest shoots, promoting direct rooting after only 30 days of culture. In comparison with the semisolid culture, the TIS culture resulted in an increase of the total phenolic content (TPC) and in a lower value of the total flavonoid content (TFC). However, considering the higher quantity of biomass produced in the Plantform™ bioreactor, the difference in terms of TFC productivity between semisolid medium and TIS liquid culture was proven to be statistically equivalent
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