58 research outputs found

    Quantum-secure message authentication via blind-unforgeability

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    Formulating and designing unforgeable authentication of classical messages in the presence of quantum adversaries has been a challenge, as the familiar classical notions of unforgeability do not directly translate into meaningful notions in the quantum setting. A particular difficulty is how to fairly capture the notion of "predicting an unqueried value" when the adversary can query in quantum superposition. In this work, we uncover serious shortcomings in existing approaches, and propose a new definition. We then support its viability by a number of constructions and characterizations. Specifically, we demonstrate a function which is secure according to the existing definition by Boneh and Zhandry, but is clearly vulnerable to a quantum forgery attack, whereby a query supported only on inputs that start with 0 divulges the value of the function on an input that starts with 1. We then propose a new definition, which we call "blind-unforgeability" (or BU.) This notion matches "intuitive unpredictability" in all examples studied thus far. It defines a function to be predictable if there exists an adversary which can use "partially blinded" oracle access to predict values in the blinded region. Our definition (BU) coincides with standard unpredictability (EUF-CMA) in the classical-query setting. We show that quantum-secure pseudorandom functions are BU-secure MACs. In addition, we show that BU satisfies a composition property (Hash-and-MAC) using "Bernoulli-preserving" hash functions, a new notion which may be of independent interest. Finally, we show that BU is amenable to security reductions by giving a precise bound on the extent to which quantum algorithms can deviate from their usual behavior due to the blinding in the BU security experiment.Comment: 23+9 pages, v3: published version, with one theorem statement in the summary of results correcte

    Quantum Security of the Fujisaki-Okamoto and OAEP Transforms

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    In this paper, we present a hybrid encryption scheme that is chosen ciphertext secure in the quantum random oracle model. Our scheme is a combination of an asymmetric and a symmetric encryption scheme that are secure in a weak sense. It is a slight modification of the Fujisaki-Okamoto transform that is secure against classical adversaries. In addition, we modify the OAEP-cryptosystem and prove its security in the quantum random oracle model based on the existence of a partial-domain one-way injective function secure against quantum adversaries

    Predictable arguments of knowledge

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    We initiate a formal investigation on the power of predictability for argument of knowledge systems for NP. Specifically, we consider private-coin argument systems where the answer of the prover can be predicted, given the private randomness of the verifier; we call such protocols Predictable Arguments of Knowledge (PAoK). Our study encompasses a full characterization of PAoK, showing that such arguments can be made extremely laconic, with the prover sending a single bit, and assumed to have only one round (i.e., two messages) of communication without loss of generality. We additionally explore PAoK satisfying additional properties (including zero-knowledge and the possibility of re-using the same challenge across multiple executions with the prover), present several constructions of PAoK relying on different cryptographic tools, and discuss applications to cryptography

    A Lattice-based Provably Secure Multisignature Scheme in Quantum Random Oracle Model

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    The multisignature schemes are attracted to utilize in some cryptographic applications such as the blockchain. Though the lattice-based constructions of multisignature schemes exist as quantum-secure multisignature, a multisignature scheme whose security is proven in the quantum random oracle model (QROM), rather than the classical random oracle model (CROM), is not known. In this paper, we propose a first lattice-based multisignature scheme whose security is proven in QROM. Although our proposed scheme is based on the Dilithium-QROM signature, whose security is proven in QROM, their proof technique cannot be directly applied to the multisignature setting. The difficulty of proving the security in QROM is how to program the random oracle in the security proof. To solve the problems in the security proof, we develop several proof techniques in QROM. First, we employ the searching query technique by Targi and Unruh to convert the Dilithium-QROM into the multisignature setting. For the second, we develop a new programming technique in QROM since the conventional programming techniques seem not to work in the multisignature setting of QROM. We combine the programming technique by Unruh with the one by Liu and Zhandry. The new technique enables us to program the random oracle in QROM and construct the signing oracle in the security proof

    Offline Witness Encryption from Witness PRF and Randomized Encoding in CRS model

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    Witness pseudorandom functions (witness PRFs) generate a pseudorandom value corresponding to an instance x of an NP language and the same pseudorandom value can be recomputed if a witness w that x is in the language is known. Zhandry (TCC 2016) introduced the idea of witness PRFs and gave a construction using multilinear maps. Witness PRFs can be interconnected with the recent powerful cryptographic primitive called witness encryption. In witness encryption, a message can be encrypted with respect to an instance x of an NP language and a decryptor that knows a witness w corresponding to the instance x can recover the message from the ciphertext. Mostly, witness encryption was constructed using obfuscation or multilinear maps. In this work, we build (single relation) witness PRFs using a puncturable pseudorandom function and a randomized encoding in common reference string (CRS) model. Next, we propose construction of an offline witness encryption having short ciphertexts from a public-key encryption scheme, an extractable witness PRF and a randomized encoding in CRS model. Furthermore, we show how to convert our single relation witness PRF into a multi-relation witness PRF and the offline witness encryption into an offline functional witness encryption scheme

    Building Quantum-One-Way Functions from Block Ciphers: Davies-Meyer and Merkle-Damgård Constructions

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    We present hash functions that are almost optimally one-way in the quantum setting. Our hash functions are based on the Merkle-Damgård construction iterating a Davies-Meyer compression function, which is built from a block cipher. The quantum setting that we use is a natural extention of the classical ideal cipher model. Recent work has revealed that symmetric-key schemes using a block cipher or a public permutation, such as CBC-MAC or the Even-Mansour cipher, can get completely broken with quantum superposition attacks, in polynomial time of the block size. Since many of the popular schemes are built from a block cipher or a permutation, the recent findings motivate us to study such schemes that are provably secure in the quantum setting. Unfortunately, no such schemes are known, unless one relies on certain algebraic assumptions. In this paper we present hash constructions that are provably one-way in the quantum setting without algebraic assumptions, solely based on the assumption that the underlying block cipher is ideal. To do this, we reduce one-wayness to a problem of finding a fixed point and then bound its success probability with a distinguishing advantage. We develop a generic tool that helps us prove indistinguishability of two quantum oracle distributions

    Security of the Fiat-Shamir Transformation in the Quantum Random-Oracle Model

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    The famous Fiat-Shamir transformation turns any public-coin three-round interactive proof, i.e., any so-called sigma-protocol, into a non-interactive proof in the random-oracle model. We study this transformation in the setting of a quantum adversary that in particular may query the random oracle in quantum superposition. Our main result is a generic reduction that transforms any quantum dishonest prover attacking the Fiat-Shamir transformation in the quantum random-oracle model into a similarly successful quantum dishonest prover attacking the underlying sigma-protocol (in the standard model). Applied to the standard soundness and proof-of-knowledge definitions, our reduction implies that both these security properties, in both the computational and the statistical variant, are preserved under the Fiat-Shamir transformation even when allowing quantum attacks. Our result improves and completes the partial results that have been known so far, but it also proves wrong certain claims made in the literature. In the context of post-quantum secure signature schemes, our results imply that for any sigma-protocol that is a proof-of-knowledge against quantum dishonest provers (and that satisfies some additional natural properties), the corresponding Fiat-Shamir signature scheme is secure in the quantum random-oracle model. For example, we can conclude that the non-optimized version of Fish, which is the bare Fiat-Shamir variant of the NIST candidate Picnic, is secure in the quantum random-oracle model.Comment: 20 page

    A Note on the Instantiability of the Quantum Random Oracle

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    In a highly influential paper from fifteen years ago, Canetti, Goldreich, and Halevi showed a fundamental separation between the Random Oracle Model (ROM) and the Standard Model. They constructed a signature scheme which can be shown to be secure in the ROM, but is insecure when instantiated with any hash function (and thus insecure in the standard model). In 2011, Boneh et al. defined the notion of the Quantum Random Oracle Model (QROM), where queries to the random oracle may be made in quantum superposition. Because the QROM generalizes the ROM, a proof of security in the QROM is stronger than one in the ROM. This leaves open the possibility that security in the QROM could imply security in the standard model. In this work, we show that this is not the case, and that security in the QROM cannot imply standard model security. We do this by showing that the original schemes that show a separation between the standard model and the ROM are also secure in the QROM. We consider two schemes that establish such a separation, one with length-restricted messages, and one without, and show both to be secure in the QROM. Our results give further understanding to the landscape of proofs in the ROM versus the QROM or standard model, and point towards the QROM and ROM being much closer to each other than either is to standard model security

    Improved Quantum Multicollision-Finding Algorithm

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    The current paper improves the number of queries of the previous quantum multi-collision finding algorithms presented by Hosoyamada et al. at Asiacrypt 2017. Let an ll-collision be a tuple of ll distinct inputs that result in the same output of a target function. In cryptology, it is important to study how many queries are required to find ll-collisions for random functions of which domains are larger than ranges. The previous algorithm finds an ll-collision for a random function by recursively calling the algorithm for finding (l1)(l-1)-collisions, and it achieves the average quantum query complexity of O(N(3l11)/(23l1))O(N^{(3^{l-1}-1) / (2 \cdot 3^{l-1})}), where NN is the range size of target functions. The new algorithm removes the redundancy of the previous recursive algorithm so that different recursive calls can share a part of computations. The new algorithm finds an ll-collision for random functions with the average quantum query complexity of O(N(2l11)/(2l1))O(N^{(2^{l-1}-1) / (2^{l}-1)}), which improves the previous bound for all l3l\ge 3 (the new and previous algorithms achieve the optimal bound for l=2l=2). More generally, the new algorithm achieves the average quantum query complexity of O(cN3/2N2l112l1)O\left(c^{3/2}_N N^{\frac{2^{l-1}-1}{ 2^{l}-1}}\right) for a random function f ⁣:XYf\colon X\to Y such that XlY/cN|X| \geq l \cdot |Y| / c_N for any 1cNo(N12l1)1\le c_N \in o(N^{\frac{1}{2^l - 1}}). With the same query complexity, it also finds a multiclaw for random functions, which is harder to find than a multicollision

    On Finding Quantum Multi-collisions

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    A kk-collision for a compressing hash function HH is a set of kk distinct inputs that all map to the same output. In this work, we show that for any constant kk, Θ(N12(112k1))\Theta\left(N^{\frac{1}{2}(1-\frac{1}{2^k-1})}\right) quantum queries are both necessary and sufficient to achieve a kk-collision with constant probability. This improves on both the best prior upper bound (Hosoyamada et al., ASIACRYPT 2017) and provides the first non-trivial lower bound, completely resolving the problem