6 research outputs found

    Pendekatan E-Budgeting Untuk Pemantauan Anggaran Perjalanan Dinas

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    Penganggaran Berbasis Hasil (OBB) adalah alat manajemen strategis yang dirancang di bawah Inisiatif Reformasi Strategis (SRI). Terdapat 5 proses pada OBB yaitu perencanaan pengeluaran, penganggaran pengeluaran, implementasi program, monitoring dan evaluasi, serta kebijakan dan perbaikan. Pada penelitian ini akan diimplementasikan proses OBB kedalam sistem yang mengatur perjalanan dinas. Metode pengembangan aplikasi ini menggunakan extreme programming dengan 4 tahapan yakni perencanaan, perancangan, pengkodean dan pengujian.  Hasil yang didapatkan adalah kerangka OBB dapat dimasukkan kedalam sebuah sistem.  Siklus 5 proses pada OBB mampu berjalan dengan baik di sistem penganggaran perjalanan dinas.  Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kerangka OBB menyediakan informasi kepada pejabat pemberi perintah dalam memantau dan mengevaluasi proses dan hasil perjalanan dinas yang sedang atau selesai dilaksanakan. Selain itu pejabat pemberi perintah dapat memantau anggaran yang tersisa pada anggaran perjalanan dinas yang telah dianggarkan

    Implementasi Restful API dalam Upaya Mensinkronisasi Data pada Sistem Otomasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web Dengan Menggunakan Metode Uji Coba RMSE Dan White Box

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    To solve the data redundancy problem that occurs in the STT - PLN library automation system, namely the Senayan and Cendana systems, currently a web service has been designed to combine the two automation systems in the library so that data redundancy from the two systems will not occur. This system was created in order to prepare a database for the implementation of a new automation system for the STT - PLN library, namely the Akasia system. This web service application can migrate and merge data from the Senayan and Cendana databases to the Akasia database. This system also supports the creation of additional fields and tables for fields and tables that were not yet available in the initial structure of the acacia database. The application of the REST architecture here is to test the ability of the REST architecture in handling data migration and merging with large amounts of data. The test is carried out on a local host and through the existing LAN network in the IT - PLN building. There are two types of testing, namely speed testing and validation testing. The speed test is done by calculating the estimated time spent when transferring data with the amount of data ranging from 4000, 6000, 8000, 10000.The result is that using the REST architecture in migrating data can shorten the migration time because the data transferred from the source database is in JSON format. which has a smaller size than the data in SQL format. The data in JSON format is then converted into an array by the RESTful API and then entered into the acacia database. So that the migration process has a short time because the process of transferring data from the source database server to the RESTful API server is in JSON format. While the results of data validation testing using RMSE show a very small number, namely 0. From these results it can be stated that the acacia database from the results of the localhost migration already has sufficient data accuracy to be used as a new system database

    Penentuan Jumlah Kelas Matakuliah Menggunakan Fuzzy Tsukamoto dan Metode K-Means Cluster

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    The prediction of the number of courses is done by the department before making a schedule for each course. In practice, the number of classes in each course has a different number and there is often an opening or closing class when compiling a KRS due to the number of classes that are not in accordance with the number of students. A system is needed to produce a number of classes so that it can reduce the number of opening classes because the demand for a higher number of classes is in the class because of the interest in a class that will be opened. Fuzzy methods are used to predict students who will repeat the course based on student force and value variables. The K-Means method is used to classify the subjects with the number of students converted into 2 groups based on the number of students who have been taken and the number of students who repeat a number of subjects. The two methods used are implemented in the application system to predict the number of classes. The results of the fuzzy and K-method processes mean the output of the application predictions the number of classes

    Integrating green computing into rational unified process for sustainable development goals: a comprehensive approach

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    This research explores the incorporation of green computing variables into the rational unified process (RUP) methodology, specifically focusing on sustainable development goal (SDGs) 12-responsible consumption and production. Supported by three additional papers using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA) method. Our study aims to promote eco-friendly software development practices and tools (artifacts) aligned with green computing principles to support SDGs throughout RUP development phases. We conducted a matrix thorough analysis of existing green computing adaptability within RUP, yielding key findings: a system charter for inception, system requirement specification for elaboration, software development result for construction, and software test report/user acceptance test for transition. As a result, we've compiled comprehensive phase-specific documents, emphasizing the need for educational initiatives to foster green computing adoption among developers. This study advocates for cross-disciplinary collaboration to ensure successful implementation of eco-friendly software development processes

    Implementasi Teknologi Informasi dan Pelatihan Pengelolaan Website di SMAN 3 Garut

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    SMA Negeri 3 Garut adalah sekolah dengan dua kompetensi keahlian, yaitu: IPA dan IPS. SMA mengakomodir 1485 Siswa, 68 guru, 75 mata pelajaran, 27 kelas, dan fasilitas lainnya. Kegiatan dibantu juga oleh 23 Tenaga Administrasi Sekolah.  Berdasarkan diskusi dengan kepala sekolah dan beberapa pengajar, pengelolaan potensi SMA dalam pemberian informasi digital perlu ditingkatkan, karena: 1) Teknik pengelolaan informasi (data sekolah, fasilitas, kegiatan) masih memakai cara manual, 2) Pengelolaan administrasi data dan informasi yang masih bersifat lokal dan belum terintegrasi, sehingga tidak mudah diakses, terjadi penumpukan data/informasi, kehilangan data, dan 3) Prosedur pengembangan karya dan usaha siswa dan sekolah belum dikembangkan dan diberi wadah, sehingga tidak terjadi sirkulasi usaha. Pemecahannya dapat dengan: 1) mengembangkan website dan aneka fiturnya yang menghimpun aneka berita edukasi, aktivitas, dan kegiatan, dan 2) memberikan workshop pengelolaan website sebagai pendukung penyebaran informasi dan wadah koordinasi sekolah

    Implementasi Teknologi Informasi Dan Manajemen Bisnis Dalam Pengembangan Bidang Pendidikan Dan Kewirausahaan Di Pesantrenpreneur & SMP Ihsan Cerdas Mandiri Banten

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    Pondok Pesantren & SMP Ihsan Cerdas Mandiri yang dikenal sebagai ICM Pesantrenpreneur atau Pesantren Wirausaha, adalah lembaga pendidikan Islam (pondok pesantren) berbasis sekolah, yang dilengkapi dengan berbagai Pendidikan dan kegiatan wirausaha. Kurikulum ICM berbasis Aqidah Islamiyah, dengan memadukan pendidikan umum (SMP), pendidikan agama (pondok pesantren) dan keterampilan hidup (life skills) dalam bentuk pendidikan kewirausahaan dasar. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan pihak ICM, terdapat setidaknya dua masalah besar, yaitu: 1) manajemen pondok pesantren; dan 2) pengembangan kewirausahaan. Pengelolaan potensi pesantren belum dapat dikategorikan baik, karena: 1) sistem pengelolaan yang sederhana, dan masih menggunakan cara-cara yang konvensional dan manual, terutama untuk informasi pesantren, fasilitas, dan kegiatannya; dan 2) Bentuk promosi dan registrasi masuk pesantren masih menggunakan cara-cara manual sehingga berpengaruh terhadap pengelolaan administrasi dan keuangan; dan 3) Untuk bidang kewirausahaan, tidak ada mekanisme dan manajemen yang mendukung perputaran bisnis dan pengembangan bidang usaha. Hal-hal ini menyebabkan pengembangan pesantren untuk dapat lebih mandiri dan unggul menjadi terhambat dan pada akhirnya, menjadi tidak berkembang. Potensi pengembangan pesantren dapat dilihat dari beberapa sudut pandang/aspek, yang antara lain adalah: 1) Pengembangan pola promosi, dan registrasi pesantren untuk menarik minat, bukan hanya peserta didik (santri dan siswa), tetapi juga donatur dan investor; 2) Pengembangan teknik kewirausahaan dan business planning sebagai sarana pendukung kemandirian pesantren; 3) perluasan jaringan pemasaran dan kerjasama. Solusi yang ditawarkan adalah: 1) membuat sebuah website khusus bagi Pesantren beserta berbagai pengembangannya yang berisikan informasi Pendidikan, kegiatan, dan bidang-bidang kewirausahaan; 2) membuat sebuah sistem informasi manajemen untuk promosi dan regitrasi pesantren yang terintegrasi dengan website; dan 3) memberikan pelatihan teknik kewirausahaan dan business planning sebagai sarana pendukung kemandirian pesantren.     Pondok Pesantren & SMP Ihsan Cerdas Mandiri, known as ICM Pesantrenpreneur or Pesantren Wirausaha, is a school-based Islamic education institution (pondok pesantren), which is equipped with various education and entrepreneurial activities. The ICM curriculum is based on Aqidah Islamiyah, by combining general education (SMP), religious education (Islamic boarding schools) and life skills in the form of basic entrepreneurship education. Based on the results of the interview with the ICM, there are at least two major problems, namely: 1) management of the Islamic boarding school; and 2) entrepreneurship development. The management of pesantren cannot be categorized as good, because: 1) the management system is simple, and still uses conventional and manual methods, especially for information on pesantren, facilities, and activities; and 2) The form of promotion and registration to pesantren still uses manual methods so that it affects administrative and financial management; and 3) For entrepreneurship, there is no mechanism and management that supports business turnover and business development. These things frustrate the development of pesantren to be more independent and superior and in the end, they will not develop as expected. The potential for developing pesantren can be seen from several perspectives/aspects, which include: 1) Development of promotional patterns and pesantren registration to attract interest, not only students (santri and students), but also donors and investors; 2) Developing entrepreneurial techniques and business planning as a means of supporting the independence of pesantren; 3) expansion of marketing and cooperation networks. The solutions offered are: 1) creating a special website for Islamic boarding schools and various developments that contain information on education, activities, and areas of entrepreneurship; 2) create a management information system for the promotion and registration of pesantren that is integrated with the website; and 3) providing training in entrepreneurship techniques and business planning as a means of supporting the independence of the pesantren.   &nbsp