2,637 research outputs found

    Can galaxy growth be sustained through HI-rich minor mergers?

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    Local galaxies with specific star-formation rates (star-formation rate per unit mass; sSFR~0.2-10/Gyr) as high as distant galaxies (z~1-3), are very rich in HI. Those with low stellar masses, log M_star (M_sun)=8-9, for example, have M_HI/M_star~5-30. Using continuity arguments of Peng et al. (2014), whereby the specific merger rate is hypothesized to be proportional to the specific star-formation rate, and HI gas mass measurements for local galaxies with high sSFR, we estimate that moderate mass galaxies, log M_star (M_sun)=9-10.5, can acquire sufficient gas through minor mergers (stellar mass ratios ~4-100) to sustain their star formation rates at z~2. The relative fraction of the gas accreted through minor mergers declines with increasing stellar mass and for the most massive galaxies considered, log M_star (M_sun)=10.5-11, this accretion rate is insufficient to sustain their star formation. We checked our minor merger hypothesis at z=0 using the same methodology but now with relations for local normal galaxies and find that minor mergers cannot account for their specific growth rates, in agreement with observations of HI-rich satellites around nearby spirals. We discuss a number of attractive features, like a natural down-sizing effect, in using minor mergers with extended HI disks to support star formation at high redshift. The answer to the question posed by the title, "Can galaxy growth be sustained through \HI-rich minor mergers?", is maybe, but only for relatively low mass galaxies and at high redshift.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; in final acceptance by A&

    Nearby Gas-Rich Low Surface Brightness Galaxies

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    We examine the Fisher-Tully cz<1000 km/s galaxy sample to determine whether it is a complete and representative sample of all galaxy types, including low surface brightness populations, as has been recently claimed. We find that the sample is progressively more incomplete for galaxies with (1) smaller physical diameters at a fixed isophote and (2) lower HI masses. This is likely to lead to a significant undercounting of nearby gas-rich low surface brightness galaxies. However, through comparisons to other samples we can understand how the nearby galaxy counts need to be corrected, and we see some indications of environmental effects that probably result from the local high density of galaxies.Comment: 12 page, 2 figures, to appear in Ap

    Current-driven and field-driven domain walls at nonzero temperature

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    We present a model for the dynamics of current- and field-driven domain-wall lines at nonzero temperature. We compute thermally-averaged drift velocities from the Fokker-Planck equation that describes the nonzero-temperature dynamics of the domain wall. As special limits of this general description, we describe rigid domain walls as well as vortex domain walls. In these limits, we determine also depinning times of the domain wall from an extrinsic pinning potential. We compare our theory with previous theoretical and experimental work

    Star Formation Histories of Nearby Elliptical Galaxies. II. Merger Remnant Sample

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    This work presents high S/NS/N spectroscopic observations of a sample of six suspected merger remnants, selected primarily on the basis of H{\sc i} tidal debris detections. Single stellar population analysis of these galaxies indicates that their ages, metallicities, and α\alpha-enhancement ratios are consistent with those of a representative sample of nearby elliptical galaxies. The expected stellar population of a recent merger remnant, young age combined with low [α\alpha/Fe], is not seen in any H{\sc i}-selected galaxy. However, one galaxy (NGC~2534), is found to deviate from the ZZ-plane in the sense expected for a merger remnant. Another galaxy (NGC~7332), selected by other criteria, best matches the merger remnant expectations.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted by A

    Interaction effects on dynamic correlations in non-condensed Bose gases

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    We consider dynamic, i.e., frequency-dependent, correlations in non-condensed ultracold atomic Bose gases. In particular, we consider the single-particle correlation function and its power spectrum. We compute this power spectrum for a one-component Bose gas, and show how it depends on the interatomic interactions that lead to a finite single-particle relaxation time. As another example, we consider the power spectrum of spin-current fluctuations for a two-component Bose gas and show how it is determined by the spin-transport relaxation time.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure