44 research outputs found

    Sportowcy z niepełnosprawnością. Aspekty psychologiczne i społeczne

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    Ze wstępu: "Zagadnienie sportu oraz aktywności fizycznej osób z niepełnosprawnością, ze wszech miar godne pogłębionych badań i refleksji naukowej, jest w naszym kraju nowe i dotychczas rzadko opisywane. Zamierzeniem redaktorów naukowych monografii jest przede wszystkim ukazanie specyfiki funkcjonowania sportowców z niepełnosprawnością w perspektywie osiągnięć współczesnej psychologii rehabilitacji, psychologii sportu oraz psychologii biegu życia z zachowaniem interdyscyplinarności w podejściu do opisywanych zjawisk i problemów. Z uwagi na swoistość i unikatowość tematyki akcent zostanie położony na paradygmat jakościowy w badaniach społecznych, ze szczególnym odniesieniem do tzw. podejścia narracyjnego."(...)Monografia powstała przy wsparciu finansowym Pracowni Psychologicznej „Psychopraxis” Michała Górnego

    Frequency of air masses over Koszalin in 1971-1990

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    Origin of oils accumulated in the Middle Cambrian reservoirs of the Polish part of the Baltic region

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    We have examined 21 samples of crude oils accumulated in the Middle Cambrian sandstone reservoirs from the Polish part of the Baltic region. All the crude oils have similar parameters and indices, which suggests generation from the same source rock. Evaporative fractionation and biodegradation processes were detected in oil collected from the B4-N1/01 borehole. All crude oils have high gravities and low-sulphur contents, less than 0.3 wt.%, which suggests that their source rock contained low-sulphur kerogen deposited in a clastic environment. A low asphaltenes content (below 0.3 wt.%) and high saturate/aromatic hydrocarbon ratios indicate long migration distances or high thermal maturities. The longest migration distance was probably attained by oils from the arnowiec and B16 deposits. The biomarker data indicate an algal origin for the source organic matter deposited under conditions of clastic sedimentation. The stable carbon isotope data support this observation. The maturity of the oils analysed varies from ca. 0.75 to ca. 1.05% on the vitrinite reflectance scale. Unlike the B6, B16, Dbki and arnowiec accumulations, oils from the B3 and B4 accumulations reveal the lowest maturity

    Estimation of hydrous-pyrolysis kinetic parameters for oil generation from Baltic Cambrian and Tremadocian source rocks with Type-II kerogen

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    Determining kinetic parameters for oil generation from a source rock by hydrous pyrolysis requires a considerable amount of sample (kilograms) and laboratory time (several weeks). In an effort to circumvent these requirements, hydrous-pyrolysis (HP) kinetic parameters for oil generation from Upper Cambrian and Tremadocian source rocks of the Baltic region are estimated by two methods: (1) organic sulfur content in kerogen and (2) HP experiments conducted at 330 and 355°C for 72 h. Estimates for the Upper Cambrian source rocks based on organic sulfur contents gave activation energies from 47 to 56 kcal/mole and frequency factors from 1.156 ' 1025>/sup> to 1.078 ' 1028 m.y.-1 . Tremadocian source rocks based on organic sulfur content gave estimated activation energies from 60 to 62 kcal/mole and frequency factors from 1.790 ' 1029 to 1.104 ' 1030 m.y.-1 . The estimates for the Tremadocian source rocks were less affected by thermal maturation because their low kerogen S/(S + C) mole fractions (>gt; 0.018) of the Upper Cambrian source rocks decreased with thermal maturation and resulted in overestimation of the kinetic parameters. The second method was designed to estimate kinetic parameters based on two HP experiments. The assumption that the maximum yield in calculating the rate constant at 330°C (k330°C could be determined by a second hydrous pyrolysis experiment at 355°C for 72 h proved not to be valid. Instead, a previously established relationship between Rock-Eval hydrogen index and maximum HP yield for Type-II kerogen was used to calculate k330°C from oil yields generated by the HP experiment at 330°C for 72 h assuming a first-order reaction. HP kinetic parameters were determined from relationships between k330°C and the HP kinetic parameters previously reported. These estimated HP kinetic parameters were in agreement with those obtained by the first method for immature samples, but underestimated the kinetic parameters for samples at higher thermal maturities. Applying these estimated HP kinetic parameters to geological heating rates of 1 and 10°C/m.y. indicated that the Upper Cambrian source rocks would generate oil notably earlier than the overlying Tremadocian source rocks. This was confirmed in part by available data from two neighboring boreholes in the Polish sector of the Baltic

    The technological research progress of amine-based CO2

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    Procesy wychwytu transportu i składowania CO2 (CCS - Carbon Capture and Sequestration) są uznane przez KE za główne narzędzie w procesie redukcji emisji ditlenku węgla z dużych źródeł np. procesów generacji energii elektrycznej. Ze względu na spowolnienie gospodarki UE, tempo rozwoju i implementacji technologii CCS jest niewystarczające i wymaga zintensyfikowania działań mających na celu komercjalizację technologii CCS w sektorze energetycznym. Uruchomione przez Instytut Chemicznej Przeróbki Węgla stanowisko badawcze oraz Instalacja pilotowa stanowią unikatową na skalę kraju infrastrukturę, pozwalającą na kompleksowe badania procesu wychwytu CO2 z gazów procesowych. W artykule przedstawiono postęp prac w ramach realizacji Programu Strategicznego w obszarze procesów usuwania CO2 ze spalin bloków węglowych - wyniki pierwszych w kraju testów wychwytu CO2 z rzeczywistych spalin, potwierdzające możliwość pracy instalacji z wysoką sprawnością separacji CO2 powyżej 85%.Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology is one of the key ways to reconcile the rising demand for fossil fuels with the need to reduce C02 emissions. Globally, CCS is likely to be a necessity in order to meet the European Union's greenhouse gas reduction targets. Post-combustion processes like amine-based chemical absorption of C02 are ideally suitable for conventional power plants. However, there still are only a few facilities worldwide in which this technology is actively employed, and the demonstration phase of CCS technology requires more extensive implementation under practical conditions. The Institute for Chemical Processing of Coal in Zabrze started post-combustion CO2 capture R&D in 2007. The first pilot tests of CO2 capture from coal-fired flue gas in Poland are carried out in cooperation with TAURON Polska Energia and Tauron Wytwarzanie as a result of the Strategic Research Programme "Development of a technology for highly efficient zero-emission coal-fired power units integrated with CO2 capture". This paper presents bench-scale and pilot testing data of CO2 removal by MEA-based chemical solvents. The achieved efficiency of CO2 separation in this analysis was above 85%, and energy demand of the sorbent regeneration process was in the range of 4.8-7.5 MJ/kg CO2, as with other available first generation Carbon Capture Technologies

    Source rock characteristic of the selected flysch deposits in the transfrontier area of the Polish Outer Carpathians

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    Charakterystykę geochemiczną poziomów potencjalnie macierzystych utworów fliszowych jednostek alochtonicznych wschodniej części polskich Karpat Zewnętrznych wykonano dla dolnokredowych warstw wierzowskich, lgockich i spaskich, górnokredowych warstw istebniańskich i inoceramowych oraz oligoceńskich warstw menilitowych. W analizie wykorzystano wyniki badań geochemicznych 875 próbek skał z profili 11 odwiertów i 48 odsłonięć w polskiej i przygranicznej ukraińskiej części Karpat Zewnętrznych. Wyniki badań geochemicznych potwierdzają, że warstwy menilitowe są najlepszymi skałami macierzystymi. Ropotwórczy kerogen II typu jest generalnie niedojrzały lub dojrzały w fazie wczesnej "okna ropnego". Parametry kinetyczne kerogenu warstw menilitowych są zbliżone w jednostkach śląskiej i skolskiej oraz wyraźnie niższe w jednostce borysławsko-pokuckiej. Pozostałe analizowane kredowe wydzielenia litostratygraficzne lokalnie spełniają ilościowe kryterium macierzystości i mogą uzupełniać bilans węglowodorowy utworów fliszowych Karpat.Potential source rock horizons of the flysch cover were geochemically characterized in the eastern border area of the Polish flysch Carpathians: Lower Cretaceous Verovice, Lgota and Spas Beds, Upper Cretaceous Istebna and Inoceramian Beds as well as Oligocene Menilite Beds. The results of geochemical analyses of 875 rock samples collected from 11 boreholes and 48 outcrops in the Polish Outer Carpathians as well as from the adjacent Ukrainian were analyzed. The results indicate that Menilite Beds are the best source rocks of the Carpathian flysch cover in all analyzed tectonic units. The oil-prone Type II kerogen, deposited in marine environment of regular salinity, was proved to be usually immature or mature at an early stage of "oil window". Kinetic parameters of organic matter dispersed in the Menilite Beds, calculated based on organic sulphur content, are similar for the Silesian and Skole units and significantly lower in the Boryslav-Pokuttya Unit. The remaining lithostratigraphic divisions: Verovice, Lgota, Spas, Istebna and Inoceramian Beds, locally meet the source-rock requirements and can supplement the hydrocarbon balance of the Carpathians

    Hydrocarbon potential of source rocks and origin of natural gases accumulated in Miocene strata of the Carpathian Foredeep in Rzeszów area

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    In the autochthonous Upper Badenian and Lower Sarmatian strata of the Carpathian Foredeep in the Rzeszów area the total organic carbon (TOC) contents vary from 0.02 to 1.26 wt. %(average 0.64 wt. %). Geochemical studies on the dispersed organic matter demonstrated the presence of gas-prone type III (humic) kerogen with small admixtures of algal type II kerogen. At depths less than 2,500 metres the organic matter is immature, thus microbial processes predominated. Methane concentration in natural gases accumulated within Miocene strata usually exceeded 94 vol. %and was generated by microbial reduction of carbon dioxide. Microbial methane was generated mainly during deposition of autochthonous Miocene sediments, but it is possible that this process continues today on a small scale. Higher gaseous hydrocarbons (mainly ethane and propane), which are usually minor constituents (concentrations less than 0.4 vol. %), were generated during diagenetic processes and at the initial stage of the low-temperature thermogenic processes. The slight changes in the geochemical indices of dispersed organic matter and isotope ratios of natural gases with depth are evidence of the homogeneity of deposition of humic organic matter in shallow marine basin during the Late Badenian and the Early Sarmatian and the fact that similar gas generation conditions can be found in the Miocene sequence. Generation and accumulation of microbial methane and the formation and charging multiple stacked reservoirs within the autochthonous Miocene strata, e.g., Palikówka, Jasionka, Stobierna and Terliczka deposits, was facilitated by rhythmic and cyclic deposition of clays and sands and their very high sedimentation rate