25 research outputs found

    Effect of CORONA treatment on finishing processes of linen fabrics

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    Application of CORONA technology for finishing processes of cellulosic fabric is an innovation in European textile industry. A CORONA discharge is created between two electrodes with high voltage and a frequency of 20 – 40 kHz affecting the surface of a fabric running continuously at ambience pressure and temperature. The paper presents the newest results of research refer to linen fabrics properties without and after CORONA treatment. Fabrics after Corona get new better properties, what makes finishing processes much easier. Quality of fabrics after Corona can be highly improved in important aspects concerning safety of users. Corona treatment improves significantly wettability of cellulosic fabrics. New stage – CORONA treatment – apply in finishing process in line allows for eliminating initial washing without detriment to quality of finished fabric. Instead of washing applied, CORONA ensures good results in bleaching and evenness of dyeing by some kinds of dyes. Corona gives a chance to get better end properties at lower costs and less environmental aggressio

    Driven Assembly of Lignin into Microcapsules for Storage and Delivery of Hydrophobic Molecules

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    Oil-filled microcapsules of kraft lignin were synthe- sized by first creating an oil in water emulsion followed by a high- intensity, ultrasound-assisted cross-linking of lignin at the water/oil interface. The rationale behind our approach is based on promoting documented lignin hydrophobic interactions within the oil phase, followed by locking the resulting spherical microsystems by covalent cross-linking using a high intensity ultrasound treatment. As further evidence in support of our rationale, confocal and optical microscopies demonstrated the uniformly spherical morphology of the created lignin microparticles. The detailed elucidation of the cross-linking processes was carried out using gel permeation chromatography (GPC) and quantitative 31P NMR analyses. The ability of lignin microcapsules to incorporate and release Coumarin-6 was evaluated in detail. In vitro studies and confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis were carried out to assess the internalization of capsules into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. This part of our work demonstrated that the lignin microcapsules are not cytotoxic and readily incorporated in the CHO cells

    Applications of lignin in the agri-food industry

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    Of late, valorization of agri-food industrial by-products and their sustainable utilization is gaining much contemplation world-over. Globally, 'Zero Waste Concept' is promoted with main emphasis laid towards generation of minimal wastes and maximal utilization of plantbased agri-food raw materials. One of the wastes/by-products in the agri-food industry are the lignin, which occurs as lignocellulosic biomass. This biomass is deliberated to be an environmental pollutant as they offer resistance to natural biodegradation. Safe disposal of this biomass is often considered a major challenge, especially in low-income countries. Hence, the application of modern technologies to effectively reduce these types of wastes and maximize their potential use/applications is vital in the present day scenario. Nevertheless, in some of the high-income countries, attempts have been made to efficiently utilize lignin as a source of fuel, as a raw material in the paper industry, as a filler material in biopolymer based packaging and for producing bioethanol. However, as of today, agri-food industrial applications remains significantly underexplored. Chemically, lignin is heterogeneous, bio-polymeric, polyphenolic compound, which is present naturally in plants, providing mechanical strength and rigidity. Reports are available wherein purified lignin is established to possess therapeutic values; and are rich in antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-carcinogenic, antidiabetic properties, etc. This chapter is divided into four sub-categories focusing on various technological aspects related to isolation and characterization of lignin; established uses of lignin; proved bioactivities and therapeutic potentials of lignin, and finally on identifying the existing research gaps followed by future recommendations for potential use from agri-food industrial wastes.Theme of this chapter is based on our ongoing project- Valortech, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 810630

    Właściwości antyoksydacyjne włókna pochodzącego z polskich odmian lnu włóknistego

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    This paper describes the examination of raw flax fibres in terms of their antioxidant activity. Fibres originating from five varieties of flax plants cultivated in Poland: Artemida, Modran, Sara, Nike and Luna were extracted with the application of different methods: dew retting and water retting. The extraction method has an influence on the fibre chemical composition, resulting in different levels of fibre antioxidant properties. The antioxidant activity of flax fibres was evaluated with the application of ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP). The results of the study indicated differences in the bioactivity of flax fibres linked with the method of their extraction applied as well as the lignin and phenolic acid content in the fibre chemical composition.W artykule opisano badania włókien lnianych w zakresie ich aktywności antyoksydacyjnej. Badano włókna pochodzące z pięciu odmian lnu włóknistego uprawianego w Polsce: Artemida, Modran, Sara, Nike oraz Luna, które wydobyto ze słomy z wykorzystaniem dwóch metod: roszenia wodnego oraz metody słania. W pracy wykazano związek między zastosowaną metodą roszenia, a składem chemicznym włókna oraz jego aktywnością antyoksydacyjną. Właściwości antyoksydacyjne włókna określone zostały na podstawie badania ich zdolności do redukowania jonów żelaza (Ferric Ion Reducing Antioxidant Power, FRAP). Rezultaty badań dowiodły, że poziom aktywności biologicznej włókna lnianego jest ściśle związany z zawartością lignin oraz obecnością kwasów fenolowych we włóknie, które są ściśle związane z zastosowaną metodą roszenia oraz odmianą lnu włóknistego

    Ocena aktywności antybakteryjnej włókien lnianych wobec bakterii Staphylococcus aureus

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    Flax fibres are known as favourable to human skin, and linen clothing positively influences some physiological parameters, guaranteeing optimal comfort for users. The advantages of linen are not only related to ensuring proper breathability for human skin and to a lack of allergic activity, but also to flax fibre antibacterial properties, whose are not precisely described in available literature. This paper describes the examination of flax fibres extracted from Polish flax varieties: Artemida, Modran, Sara, Nike and Luna in terms of their antibacterial activity. The fibres were extracted from stems with the application of two different methods: dew and water retting. The extraction method had an influence on the chemical composition of the fibres, resulting in different levels of fibre antibacterial properties. The biological activity of the flax fibres was estimated using clinical strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The flax fibres extracted by the dew retting method from the varieties MODRAN, SARA and NIKE showed the highest amount of lignin content in their chemical composition and the strongest antibacterial activity in comparison to other fibres tested.Odzież lniana jest ceniona ze względu na jej pozytywne oddziaływanie na wybrane parametry fizjologiczne człowieka oraz gwarantowanie optymalnego komfortu w warunkach codziennego użytkowania zwłaszcza w strefach gorącego klimatu. Zalety odzieży lnianej nie tylko ograniczają się do zapewnienia prawidłowej oddychalności, przewiewności oraz braku działania alergizującego, włókno lnu posiada również korzystne w kontakcie ze skórą człowieka właściwości antyoksydacyjne oraz antybakteryjne. Artykuł opisuje badania właściwości antybakteryjnych włókna wydobytego z polskich odmian roślin lnu włóknistego: Artemida, Modran, Sara, Nike oraz Luna. Włókno wydobyto z łodyg roślin z wykorzystaniem metody słania oraz roszenia wodnego. Badania właściwości antybakteryjnych prowadzone były zgodnie z normą PN-EN-ISO 20645:2006 z wykorzystaniem bakterii Staphylococcus aureus. Badania wykazały, że metoda ekstrakcji włókna wpływa na ich aktywność antybakteryjną uwarunkowaną składem chemicznym lnu. Włókno wydobyte z odmian lnu MODRAN, SARA oraz NIKE z wykorzystaniem metody słania wykazuje najwyższą aktywność antybakteryjną oraz zawiera najwięcej lignin w swoim składzie

    Nanolignin Modified Linen Fabric as a Multifunctional Product

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    Efficient protection against harmful UV radiation for human can be ensured by wearing garment made from bast fibers: linen and hemp, which also provide high use comfort thanks to high hygroscopicity, air permeability and cool touch. This paper describes application of nanolignin as a UV blocker for linen fabrics. Lignin with nano structure obtained by ultrasonic treatment was padded on linen fabrics. The linen fabrics covered by nanolignin show also antibacterial properties. Thanks to nanolignin application for finishing process of linen fabrics, it is possible to obtain multifunctional textile products with the following additional properties: UV barrier, antibacterial, antistatic properties guaranteeing positive effect on human physiology

    Zastosowanie wyrobów z włókien lnu do wzmocnienia laminatów termoplastycznych

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    Bast fibres have been used as fillers in plastics for many years, most often in the form of very short fibres or mats. If it is desired to produce composites with high mechanical properties the short fibres need to be replaced by continuous forms such as roving, yarn and fabrics to improve the mechanical parameters, e.g. tensile strength or flexural strength of composites reinforced with natural fibres. This study, conducted within FP7 project No 214467 NATEX: “Aligned Natural Fibres and Textiles for Use in Structural Composite Applications”, covers the development of composites reinforced with fabrics prepared from flax fibres. The current article describes a study on blended yarns containing flax and polymers prepared by using different spinning methods and their application in the production of fabrics suitable for composite reinforcement. The results of the study showed that the way the flax and polymer fibres are distributed in the yarn cross section influences the mechanical parameters of composites.Len oraz inne włókna łykowe wykorzystuje się jako wzmocnienia kompozytów od wielu lat. Nie mniej jednak najczęściej wykorzystywano do niedawna rozdrobnione włókna, których długość nie przekraczała kilku milimetrów. W celu poprawy właściwości mechanicznych kompozytów wzmocnionych włóknami naturalnymi, luźną masę krótkich włókien zastąpiono ciągłymi wyrobami, w postaci przędz, niedoprzędów lub tkanin. Badania nad opracowaniem struktury przędz i tkanin właściwych do wzmocnienia kompozytów przeprowadzone były początkowo przy wykorzystaniu jako surowców 100% lnu i 100% konopi i opublikowane w FIBRES & TEXTILES in Eastern Europe. Obecny artykuł opisuje badania tkanin wytworzonych z przędz mieszankowych z włókien lnu i polimerów termoplastycznych, otrzymanych z wykorzystaniem różnych systemów przędzenia, oraz ich przydatności do stosowania jako wzmocnienie kompozytów strukturalnych

    Kotonizacja dekortykowanego włókna lnianego

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    The commonly used flax process of decortication allows the mechanical extraction of fibre from plant stems without prior retting. The one-type fibre obtained in this process is characterised by very low quality, as it is poorly divided, has high linear mass and high amounts of impurities. This paper presents a description of a newly developed method of obtaining high quality flax cottonized fibre from low quality decorticated fibre by application of a wet degumming process for fibre. The experiment involved studying the parameters of flax fibres after each step of the technological process i.e. after decortication, wet degumming and final mechanical cottonisation. The study covered tests of the following fiber parameters: linear mass, length, impurities, chemical composition as well as thermogravimetric analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis and scanning electron microscopy images. The results confirm the efficiency of the method applied for obtaining high quality fibre from decorticated flax fibre.Powszechnie stosowany proces dekortykacji lnu umożliwia mechaniczne wydobycie włókna z łodyg roślin z pominięciem procesu roszenia. Pozyskane w ten sposób włókno jednopostaciowe charakteryzuje się bardzo niską jakością, jest źle podzielone, posiada wysoką masę liniową i dużą ilość zanieczyszczeń. Niniejszy artykuł zawiera opis opracowanej nowej metody uzyskania wysokiej jakości kotoniny lnianej z niskiej jakości włókna dekortykowanego, poprzez zastosowanie mokrego procesu odklejania włókna. W przeprowadzonym eksperymencie badano parametry włókna lnianego po każdym etapie procesu technologicznego, tzn. po dekortykacji, po procesie mokrego odklejania oraz po końcowej mechanicznej kotonizacji. Badano masę liniową, długość, ilość zanieczyszczeń, skład chemiczny włókna oraz przeprowadzono analizę TGA, FTiR oraz SEM. Wyniki badań potwierdzają skuteczność zastosowanej metody w celu uzyskania wysokiej jakości włókna z dekortykowanego włókna lnianego

    Effect of CORONA treatment on physical properties of linen fabric

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    This poster will present the newest results of research refer to linen fabrics physical properties without and after CORONA treatment. Corona treatment is a new method in textile finishing technology. Fabrics after Corona get new better properties, which make finishing processes much easier. Quality of fabrics after Corona can be highly improved in relevant aspects concerning safety of users (flame retardancy), comfort (touch and hydrophilization of softened materials), and easy care (less shrinkage, better crease recovery in no-iron behavior and less formaldehyde). Corona give a chance to get better end properties at lower costs and less environmental aggression