6,259 research outputs found
Protein sequences classification based on weighting scheme
We present a new technique to recognize remote protein homologies that rely on combining probabilistic modeling and supervised learning in high-dimensional feature spaces. The main novelty of our technique is the method of constructing feature vectors using Hidden Markov Model and the combination of this representation with a classifier capable of learning in very sparse high-dimensional spaces. Each feature vector records the sensitivity of each protein domain to a previously learned set of sub-sequences (strings). Unlike other previous methods, our method takes in consideration the conserved and non-conserved regions. The system subsequently utilizes Support Vector Machines (SVM) classifiers to learn the boundaries between structural protein classes. Experiments show that this method, which we call the String Weighting Scheme-SVM (SWS-SVM) method, significantly improves on previous methods for the classification of protein domains based on remote homologies. Our method is then compared to five existing homology detection methods
Dinamika Introduksi Sanksi Poligami dalam Hukum Negara Muslim Modern
Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap dinamika reformasi hukum keluarga di negara-negara Muslim modern, khususnya dinamika dan dasar pemikiran introduksi sanksi hukum terhadap praktik poligami di Turki, Malaysia, dan Indonesia. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwa: Pertama, masuknya komponen pemberlakuan sanski hukum dalam masalah poligami menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dalam reformasi Hukum Keluarga di negeri-negeri Muslim modern yang, antara lain, didasari semangat melindungi hak-hak dan meningkatkan derajat kaum perempuan. Kedua, dalam perspektif analisa komparatif, secara vertikal langkah kriminalisasi poligami ketiga negara Muslim di atas telah menunjukkan suatu keberanjakan Hukum Keluarga dari aturan doktrin hukum Islam konvensional. Keberanjakan tersebut bersifat variatif, Turki lebih cenderung memakai metode extra-doctrinal reform yang menghasilkan kesimpulan larangan mutlak terhadap poligami, sementara Malaysia dan Indonesia dalam melakukan pembaharuan hukum keluarganya, khususnya dalam persoalan poligami, telah menggunakan metode intra-doctrinal dan extra-doctrinal sekaligus. Secara horizontal, kecuali Turki, baik Malaysia maupun Indonesia memiliki kesamaan dalam hal bentuk sanksi hukum terhadap pelaku poligami, yakni hukuman penjara dan atau denda. Secara diagonal, Turki beranjak paling jauh dan radikal dengan menegasi keabsahan perkawinan poligami. Sedangkan Malaysia dan Indonesia pada prinsipnya hampir sama, namun secara hirarki ketat-longgar aturan, Malaysia sedikit di atas Indonesia. 
Arah Legislasi Hukum Islam Di Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Interaksi Agama Dan Negara
: Direction of Islamic Law Legislation in Indonesia in the Perspectives of Religion and State Interaction. In the process of legal reform in Indonesia, the Islamization of national law has still become primary option instead of nationalization, formalization and localization of Islamic law. This paper aims to unveil the extent to which the influence of interaction between religion and state on legislation of Islamic law in Indonesia. By means of literature review approach, it is concluded that such influence generally reflects a mere formality. Almost all countries with religious based legal systems or religious background was involved in the secularization of law. Similarly in most secular countries, the adoption of the religious element has become as an alternative and demonstrated its growing significance as a global exigencies. In Indonesia, the symbiotic paradigm of religion- state relations still give an avenue for the role of sharia substantive legislation within diversity portrait of Islamic law
Meretas Akuntansi Berbasis Syariah (Menelusuri Jejak Akuntansi dalam Alquran dan Sunnah Serta Perkembangannya di Indonesia)
Kegagalan akuntansi konvensional dalam memenuhi tuntutanmasyarakat akan informasi keuangan yang benar, jujur dan adil, meningkatkankesadaran di kalangan intelektual muslim akan perlunya pengetahuanakuntansi yang islami. Perumusan kembali kerangka konseptual pelaporankeuangan dengan mendasarkan pada prinsip kebenaran, kejujuran dankeadilan menjadi sangat mendesak untuk dilakukan, mengingat akuntansisyariah sesuai dengan ftrah (kecenderungan) manusia yang menghendakiterwujudnya kehidupan bermasyarakat yang menjunjung tinggi etika dantanggung jawab sosial. Islam yang disampaikan Rasulullah Saw melingkupiseluruh alam yang tentunya mencakup seluruh umat manusia. Pahamakuntansi konvensional hanya mementingkan kaum pemilik modal(kapitalis), sedangkan akuntansi syariah bukan hanya mementingkanmanusia saja, tetapi juga seluruh makhluk di alam semesta ini
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Digital transformation: harnessing digital technologies for the next generation of services
The purpose of this paper is to discuss digital transformation and its four trajectories – digital technology, digital strategy, customer experience and data-driven business models – that could shape the next generation of services. This includes a discussion on whether both the market and organizations are all ready for the digital change and what are the opportunities that will enable firms to create and capture value though new business models.
Providing services is a proven and effective way to secure a competitive position, deliver long-term stable revenues and open up new market opportunities. However, it is also clear that some organisations are struggling to digitally transform. Therefore, the commentary provides a brief insight into how firms explore the possibilities of digital transformation and navigate these uncharted waters.
Today’s digital technologies affect the organisation outside and in, enabling the creation of new business models and transforming the customer experience. The incumbents are acutely aware that they need to transform strategically – to build new networks and value chains.
This commentary extends earlier work exploring the digital disruption within services to highlight a number of connected areas: the challenges and opportunities of digital transformation at a strategic level, as well as understanding and enhancing the customer experience and seeing how new data-driven business models can underpin service transformation.
Seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii in domestic animals in Pakistan
The seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii infections among food animals in South-West Pakistan was measured by serological examination using a commercial latex agglutination test (LAT). In all 262 blood samples, from 100 cattle, 40 sheep, 58 goats and 64 chickens, were collected from the city abattoir. Titers considered diagnostically significant (\u3e or = 1:64) were detected in 25% of cattle and 2.5% of sheep. None of the goats and chickens presented seropositivity for anti-toxoplasma antibodies. The study suggests the need for further investigations to determine the impact of these findings on the human population
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