65 research outputs found

    Gene coexpression clusters and putative regulatory elements underlying seed storage reserve accumulation in Arabidopsis

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    Abstract Background In Arabidopsis, a large number of genes involved in the accumulation of seed storage reserves during seed development have been characterized, but the relationship of gene expression and regulation underlying this physiological process remains poorly understood. A more holistic view of this molecular interplay will help in the further study of the regulatory mechanisms controlling seed storage compound accumulation. Results We identified gene coexpression networks in the transcriptome of developing Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seeds from the globular to mature embryo stages by analyzing publicly accessible microarray datasets. Genes encoding the known enzymes in the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway were found in one coexpression subnetwork (or cluster), while genes encoding oleosins and seed storage proteins were identified in another subnetwork with a distinct expression profile. In the triacylglycerol assembly pathway, only the genes encoding diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (DGAT1) and a putative cytosolic "type 3" DGAT exhibited a similar expression pattern with genes encoding oleosins. We also detected a large number of putative cis-acting regulatory elements in the promoter regions of these genes, and promoter motifs for LEC1 (LEAFY COTYLEDON 1), DOF (DNA-binding-with-One-Finger), GATA, and MYB transcription factors (TF), as well as SORLIP5 (Sequences Over-Represented in Light-Induced Promoters 5), are overrepresented in the promoter regions of fatty acid biosynthetic genes. The conserved CCAAT motifs for B3-domain TFs and binding sites for bZIP (basic-leucine zipper) TFs are enriched in the promoters of genes encoding oleosins and seed storage proteins. Conclusions Genes involved in the accumulation of seed storage reserves are expressed in distinct patterns and regulated by different TFs. The gene coexpression clusters and putative regulatory elements presented here provide a useful resource for further experimental characterization of protein interactions and regulatory networks in this process.</p

    PAK proteins and YAP-1 signalling downstream of integrin beta-1 in myofibroblasts promote liver fibrosis

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    Fibrosis due to extracellular matrix (ECM) secretion from myofibroblasts complicates many chronic liver diseases causing scarring and organ failure. Integrin-dependent interaction with scar ECM promotes pro-fibrotic features. However, the pathological intracellular mechanism in liver myofibroblasts is not completely understood, and further insight could enable therapeutic efforts to reverse fibrosis. Here, we show that integrin beta-1, capable of binding integrin alpha-11, regulates the pro-fibrotic phenotype of myofibroblasts. Integrin beta-1 expression is upregulated in pro-fibrotic myofibroblasts in vivo and is required in vitro for production of fibrotic ECM components, myofibroblast proliferation, migration and contraction. Serine/threonine-protein kinase proteins, also known as P21-activated kinase (PAK), and the mechanosensitive factor, Yes-associated protein 1 (YAP-1) are core mediators of pro-fibrotic integrin beta-1 signalling, with YAP-1 capable of perpetuating integrin beta-1 expression. Pharmacological inhibition of either pathway in vivo attenuates liver fibrosis. PAK protein inhibition, in particular, markedly inactivates the pro-fibrotic myofibroblast phenotype, limits scarring from different hepatic insults and represents a new tractable therapeutic target for treating liver fibrosis

    ALMS1 and Alström syndrome: a recessive form of metabolic, neurosensory and cardiac deficits

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    Correct-ness of Grubbs criterion application in test results analysis with three elements

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    Проанализирована чувствительность критерия Смирнова-Граббса при выявлении выбросов для объема выборки в три элемента. Установлено, что чувствительность в первую очередь зависит от абсолютного значения разности между элементами выборки, которые не относятся к выбросу. По результатам моделирующего эксперимента найдены соотношения, позволяющие определить критическое значение, при котором критерий выявляет выброс.Проаналізована чутливість критерію Смирнова-Граббса при виявленні викидів для обсягу вибірки в три елемента. Встанов-лено, що чутливість в першу чергу залежить від абсолютного значення різниці між елементами вибірки, які не відносяться до викиду. Знайдені співвідношення, що дозволяють визначити критичне значення, при якому критерій виявляє викид.Sensitivity of Smirnov-Grubbs test on revealing of surges for the sampling volume of three elements has been analysed. It was found, that sensitivity depends mainly on absolute value of a difference between sample elements which do not refer to the surge. By the results of a simulation experiment the ratio has been established, allowing to define critical value at which the test reveals the surge