66,913 research outputs found

    RFI Mitigation for the Parkes Galactic All-Sky Survey (GASS)

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    The GASS is a survey of Galactic atomic hydrogen (HI) emission in the southern sky observed with the Parkes 64-m Radio Telescope. With a sensitivity of 60 mK for a channel width of 1 km/s the GASS is the most sensitive and most accurate survey of the Galactic HI emission in the southern sky. We discuss RFI mitigation strategies that have been applied during the data reduction. Most of the RFI could be cleaned by using prior information on the HI distribution as well as statistical methods based on median filtering. Narrow line RFI spikes have been flagged during the first steps of the data processing. Most of these lines were found to be constant over long periods of time, such data were replaced by interpolating profiles from the Leiden/Argentine/Bonn (LAB) survey. Remaining RFI was searched for at any position by a statistical comparison of all observations within a distance of 0.1 deg. The median and mean of the line emission was calculated. In cases of significant deviations between both it was checked in addition whether the associated rms fluctuations exceeded the typical scatter by a factor of 3. Such data were replaced by the median, which is found to be least biased by RFI and other artifacts. The median estimator was found to be equivalent to the mean, which was obtained after rejecting outliers.Comment: accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the RFI mitigation workshop 29-31 March 2010 Groningen, the Netherland

    Global Talentship: Toward a Decision Science Connecting Talent to Global Strategic Success

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    It is widely accepted that global competitive advantage frequently requires managing such complex situations that traditional organization and job structures are simply insufficient. Increasingly, in order to create a flexible and integrated set of decisions that balance local flexibility with global efficiency, organizations must rely on more social, informal and matrix-based shared visions among managers and employees. Research on global strategic advantage, global organizational structures, and even shared mindsets has suggested that dimensions of culture, product and function provide a valuable organizing framework. However, typical decisions about organization structure, HRM practices and talent often remain framed at such a high level as to preclude their solution. We maintain that there is often no logical answer to such questions as, “Should the sales force be local or global?” or “Should product authority rest with the countries or the corporate center?” However, we propose that embedding business processes or value chains within a Culture and Product matrix provides the necessary analytic detail to reveal otherwise elusive solutions. Moreover, by linking this global process matrix to a model that bridges strategy and talent, it is possible to identify global “pivotal talent pools,” and to target organizational and human resource investments toward those talent areas that have the greatest impact on strategic advantage. We demonstrate the Value-Chain, Culture and Product (VCCP) matrix using several examples, and discuss future research and practical implications, particularly for leadership and leadership development

    Strategic HRM Measurement in the 21st Century: From Justifying HR to Strategic Talent Leadership

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    Measurement will be vital to the evolution of human resource management in the coming century, but in this chapter we propose that it will not be measurement as usual. The future of HRM will require a decision science for talent resources that is as logical, reliable, consistent and flexible as Finance, the decision science for financial resources, and Marketing, the decision science for customer resources. In this chapter we describe the elements of this new decision science, which we call “Talentship,” and its implications for the future of strategic HR measurement. Using this framework, we review leading measurement approaches, describe their contributions, and identify the significant opportunities for improvement in future HR measurement systems

    Strategic I/O Psychology and the Role of Utility Analysis Models

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    In the 1990’s, the significance of human capital in organizations has been increasing,and measurement issues in human resource management have achieved significant prominence. Yet, I/O psychology research on utility analysis and measurement has actually declined. In this chapter we propose a decision-based framework to review developments in utility analysis research since 1991, and show that through lens of this framework there are many fertile avenues for research. We then show that both I/O psychology and strategic HRM research and practice can be enhanced by greater collaboration and integration, particularly regarding the link between human capital and organizational success. We present an integrative framework as the basis for that integration, and illustrate its implications for future research

    Beyond Cost-per-Hire and Time to Fill: Supply-Chain Measurement for Staffing

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    Identifying and acquiring talent is one of the most important processes in human resource management. It is a key element in being competitive in a knowledge driven, talent constrained economy. In addition, it is often the first contact that potential employees have with the organization, so it can be the basis for the entire employment relationship. Increasingly, organizations recognize that a professionally excellent staffing process can be a source of competitive advantage. Moreover, the emergence of fundamentally new information technologies and communication processes – such as the Internet, virtual job fairs, online testing, and global job boards – increase the opportunities and the risks associated with staffing process management. Unfortunately, existing staffing process measurement systems typically fail to provide the information necessary to understand, evaluate and make rational decisions about investments in the staffing system, and fail to support decisions about staffing by HR professionals, line managers, applicants and employees. As a result, organizations often base decisions about their staffing systems solely on information about the volume of applicants or new hires, or the costs and time involved in staffing activities. This leads to potentially disastrous decisions, and opens the door for competitors. In this article, we propose a framework for a staffing measurement system that truly supports professional excellence, partnership and optimal investment decisions

    From Professional Business Partner to Strategic Talent Leader : What’s Next for Human Resource Management

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    The HR profession is at a critical inflection point. It can evolve into a true decision science of talent, and aspire to the level of influence of disciplines such as Finance and Marketing, or it can continue the traditional focus on support services and program delivery to organizational clients. In this paper, we suggest that the transition to a decision science is essential and not only feasible, but historically predictable. However, we show that making the transition is not a function of achieving best-practice professional practices. Rather, it requires developing a logical, deep and coherent framework linking organizational talent to strategic success. We show how the evolution of the decision sciences of Finance and Marketing, out of the professional practices of Accounting and Sales, provide the principles to guide the evolution from the current professional practice of HR, to the emerging decision science of talentship

    Resolutions of the Coulomb operator: VI. Computation of auxiliary integrals

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    We discuss the efficient computation of the auxiliary integrals that arise when resolutions of two-electron operators (specifically, the Coulomb and long-range Ewald operators) are employed in quantum chemical calculations. We derive a recurrence relation that facilitates the generation of auxiliary integrals for Gaussian basis functions of arbitrary angular momentum and propose a near-optimal algorithm for its use
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