828 research outputs found

    Types of competitiveness of Hungarian regions: agglomeration economies and endogenous regional development

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    Nowadays, more and more scholars of regional science are interested in the role of agglomeration economies in the knowledge-based economy. This issue can be dealt with from different points of view: the competitive type of functional or nodal regions and one has to examine the factors influencing regional competitiveness. To improve competitiveness of regions, different economic development programmes must be applied, which means that the improvement of competitiveness requires different strategies based on the different types of regions. In this paper we outline our analytical framework: the pyramid model of regional competitiveness and the UFO-model of cluster-based regional economic development. After introducing, we are going to investigate into the competitiveness of Hungarian microregions (LAU1). Our statistical analysis to underline the classification of microregions by competitiveness types is based on a complex methodology of multi-variable data analysis. For the investigation of agglomeration economies in these different types of microregions we apply the location quotient (LQ) method and Ellison-Glaeser-index of traded sectors. The Local Moran Index (LISA), which can be interpreted as the local index of spatial autocorrelation, is used to calculate the neighbourhood effects of the microregions.

    An Attempt for the Measurement of Regional Competitiveness in Hungary

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    The main challenge of regional economic development is undoubtedly to increase the living standard and welfare of local population. Usually the state of development of regions and sub-regions within one country significantly differs. Parallel to the catching-up process of Hungary at the national level, there is another discernible process at the regional level: regional disparities are widening because the growth of the most developed sub-regions is increasing while the less favoured sub-regions are lagging behind. In Hungary, the dominates in development, the Western part is emerging, and the Eastern territorial units, mostly the ones by the boarder are lagging behind. Economic development should not be executed homogeneously, one should take into consideration the attributes and starting conditions of that certain territorial unit. The variety of starting conditions requires different interventions and strategies of economic development from region to region. Spatial units with different level of competitiveness should take variant steps on the road of economic development in order to achieve competitiveness in the global world. Due to their different starting conditions they cannot be developed by the same action plans. Regarding the fact that development or underdevelopment does not spread evenly in space, we chose to base our empirical research on the smallest spatial unit for which statistical data are still available. Furthermore sub-regions are worth analyzing because nowadays local economic development is attached to local areas and commuting zones that are almost equivalent to sub-regions. Present paper aims to rank the Hungarian sub-regions alongside development phases, with the help of multi-variable data analyzing methods based on a determined system of viewpoints, and adequate theoretical models and statistical data. We developed a weighting system of the indicators, following the logic of the adequate theoretical models. We are convinced that the presented theoretical model and the methodology based on it are suitable for making regional competitiveness measurable. Through this and with the help of statistical data, the competitiveness of any spatial unit of any level can be determined. We think what we have thon is significant because of the fact that a suitably analyzed starting point can contribute to choosing the best economic developing strategy for a certain region.

    Egyetemek a régiók versenyképességének javításáért: „negyedik generációs” egyetemek?

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    Napjainkban igen sok sikeres példa bizonyítja, hogy az egyetemek komoly szerepet tölthetnek be egy-egy térség versenyképességének javításában. A modern gazdasági fejlődés megkívánja, hogy a fokozott társadalmi és gazdasági szerepvállalás következtében az egyetem tradicionális (oktatási és kutatási) tevékenységei kibővüljenek. Ahhoz ugyanis, hogy az egyetemek képesek legyenek gazdaságfejlesztési potenciáljuk optimális kihasználására, szükséges, de nem elégséges az oktatás magas színvonala. Szükség van magas színvonalú kutatásra is, és arra, hogy mindezen eredményeket a helyi gazdaság hasznosítsa. A fenti folyamatokat leíró közismert első, második és harmadik generációs egyetemi modelleken túl a nemzetközi szakirodalomban megjelent a „negyedik generációs” egyetem kifejezés is, melyről a tudományos közösségben ugyan még nincs konszenzus, de mindenképpen érdekes és megfontolandó gondolatokat vet fel az egyetemek helyi gazdaságfejlesztési szerepvállalásáról. Jelen tanulmány célja az, hogy áttekintse és rendszerezze az egyetemek azon aktív és passzív tevékenységeit, amelyek az adott térség versenyképességének javítását szolgálják. Körüljárjuk a „negyedik generációs” egyetemek mibenlétét, és kísérletet teszünk arra, hogy azokat az egyetemi generációk tudományosan igazolt fogalomrendszerébe helyezzük. Megvizsgáljuk továbbá, hogy megadhatóak-e olyan sikerességi faktorok, „építőkövek”, amelyek mentén a nemzetközileg sikeres, a helyi gazdasági fejlődésre jelentős hatást gyakorló egyetemek jellemezhetőek

    A “negyedik generációs” egyetemek szerepe a tudáshasznosításban

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    Nowadays in case of the operation of universities there is a clear advancement towards a common pattern. Besides the enhancement of local economy the local social commitment is a definitive part of the mid- and long-term strategies of higher education institutions. Many successful examples prove that these institutions are able to foster the level of economic development in certain regions. The realization of this can happen with the collective presence of three activities. Excellent education, effective research and embedment in the local economy are all necessary activities. The main requirement of efficient knowledge management is that the institutions should possess outstanding IT- infrastructures, databases, create professional forums that can enhance the flow of knowledge. Thus knowledge management can be considered as a tool for increasing the flow of information. The study has two goals: It attempts to identify the characteristics of „fourth generation” universities and examines the role of modern universities in activities that can enhance knowledge-transfer

    A “negyedik generációs” egyetemek szerepe a tudáshasznosításban

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