16 research outputs found

    Colorimetric determination of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide by using aggregation with a carbocyanine dye

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    Обнаружено, что коммерческий карбоцианиновый краситель IR-783, содержащий сульфогруппы, в слабощелочной среде образует агрегаты с бромидом цетилтриметиламмония (ЦТАБ) с появлением новой полосы поглощения, изменением цвета раствора с синего на желтый (Dl = 350 нм) и изменением интенсивности флуоресценции в ближней ИК области. ЦТАБ определяли фотометрическим методом, фотографируя реакционную смесь в 96-луночном планшете камерой смартфона или в визуализаторе Camag. В качестве аналитического сигнала использовали разность интенсивностей красного и синего каналов (R - B), соответствующую желтому цвету. Диапазон определяемых концентраций в водном растворе составляет (3 - 25)·10-6 М, предел обнаружения 1.6·10-6 М, относительное стандартное отклонение 2-5 %. Определению не мешает ряд неионных ПАВ, неорганических солей и полимеров, мешают анионные ПАВ. Другие катионные ПАВ также дают сигналы, но с разной чувствительностью. Характеристики литературной методики определения ЦТАБ на основе красителя кумасси бриллиантовый синий G-250 и предлагаемой сопоставимы. Проанализирован образец лизирующего буфера, содержащего ЦТАБ.It was found that the commercial carbocyanine dye IR-783 containing sulfo groups forms aggregates with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in a slightly alkaline medium yielding a new absorption band, a change in the solution color from blue to yellow (Dl = 350 nm), and a change in the fluorescence intensity in the near-IR region. CTAB was determined by the photometric method by photographing the reaction mixture in a 96-well plate with a smartphone camera or in a Camag visualizer. The difference between the intensities of the red and blue channels (R - B), corresponding to the yellow color, was used as an analytical signal. The linear range in an aqueous solution is (3 - 25)·10-6 M, the detection limit is 1.6·10-6 M, and the relative standard deviation is 2-5%. The determination is not affected with a number of non-ionic surfactants, inorganic salts and polymers; the anionic surfactants interfere. Other cationic surfactants also give analytical signals, but with different sensitivities. The characteristics of the literature method for the determination of CTAB based on the Coomassie brilliant blue G-250 dye and the proposed method are comparable. A sample of CTAB-containing lysing buffer solution was analyzed.Работа выполнена при поддержке Российского научного фонда (проект № 20-13-00330). Авторы благодарят Т.А. Подругину и И.А. Дорошенко за предоставленный краситель IR-783 и Н.С. Мелик-Нубарова за краситель кумасси. Исследование проведено в рамках Программы развития Междисциплинарной научно-образовательной школы Московского университета «Будущее планеты и глобальные изменения окружающей среды».This work was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No 20-13-00330). The authors are grateful to T.A. Podrugina and I.A. Doroshenko for providing the IR-783 dye and N.S. Melik-Nubarov for the Coomassie dye. The study was conducted within the framework of the Development Program of the Interdisciplinary Scientific and Educational School of Moscow University “The Future of the Planet and Global Environmental Changes”

    Imaging-Guided Delivery of a Hydrophilic Drug to Eukaryotic Cells Based on Its Hydrophobic Ion Pairing with Poly(hexamethylene guanidine) in a Maleated Chitosan Carrier

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    Imaging-guided delivery is developed for hydrophobic drugs, and to a much lesser extent, hydrophilic ones. In this work we have designed a novel strategy for real-time monitoring of hydrophilic drug delivery. Traditionally, the drug and the dye are covalently attached to a nanocarrier or are electrostatically adsorbed. Recently, we found an efficient way to bind the drug by ion-paring with an appropriate counter-ion to form the aggregate that embeds a hydrophobic dye with a considerable fluorescence enhancement. We synthesized a series of carbocyanine dyes of hydrophobicity sufficient for solubilization in hydrophobic ion pairs, which restores their emission in the near-infrared (NIR) region upon the formation of the ternary aggregates. To avoid using toxic surfactants, we applied an amphiphilic polymer-oligomer poly(hexamethylene guanidine) (PHMG) as a counter-ion. Сeftriaxone was used as a model hydrophilic drug ensuring the highest fluorescent signal. The so-formed drug–counter-ion–dye aggregates were encapsulated into a cross-linked maleated chitosan carrier. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) studies have demonstrated internalization of the encapsulated model drug by breast adenocarcinoma cells at 40 min after treatment. These results suggest the potential application of hydrophobic ion pairs containing an NIR dye in imaging-guided delivery of hydrophilic compounds