1,946 research outputs found

    Relativistic stars in f(R) gravity, and absence thereof

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    Several f(R) modified gravity models have been proposed which realize the correct cosmological evolution and satisfy solar system and laboratory tests. Although nonrelativistic stellar configurations can be constructed, we argue that relativistic stars cannot be present in such f(R) theories. This problem appears due to the dynamics of the effective scalar degree of freedom in the strong gravity regime. Our claim thus raises doubts on the viability of f(R) models.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, v2: references added, minor corrections, version accepted for publication in PR

    Compressed SUSY search at the 13 TeV LHC using kinematic correlations and structure of ISR jets

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    The LHC search for nearly degenerate gluinos and neutralinos, which can occur, for example, in SUSY axion models, is limited by the reduced missing transverse momentum and effective mass in the events. We propose the use of kinematic correlations between jets coming from initial state radiation (ISR) in gluino pair production events at the 13 TeV LHC. A significant improvement in the signal to background ratio is obtained for the highly compressed gluino-neutralino search, by using cuts on the rapidity and azimuthal angle separation between the pair of tagged jets with the highest transverse momenta. Furthermore, the distribution of the azimuthal angle difference between the tagged jets in the gluino-pair+jets process is found to be distinctly different from the dominant background process of Z+jets. We also find quark and gluon jet tagging methods to be useful in separating the signal, which contains a higher fraction of gluon initiated jets compared to the dominant backgrounds.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures; v2: Standard model background estimates improved, comments and references adde

    Iteration Method to Derive Exact Rotation Curves from Position-Velocity Diagrams of Spiral Galaxies

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    We present an iteration method to derive exact rotation curves (RC) of spiral galaxies from observed position-velocity diagrams (PVD), which comprises the following procedure. An initial rotation curve, RC0, is adopted from an observed PV diagram (PV0), obtained by any simple method such as the peak-intensity method. Using this rotation curve and an observed radial distribution of intensity (emissivity), we construct a simulated PV diagram (PV1). The difference between a rotation curve obtained from this PV1 and the original RC (e.g., difference between peak-intensity velocities) is used to correct the initial RC to obtain a corrected rotation curve, RC1. This RC1 is used to calculated another PVD (PV2) using the observed intensity distribution, and to obtain the second iterated RC (RC2). This iteration is repeated until PVii converges to PV0, so that the differences between PVii and PV0 becomes minimum. Finally RCii is adopted as the most reliable rotation curve. We apply this method to some observed PVDs of nearby galaxies, and show that the iteration successfully converges to give reliable rotation curves. We show that the method is powerful to detect central massive objects.Comment: To appear in ApJ.Letters, 5 pages Latex with 4 figure

    The Music of the Aetherwave - B-mode Polarization in Einstein-Aether Theory

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    We study how the dynamical vector degree of freedom in modified gravity affects the CMB B-mode polarization in terms of the Einstein-aether theory. In this theory, vector perturbations can be generated from inflation, which can grow on superhorizon scales in the subsequent epochs and thereby leaves imprints on the CMB B-mode polarization. We derive the linear perturbation equations in a covariant formalism, and compute the CMB B-mode polarization using the CAMB code modified so as to incorporate the effect of the aether vector field. We find that the amplitude of the B-mode signal from the aether field can surpass the contribution from the inflationary gravitational waves for a viable range of model parameters. We also give an analytic argument explaining the shape of the spectrum based on the tight coupling approximation.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Affleck-Dine leptogenesis via multiscalar evolution in a supersymmetric seesaw model

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    A leptogenesis scenario in a supersymmetric standard model extended with introducing right-handed neutrinos is reconsidered. Lepton asymmetry is produced in the condensate of a right-handed sneutrino via the Affleck-Dine mechanism. The LH_u direction develops large value due to a negative effective mass induced by the right-handed sneutrino condensate through the Yukawa coupling of the right-handed neutrino, even if the minimum during the inflation is fixed at the origin. The lepton asymmetry is nonperturbatively transfered to the LH_u direction by this Yukawa coupling.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures. Revised version for publication. The model was modified to fix some problem

    A 125GeV Higgs Boson and Muon g-2 in More Generic Gauge Mediation

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    Recently, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations reported exciting hints of a Standard Model-like Higgs boson with a mass around 125GeV. A Higgs boson this heavy is difficult to realize in conventional models of gauge mediation. Here we revisit the lightest Higgs boson mass in "more generic gauge mediation," where the Higgs doublets mix with the messenger doublets. We show that a Higgs boson mass around 125GeV can be realized in more generic gauge mediation models, even for a relatively light gluino mass ~1TeV. We also show that the muon anomalous magnetic moment can be within 1sigma of the experimental value for these models, even when the Higgs boson is relatively heavy. We also discuss the LHC constraints and the prospects of discovery.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figures. Corrections and references are adde

    Leptogenesis Scenarios via Non-Thermally Produced Right-handed Neutrino and Sneutrino in Supersymmetric Seesaw Model

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    We reconsidered leptogenesis scenario from right-handed (s)neutrino produced by the decay of inflaton. Besides the well-investigated case that the neutrino decays instantaneously after the production, leptogenesis is possible if neutrino decays after it dominates the universe. In the latter case, right-handed (s)neutrino can decay either while it is relativistic or after it becomes non-relativistic. Especially, the first case has not been discussed seriously in literatures. Resultant lepton asymmetry and constraints from the gravitino problem are studied in broad parameter region, including all cases of this scenario. It is also shown how this leptogenesis scenario depends on the parameters, the inflaton decay rate (the reheating temperature), the right-handed neutrino mass, the washout parameter, and the constraint from the gravitino problem. Leptogenesis from relativistic neutrino decay is interesting because both thermal and non-thermal gravitino problems can be relaxed.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    New Cosmological Solutions in Massive Gravity

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    We find new, simple cosmological solutions with flat, open, and closed spatial geometries, contrary to the previous wisdom that only the open model is allowed. The metric and the St\"{u}ckelberg fields are given explicitly, showing nontrivial configurations of the St\"{u}ckelberg in the usual Friedmann-Lema\^{i}tre-Robertson-Walker coordinates. The solutions exhibit self-acceleration, while being free from ghost instabilities. Our solutions can accommodate inhomogeneous dust collapse represented by the Lema\^{i}tre-Tolman-Bondi metric as well. Thus, our results can be used not only to describe homogeneous and isotropic cosmology but also to study gravitational collapse in massive gravity.Comment: 5 page