3,601 research outputs found

    Experimental determination of the quasi-particle decay length ξSm\xi_{\text{Sm}} in a superconducting quantum well

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    We have investigated experimentally the electronic transport properties of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) present in an AlSb/InAs/AlSb quantum well, where part of the toplayer has been replaced by a superconducting Nb strip, with an energy gap Δ0\Delta_0. By measuring the lateral electronic transport underneath the superconductor, and comparing the experimental results with a model based on the Bogoliubov-de Gennes equation and the Landauer-B\"uttiker formalism, we obtain a decay length ξSm≈100 nm\xi_{\text{Sm}} \approx 100~\text{nm} for electrons. This decay length corresponds to an interface transparency TSIN=0.7T_{\text{SIN}}=0.7 between the Nb and InAs. Using this value, we infer an energy gap in the excitation spectrum of the SQW of Δeff=0.97Δ0=0.83 meV\Delta_{\text{eff}} = 0.97 \Delta_0 = 0.83~\text{meV}.Comment: Revtex, 3 PostScript figure

    Telomere length in breast cancer patients before and after chemotherapy with or without stem cell transplantation

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    High-dose chemotherapy and peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) may accelerate telomere length loss in haematopoietic stem cells. As data including pre-and post-treatment samples are lacking, we studied leukocyte telomere length and telomerase activity before and after treatment in breast cancer patients randomized to receive 5 adjuvant courses FEC (5-FU, epirubicin and cyclophosphamide) (n= 17), or 4 × FEC followed by high-dose cyclophosphamide, thiotepa, carboplatin and autologous PBSCT (n= 16). Haemoglobin, MCV, leukocyte-and platelet numbers were assessed prior to (t0), 5 months after (t1) and 9 months after chemotherapy (t2); these parameters were decreased at t1 and t2 compared to t0(high-dose: all parameters; standard-dose: leukocytes and platelets), and all parameters were lower after high-dose than standard-dose treatment at t1. Paired individual leukocyte samples of t0 and t1 showed telomere length change (determined by telomere restricted fragment (TRF) assay) ranging from +0.8 to –2.2 kb, with a decreased TRF length in 9 patients of both groups. Telomerase activity (determined by TRAP assay) was below detection limit in leukocyte samples of t0 and t1. Thus, standard-and high-dose chemotherapy negatively affect haematological reconstitution in this setting. In individual patients, telomere length can be remarkably changed following haematological proliferative stress after treatment. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign www.bjcancer.co

    A master's exam in surgical training

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    AN EXAMPLE FOR THE PRESENT DAY: The current requirement for explicit quality standards and examination of surgeons is an opportunity to contemplate surgical training from a historical perspective by looking at the regulations of the Amsterdam Surgeons' Guild (1461-1736). At that time Amsterdam surgeons usually trained for five years in a master-apprentice relationship under the guidance of a master surgeon in a surgeon's shop. An important part of the surgical training took place in the botanical gardens and anatomical theatre, where, during the weekly lessons, the praelector anatomiae would also demonstrate anatomy on the bodies of the deceased. Surgical training was complete after the trainee had passed the 'meesterproef' (master's exam), in which the manufacturing of lancets, blood-letting and performing a trepanation on a skull played a major part. However, over the course of time the final master's exam as the ultimate test of capability at the end of surgical training has disappeared. From the perspective of renewed interest in explicit quality standards and examination of surgeons, the reintroduction of a modern master's exam should perhaps be considered.</p

    The Impact of Age on Outcome of Embryonal and Alveolar Rhabdomyosarcoma Patients.:A Multicenter Study

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    Background: The prognosis of rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) in children and adolescents has improved since the introduction of multi-agent chemotherapy. However, outcome data of adults with RMS are scarce. This multicenter retrospective study investigated the effect of age on outcome of RMS. Patients and Methods: Data were collected from three Dutch University Medical Centers between 1977-2009. The effect of age and clinical prognostic factors on relapse-free and disease-specific survival (DSS) were analyzed. Results: Age as a continuous variable predicted poor survival in multivariate analysis. Five-year DSS was highest for non-metastatic embryonal RMS, followed by non-metastatic alveolar RMS and was poor in metastatic disease. Higher age correlated with unfavorable histological subtype (alveolar RMS) and with metastatic disease at presentation in embryonal RMS. In non-metastatic embryonal RMS and in all alveolar RMS, higher age was an adverse prognostic factor of outcome. Conclusion: This study indicates that age is a negative predictor of survival in patients with embryonal and alveolar RMS
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