1,065 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of household consumers electroreceivers modes

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    Данная статья предлагает сравнительный анализ различных режимов работы бытовых электроприемников, на основе измерений, сделанных в реальной квартире. Измерение Показателей качества электроэнергии (ПКЭ) и снятие графиков нагрузки осуществлялось с помощью прибора регистратора-анализатора ПКЭ ChauvinArnoux СА 8335+. Ежедневные нагрузки и ежедневные затраты энергии рассчитаны и отображены графически с почасовой дискретностью. Выбраны наиболее эффективные способы регулирования потребления энергоресурсов и сокращения финансовых затрат на электроэнергию.The paper deals with the comparative analysis of various operating modes of household consumers electroreceivers on the basis of measurements in real apartment. Measurement of Unified Power Quality Index (UPQI) and reading load curves were accomplished by means of the UPQI logger Chauvin Arnoux СА 8335+. Daily load and daily cost of energy are calculated and shown graphically with hourly discretization. The most effective ways of regulation the energy consumption and reduction of financial expenses on the electric power are chosen

    Research of household consumers electroreceivers modes

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    Ежемесячно потребители в квартирах платят за электроприборы в соответствии с потребляемой ими энергией. Данная статья представляет собой описание первых шагов, направленных на развитие и оптимизацию режимов распространенных бытовых устройств, и, как результат, и на финансовые расходы потребителей. Прежде всего, электрические приборы были разделены на 3 группы в соответствии с их режимами работы. Холодильник как представитель группы приборов резко переменной нагрузки, был выбран для основных измерений. Измерение Показателей качества электроэнергии (ПКЭ) и снятие графиков нагрузки осуществлялось с помощью прибора регистратора-анализатора ПКЭ Chauvin Arnoux СА 8335+. Анализ кривых нагрузки и графика расхода средств позволяет рассчитать финансовые затраты в процентах. Эти исследования могут стать основой для дальнейшего исследования в области уменьшения и оптимизации расходов.In modern world each of us has a range of electric appliances, which simplified our daily life, in our house or flat. But what is more all of us are obligated to pay for work of all devices, which means for power they consume. This paper represented first steps aimed to develop and optimize modes of common household devices and as a result our financial expenses. At first all electric appliances were shared to 3 groups according with their modes. Then refrigerator, as a representor of abruptly variable load group, was chosen for main measurements. Measurement of Unified Power Quality Index (UPQI) and reading load curves were accomplished by means of the UPQI logger ChauvinArnouxСА 8335+. Provided load curves and flow chart of funds allow to calculate financial expenses in percent. This research formulates base for following investigation in field of consume and expense optimization

    Communication of uneasiness with sociability level at teenagers

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    In this article the research of communication of uneasiness with sociability at teenagers is made.В данной статье описаны результаты исследования связи тревожности с уровнем общительности у старших школьников


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    In this work, a number of experiments were carried out on the preliminary concentration of strontium from natural water, on 5 types of sorbents. Based on the results, the best sorbents were selected, with which the experiments were continued.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Свердловской области в рамках научного проекта № 20-43-660055

    Studing the Possibility of Application of Inorganic Sorbents in Radiochemical Analysis of 90Sr

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    Радиационный контроль стронция-90 является важным для решения природоохранных и экологических задач. Анализ литературных источников показывает нам, что методики по определению стронция-90 длительные, достаточно сложные и многостадийные, не исключены погрешности определения и заниженные результаты. Необходимо подобрать оптимальные условия определения данного изотопа, упростить анализ и ускорить, при этом снизить предел обнаружения до 0,1 Бк/л. В результате работы были изучены 5 сорбентов для предварительного концентрирования стронция. На основании сравнения сорбционных характеристик выбраны лучшие сорбенты, исследовали влияние рН на степень сорбции стронция. Для селективного выделения стронция-90 на тонкослойном сорбенте MnO2-ТАЦ изучили влияние рН и возможность отделения цезия-137.Radiation monitoring of strontium-90 is important for solving nature conservation and ecological problems. The analysis of literature sources shows us that the methods for determining strontium-90 are long, rather complicated and multi-stage, determination errors and underestimated results are not excluded. It is necessary to select the optimal conditions for the determination of this isotope, simplify the analysis and accelerate, while reducing the detection limit to 0.1 Bq/L. As a result of the work, 5 sorbents for preliminary concentration of strontium were studied. Based on a comparison of the sorption characteristics, the best sorbents were selected, and the effect of pH on the degree of strontium sorption was investigated. For the selective isolation of strontium-90 on a thin-layer MnO2-CTA sorbent, the effect of pH and the possibility of separating cesium-137 were studied.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ и Правительства Свердловской области в рамках проекта № 20-43-660055

    Efficacy of immune correcting therapy at varicose vein disease of pelvis minor in women

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    In the article the complex therapy of varicose vein disease of pelvis minor in women is suggested; it includes phlebotropic, metabolic and immunotropic drugs. Indicated scheme of treatment lead to improvement of hemodynamic parameters of venous system of pelvis minor. Positive changes of parameters of cytokine, cellular and humoral units of immune system are evidence for decrease of inflammatory response of venous vascular wall

    Automatic selection of a subset size at vector fields construction

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    An algorithm for selection of the size of a correlation kernel at displacement vector field construction by the method of digital image correlation has been proposed. The algorithm has been tested on simulated and experimental optical images having different texture. The influence of the correlation kernel size and image texture on nose immunity at determining displacements has been studied. It is shown that the proposed algorithm allows to find this size providing the minimum error when determination of displacements and estimation of deformation

    Immune response and cytokine status at varicose vein disease of pelvis minor in women

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    The article describes participation of immune system in pathogenesis of varicose vein of pelvis minor. The study revealed elevation of proinflammatory cytokines, discovered disturbances in cellular and humoral units of immunity. Indicated changes are evidence for inflammatory character of changes in venous vascular wall, causing its destruction and varicose dilatation

    Apoptosis in the liver of male <em>db/db</em> mice during the development of obesity and type 2 diabetes

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    Obesity and diabetes mellitus are known to lead to the development of metabolic syndrome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The mechanisms of programmed cell death are actively involved in maintaining cellular homeostasis along development of NAFLD. Proteins of the BCL-2 family are key regulators of physiological and pathological apoptosis. Homozygous males of BKS.Cg-Dock7mLeprdb/+/+/J mice (db/db mice) are characterized by progressive obesity and the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2) with severe hyperglycemia at 4–8 weeks and organ lesions at 8–10 weeks of age. The aim of this research was to study the expression of molecular cell regulators of apoptosis in liver cells of db/db mice males at different stages of obesity and diabetes development (at the age of 10 and 18 weeks). Immunohistochemical analysis (using the indirect avidin-biotin peroxidase method) and morphometric evaluation of the expression of the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 and the proapoptotic protein Bad in liver cells of studied animals at different stages of obesity and DM2 were carried out. An excess of the value of the Bcl-2 protein staining area over the Bad protein staining area was revealed in the liver of 10-week-old animals. The Bcl-2/Bad expression area ratio in 10-week-old animals was twice as high as in 18-week-old animals, which indicates the presence of conditions for blocking apoptosis in the liver of younger db/db mice. At the 18th week of life, db/db mice displayed an almost threefold increase in the expression area of the Bad protein against the background of an unchanged expression of the Bcl-2 protein. The decrease in the Bcl-2/Bad staining area ratio in 18-week-old animals was due to the increase in the Bad expression area, which indicates the absence of antiapoptotic cell protection and creates conditions for activation of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis in the liver of male db/db mice with pronounced signs of obesity and DM2

    Accelerated Recovery Protocol in Extended Combined and Single-Stage Surgery for Pelvic Cancer

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    Introduction. The study aimed to evaluate a routine accelerated recovery management in patients with extended combined pelvic surgery.Materials and methods. We surveyed the records and outcomes in various oncological patients following the accelerated recovery protocol after a routine extended combined pelvic surgery at the Moscow City Oncology Hospital No. 1 during 2018–2020.Results and discussion. Locally advanced tumours comprised 37 (75.5 %) cases, and the remaining 12 (24.5 %) were nonpelvic resections due to metastasis. Radical surgery was achieved in 41 (83.7 %) cases, while the other 8 (16.3 %) were symptomatic due to the emerged complications of intestinal permeability disruption, bleeding, urinary obstruction, paracancrotic abscess, internal fistulae or pain syndrome. Postoperative complications were evaluated in the Clavien-Dindo classification.Conclusion. The results obtained suggest the feasibility of an accelerated recovery protocol-based practice in extended combined pelvic surgery