120 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of predicted bioaerosol exposure from open windrow composting facilities to ADMS dispersion model parameters

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    Bioaerosols are released in elevated quantities from composting facilities and are associated with negative health effects, although dose-response relationships are not well understood, and require improved exposure classification. Dispersion modelling has great potential to improve exposure classification, but has not yet been extensively used or validated in this context. We present a sensitivity analysis of the ADMS dispersion model specific to input parameter ranges relevant to bioaerosol emissions from open windrow composting. This analysis provides an aid for model calibration by prioritising parameter adjustment and targeting independent parameter estimation. Results showed that predicted exposure was most sensitive to the wet and dry deposition modules and the majority of parameters relating to emission source characteristics, including pollutant emission velocity, source geometry and source height. This research improves understanding of the accuracy of model input data required to provide more reliable exposure predictions

    Non-isothermal thermogravimetric kinetic analysis of the thermochemical conversion of human faeces

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    The “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge” set by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aims to bring access to adequate sanitary systems to billions of people. In response to this challenge, on-site sanitation systems are proposed and being developed globally. These systems require in-situ thermal treatment, processes that are not well understood for human faeces (HF). Thermogravimetric analysis has been used to investigate the pyrolysis, gasification and combustion of HF. The results are compared to the thermal behaviour of simulant faeces (SF) and woody biomass (WB), along with the blends of HF and WB. Kinetic analysis was conducted using non-isothermal kinetics model-free methods, and the thermogravimetric data obtained for the combustion of HF, SS and WB. The results show that the devolatilisation of HF requires higher temperatures and rates are slower those of WB. Minimum temperatures of 475 K are required for fuel ignition. HF and SF showed similar thermal behaviour under pyrolysis, but not under combustion conditions. The activation energy for HF is 157.4 kJ/mol, relatively higher than SS and WB. Reaction order for HF is lower (n = 0.4) to WB (n = 0.6). In-situ treatment of HF in on-site sanitary systems can be designed for slow progressive burn

    Transitioning from electrodialysis to reverse electrodialysis stack design for energy generation from high concentration salinity gradients

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    In this study, stack design for high concentration gradient reverse electrodialysis operating in recycle is addressed. High concentration gradients introduce complex transport phenomena, which are exacerbated when recycling feeds; a strategy employed to improve system level energy efficiency. This unique challenge indicates that membrane properties and spacer thickness requirements may differ considerably from reverse electrodialysis for lower concentration gradients (e.g. seawater/river water), drawing closer parallels to electrodialysis stack design. Consequently, commercially available electrodialysis and reverse electrodialysis stack design was first compared for power generation from high concentration gradients. Higher gross power densities were identified for the reverse electrodialysis stack, due to the use of thinner membranes characterised by a higher permselectivity, which improved current. However, energy efficiency of the electrodialysis stack was twice that recorded for the reverse electrodialysis stack at low current densities, which was attributed to: (i) an increased residence time provided by the larger intermembrane distance, and (ii) reduced exergy losses of the electrodialysis membranes, which provided comparatively lower water permeance. Further in-depth investigation into membrane properties and spacer thickness identified that membranes characterised by an intermediate water permeability and ohmic resistance provided the highest power density and energy efficiency (Neosepta ACS/CMS), while wider intermembrane distances up to 0.3 mm improved energy efficiency. This study confirms that reverse electrodialysis stacks for high concentration gradients in recycle therefore demand design more comparable to electrodialysis stacks to drive energy efficiency, but when selecting membrane properties, the trade-off with permselectivity must also be considered to ensure economic viability

    Hybrid membrane distillation reverse electrodialysis configuration for water and energy recovery from human urine: an opportunity for off-grid decentralised sanitation

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    The integration of membrane distillation with reverse electrodialysis has been investigated as a sustainable sanitation solution to provide clean water and electrical power from urine and waste heat. Reverse electrodialysis was integrated to provide the partial remixing of the concentrate (urine) and diluate (permeate) produced from the membrane distillation of urine. Broadly comparable power densities to those of a model salt solution (sodium chloride) were determined during evaluation of the individual and combined contribution of the various monovalent and multivalent inorganic and organic salt constituents in urine. Power densities were improved through raising feed-side temperature and increasing concentration in the concentrate, without observation of limiting behaviour imposed by non-ideal salt and water transport. A further unique contribution of this application is the limited volume of salt concentrate available, which demanded brine recycling to maximise energy recovery analogous to a battery, operating in a ‘state of charge’. During recycle, around 47% of the Gibbs free energy was recoverable with up to 80% of the energy extractable before the concentration difference between the two solutions was halfway towards equilibrium which implies that energy recovery can be optimised with limited effect on permeate quality. This study has provided the first successful demonstration of an integrated MD-RED system for energy recovery from a limited resource, and evidences that the recovered power is sufficient to operate a range of low current fluid pumping technologies that could help deliver off-grid sanitation and clean water recovery at single household scale

    Lysis performance of bacteriophages with different plaque sizes and comparison of lysis kinetics after simultaneous and sequential phage addition

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    Background: Although bacteriophages see a revival for specifically removing undesired bacteria, there is still much uncertainty about how to achieve the most rapid and long-lasting clearance. Materials and Methods: This study investigated the lysis kinetics of three distinct environmental coliphages, reproducibly forming different plaque sizes (big, medium, and small). Lysis performance by individual phages was compared with the one obtained after simultaneous or sequential addition of all three phages. Kinetics was monitored by density absorbance or by flow cytometry, with the latter having the advantage of providing higher sensitivity. Results: Plaque size happened to correlate with lysis kinetics in liquid suspensions, with phages producing big (phage B), medium (phage M), and small (phage S) plaques showing maximal bacterial clearance under the chosen conditions within ∼6, 12, and 18 h, respectively. Use of a phage cocktail (all three phages added simultaneously) resulted in slower initial lysis compared with the fastest lysing phage with the greatest plaque size alone, but it showed longer efficacy in suppression. When adding phages sequentially, overall lysis kinetics could be influenced by administering phages at different time points. The lowest bacterial concentration after 36 h was obtained when administering phages in the sequence S, M, and B although this combination initially took the longest to achieve bacterial clearance. Conclusions: Results support that timing and order of phage addition can modulate strength and duration of bacterial suppression and, thus, influence the overall success of phage treatment

    Non-isothermal thermogravimetric kinetic analysis of the thermochemical conversion of human faeces

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    The “Reinvent the Toilet Challenge” set by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aims to bring access to adequate sanitary systems to billions of people. In response to this challenge, on-site sanitation systems are proposed and being developed globally. These systems require in-situ thermal treatment, processes that are not well understood for human faeces (HF). Thermogravimetric analysis has been used to investigate the pyrolysis, gasification and combustion of HF. The results are compared to the thermal behaviour of simulant faeces (SF) and woody biomass (WB), along with the blends of HF and WB. Kinetic analysis was conducted using non-isothermal kinetics model-free methods, and the thermogravimetric data obtained for the combustion of HF, SS and WB. The results show that the devolatilisation of HF requires higher temperatures and rates are slower those of WB. Minimum temperatures of 475 K are required for fuel ignition. HF and SF showed similar thermal behaviour under pyrolysis, but not under combustion conditions. The activation energy for HF is 157.4 kJ/mol, relatively higher than SS and WB. Reaction order for HF is lower (n = 0.4) to WB (n = 0.6). In-situ treatment of HF in on-site sanitary systems can be designed for slow progressive burn

    Air quality and mental health: evidence, challenges and future directions

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    Background: Poor air quality is associated with poor health. Little attention is given to the complex array of environmental exposures and air pollutants that affect mental health during the life course. // Aims: We gather interdisciplinary expertise and knowledge across the air pollution and mental health fields. We seek to propose future research priorities and how to address them. // Method: Through a rapid narrative review, we summarise the key scientific findings, knowledge gaps and methodological challenges. // Results: There is emerging evidence of associations between poor air quality, both indoors and outdoors, and poor mental health more generally, as well as specific mental disorders. Furthermore, pre-existing long-term conditions appear to deteriorate, requiring more healthcare. Evidence of critical periods for exposure among children and adolescents highlights the need for more longitudinal data as the basis of early preventive actions and policies. Particulate matter, including bioaerosols, are implicated, but form part of a complex exposome influenced by geography, deprivation, socioeconomic conditions and biological and individual vulnerabilities. Critical knowledge gaps need to be addressed to design interventions for mitigation and prevention, reflecting ever-changing sources of air pollution. The evidence base can inform and motivate multi-sector and interdisciplinary efforts of researchers, practitioners, policy makers, industry, community groups and campaigners to take informed action. // Conclusions: There are knowledge gaps and a need for more research, for example, around bioaerosols exposure, indoor and outdoor pollution, urban design and impact on mental health over the life course

    Managing power dissipation in closed-loop reverse electrodialysis to maximise energy recovery during thermal-to-electric conversion

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    Whilst the efficiency of reverse electrodialysis (RED) for thermal-to-electrical conversion has been theoretically demonstrated for low-grade waste heat, the specific configuration and salinity required to manage power generation has been less well described. This study demonstrates that operating RED by recycling feed solutions provides the most suitable configuration for energy recovery from a fixed solution volume, providing a minimum unitary cost for energy production. For a fixed membrane area, recycling feeds achieves energy efficiency seven times higher than single pass (conventional operation), and with an improved power density. However, ionic transport, water flux and concentration polarisation introduce complex temporal effects when concentrated brines are recirculated, that are not ordinarily encountered in single pass systems. Regeneration of the concentration gradient at around 80% energy dissipation was deemed most economically pragmatic, due to the increased resistance to mass transport beyond this threshold. However, this leads to significant exergy destruction that could be improved by interventions to better control ionic build up in the dilute feed. Further improvements to energy efficiency were fostered through optimising current density for each brine concentration independently. Whilst energy efficiency was greatest at lower brine concentrations, the work produced from a fixed volume of feed solution was greatest at higher saline concentrations. Since the thermal-to-electrical conversion proposed is governed by volumetric heat utilisation (distillation to reset the concentration gradient), higher brine concentrations are therefore recommended to improve total system efficiency. Importantly, this study provides new evidence for the configuration and boundary conditions required to realise RED as a practical solution for application to sources of low-grade waste heat in industr

    Non-isothermal drying kinetics of human feces

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    The non-isothermal drying behavior and kinetics of human feces (HF) were investigated by means of thermogravimetric analysis to provide data for designing a drying unit operation. The effect of heating rate and blending with woody biomass were also evaluated on drying pattern and kinetics. At low heating rate (1 K/min), there is effective transport of moisture, but a higher heating rate would be necessary at low moisture levels to reduce drying time. Blending with wood biomass improves drying characteristics of HF. The results presented in this study are relevant for designing non-sewered sanitary systems with in-situ thermal treatment