34 research outputs found

    Hypoxic Preconditioning: The Multiplicity of Central Neurotransmitter Mechanisms and Method of Predicting Its Efficiency

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    In rats, a single moderate hypobaric hypoxia (HBH) increased the resistance to severe hypoxia (SHBH). The HBH efficiency and neurotransmitter mechanisms of its preconditioning action were investigated by biochemical and pharmacological methods. It will be substantiated in the chapter: (1) HBH preconditioning has its own mechanisms that do not depend on an innate resistance to SHBH and prior hypoxic experience of rats; (2) the same preconditioning effect can be achieved by diverse neuronal pathways and synaptic plasticity means; (3) cholinergic and, presumably, serotoninergic, GABAergic and/or glutamatergic systems of the caudal brainstem, cortex and some other brain structures are involved in HBH realisation; (4) the rate of sensorimotor gating estimated in the model of acoustic startle pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) predicts the efficiency of hypoxic preconditioning and (5) the cholinergic system, including α7 nicotinic receptors, is involved in the mechanisms of HBH-PPI-dependent preconditioning effects

    Forebrain NR2B Overexpression Facilitating the Prefrontal Cortex Long-Term Potentiation and Enhancing Working Memory Function in Mice

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    Prefrontal cortex plays an important role in working memory, attention regulation and behavioral inhibition. Its functions are associated with NMDA receptors. However, there is little information regarding the roles of NMDA receptor NR2B subunit in prefrontal cortical synaptic plasticity and prefrontal cortex-related working memory. Whether the up-regulation of NR2B subunit influences prefrontal cortical synaptic plasticity and working memory is not yet clear. In the present study, we measured prefrontal cortical synaptic plasticity and working memory function in NR2B overexpressing transgenic mice. In vitro electrophysiological data showed that overexpression of NR2B specifically in the forebrain region resulted in enhancement of prefrontal cortical long-term potentiation (LTP) but did not alter long-term depression (LTD). The enhanced LTP was completely abolished by a NR2B subunit selective antagonist, Ro25-6981, indicating that overexpression of NR2B subunit is responsible for enhanced LTP. In addition, NR2B transgenic mice exhibited better performance in a set of working memory paradigms including delay no-match-to-place T-maze, working memory version of water maze and odor span task. Our study provides evidence that NR2B subunit of NMDA receptor in prefrontal cortex is critical for prefrontal cortex LTP and prefrontal cortex-related working memory

    Population genomics of speciation and admixture

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    The application of population genomics to the understanding of speciation has led to the emerging field of speciation genomics. This has brought new insight into how divergence builds up within the genome during speciation and is also revealing the extent to which species can continue to exchange genetic material despite reproductive barriers. It is also providing powerful new approaches for linking genotype to phenotype in admixed populations. In this chapter, we give an overview of some of the methods that have been used and some of the novel insights gained. We also outline some of the pitfalls of the most commonly used methods and possible problems with interpretation of the results

    Non-coronary cardiac syndromes and coronary pathology: problems of diagnosis and treatment. Review of literature and own research

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    В статті освітлено вплив екстракардіальної патології на перебіг ІХС і зумовлені цим проблеми діагностики і лікування. Вивчалась асоціація ІХС з остеохондрозом хребта, судинною патологією мозку, захворюваннями щитоподібної залози та хворобами травної системи. Визначено особливості клініко-патогенетичного перебігу ІХС на тлі поєднаних захворювань. Вивчено механізми їх взаємообтяження, в основі яких лежать нервово-рефлекторні, проекційні зв’язки, а також вегетативні дисфункції, гемодинамічні, реологічні, гормонально-метаболічні порушення. Показана роль екстракардіальних захворювань в формуванні і маніфестації ІХС. Все це необхідно враховувати при розробці лікувально-діагностичних комплексів з індивідуальним підходом до реабілітації кожного хворого і проведенні профілактичних заходів. В статье освещено влияние экстракардиальной патологии на течение ИБС и связанные с этим проблемы диагностики и лечения. Изучалась ассоциация ИБС с остеохондрозом позвоночника, сосудистой патологией мозга, болезнями щитовидной железы и системы пищеварения. Определены особенности клинико-патогенетического течения ИБС на фоне сопутствующих заболеваний. Изучены механизмы их взаимоотягощения, в основе которых лежат нервно-рефлекторные, проекционные связи, а также вегетативные дисфункции, гемодинамические, реологические, гормонально-метаболические нарушения. Показана роль экстракардиальных заболеваний в формировании и манифестации ИБС. Все это необходимо учитывать при разработке лечебно-диагностических комплексов с индивидуальным подходом к реабилитации каждого больного и проведения профилактических мероприятий. The problem of complication of the diagnosis and treatment of coronary heart disease (HCD) is often due to polymorbidity. Particulary important is the combination of HCD with extracardiac diseases, which also have cardiovascular disorders. The problems of association of HCD with osteochondrosis of the spine, vascular pathology of the brain, diseases of the thyroid gland and diseases of the digestive system. Features of the clinical and pathogenetic flow of HCD in combination with these pathological conditions and mechanisms of their mutual encumbrance. Reflector and projection effects between the heart and the spine, neck, shoulder, chest tissue with the combination of HCD and cervico-upperthoracic osteochondrosis are important