1,544 research outputs found

    Applying a global optimisation algorithm to Fund of Hedge Funds portfolio optimisation

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    Portfolio optimisation for a Fund of Hedge Funds (“FoHF”) has to address the asymmetric, non-Gaussian nature of the underlying returns distributions. Furthermore, the objective functions and constraints are not necessarily convex or even smooth. Therefore traditional portfolio optimisation methods such as mean-variance optimisation are not appropriate for such problems and global search optimisation algorithms could serve better to address such problems. Also, in implementing such an approach the goal is to incorporate information as to the future expected outcomes to determine the optimised portfolio rather than optimise a portfolio on historic performance. In this paper, we consider the suitability of global search optimisation algorithms applied to FoHF portfolios, and using one of these algorithms to construct an optimal portfolio of investable hedge fund indices given forecast views of the future and our confidence in such views.portfolio optimisation; optimization; fund of hedge funds; global search optimisation; direct search; pgsl; hedge fund portfolio

    Gastro-Esophageal Reflux in Children

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    Gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) is common in infants and children and has a varied clinical presentation: from infants with innocent regurgitation to infants and children with severe esophageal and extra-esophageal complications that define pathological gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD). Although the pathophysiology is similar to that of adults, symptoms of GERD in infants and children are often distinct from classic ones such as heartburn. The passage of gastric contents into the esophagus is a normal phenomenon occurring many times a day both in adults and children, but, in infants, several factors contribute to exacerbate this phenomenon, including a liquid milk-based diet, recumbent position and both structural and functional immaturity of the gastro-esophageal junction. This article focuses on the presentation, diagnosis and treatment of GERD that occurs in infants and children, based on available and current guidelines

    Pediatric Population Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Exposure-Response Analysis of Ambrisentan in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Comparison With Adult Data.

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    This study aimed to develop a population pharmacokinetic (PK) model of ambrisentan in pediatric patients (8 to <18 years) with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) and compare pediatric ambrisentan systemic exposure with previously reported adult data. Association of ambrisentan exposure with efficacy (6-minute walking distance) and safety (adverse events) were exploratory analyses. A population PK model was developed using pediatric PK data. Steady-state systemic exposure metrics were estimated for the pediatric population and compared with previously reported data in adult patients with PAH and healthy subjects. No covariates had a significant effect on PK parameters; therefore, the final covariate model was the same as the base model. The pediatric population PK model was a 2-compartment model including the effect of body weight (allometric scaling), first-order absorption and elimination, and absorption lag time. Steady-state ambrisentan exposure was similar between the pediatric and adult population when accounting for body weight differences. Geometric mean area under the concentration-time curve at steady state in pediatric patients receiving ambrisentan low dose was 3% lower than in the adult population (and similar in both populations receiving high dose). Geometric mean maximum plasma concentration at steady state in pediatric patients receiving low and high doses was 11% and 18% higher, respectively, than in the adult population. There was no apparent association in the pediatric or adult population between ambrisentan exposure and change in 6-minute walking distance or incidence of ambrisentan-related adverse events in pediatric patients. The similar ambrisentan exposure and exposure-response profiles observed in pediatric and adult populations with PAH suggests appropriateness of body-weight-based dosing in the pediatric population with PAH

    ADHD and depression:investigating a causal explanation

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    BACKGROUND: Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is associated with later depression and there is considerable genetic overlap between them. This study investigated if ADHD and ADHD genetic liability are causally related to depression using two different methods. METHODS: First, a longitudinal population cohort design was used to assess the association between childhood ADHD (age 7 years) and recurrent depression in young-adulthood (age 18–25 years) in N = 8310 individuals in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Second, two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses examined relationships between genetic liability for ADHD and depression utilising published Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) data. RESULTS: Childhood ADHD was associated with an increased risk of recurrent depression in young-adulthood (OR 1.35, 95% CI 1.05–1.73). MR analyses suggested a causal effect of ADHD genetic liability on major depression (OR 1.21, 95% CI 1.12–1.31). MR findings using a broader definition of depression differed, showing a weak influence on depression (OR 1.07, 95% CI 1.02–1.13). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that ADHD increases the risk of depression later in life and are consistent with a causal effect of ADHD genetic liability on subsequent major depression. However, findings were different for more broadly defined depression

    Cortisol levels at baseline and under stress in adolescent males with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, with or without comorbid Conduct Disorder

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    Reported findings on cortisol reactivity to stress in young people with ADHD are very variable. This inconsistency may be explained by high rates of comorbidity with Conduct Disorder (CD). The present study examined cortisol responses to a psychosocial stressor in a large sample of adolescent males with ADHD (n=202), with or without a comorbid diagnosis of Conduct Disorder (CD). Associations between stress reactivity and callous-unemotional traits and internalizing symptoms were also assessed. The ADHD only (n=95) and ADHD+CD (n=107) groups did not differ in baseline cortisol, but the ADHD+CD group showed significantly reduced cortisol stress reactivity relative to the ADHD only group. Regression analyses indicated that ADHD symptom severity predicted reduced baseline cortisol, whereas CD symptom severity predicted increased baseline cortisol (ADHD β=−0.24, CD β=0.16, R=0.26) and reduced cortisol stress reactivity (β=−0.17, R=0.17). Callous-unemotional traits and internalizing symptoms were not significantly related to baseline or stress-induced cortisol. Impaired cortisol reactivity is hypothesised to reflect fearlessness and is associated with deficient emotion regulation and inhibition of aggressive and antisocial behaviour. Consequently, it may partly explain the greater severity of problems seen in those with comorbid ADHD and CD

    Variable emergence of Autism Spectrum Disorder symptoms from childhood to early adulthood

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    OBJECTIVE: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is currently considered an early-onset, neurodevelopmental condition. Follow-up studies of clinic-ascertained autism suggest that autistic symptoms typically decline with age, although symptom improvement is limited for some. To date there have been no population-based prospective studies investigating the natural history of autistic symptoms from childhood to adulthood. This study aimed to characterize the development and heterogeneity of autistic symptoms in a UK population-based cohort from childhood to age 25 years. METHOD: Data were analyzed in a prospective UK population-based cohort (ALSPAC). Trajectories were derived using five-assessments of parentrated Social Communication Disorders Checklist (SCDC) spanning ages 7-25 years. Additional measures were used to validate symptom trajectories. RESULTS: We identified three distinct SCDC trajectory classes: low (88.5%), declining (5.0%) and late‐emerging (6.5%). Both the declining and late-emerging classes were associated with child and adult ASD measures, low IQ, communication problems, peer problems and worse adult functioning, compared to the low class. Male sex was associated with an increased likelihood of being in the declining trajectory class (OR=2.84, 95% CI=2.19-3.69). This sex difference was not observed in the late-emerging group (OR=1.00, 95% CI=0.80-1.24) compared to the low class. CONCLUSIONS: ASD symptom levels emerged early and tended to decline across development although impairment was still present in adulthood for some. For others, autistic symptoms emerged across adolescence and adulthood. This challenges our current understanding that ASD symptoms inevitably first manifest early in development

    Pathways to suicide-related behavior in offspring of mothers with depression: the role of offspring psychopathology

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    Objective Offspring of mothers with depression are a high-risk group for the development of suicide-related behavior. These offspring are therefore a priority for preventive interventions; however, pathways contributing to risk, including specific aspects of offspring psychopathology, remain unclear. The aim of this study was to examine whether offspring symptoms of major depressive disorder (MDD), generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), disruptive behavior disorder (DBD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and alcohol abuse independently mediate the association between maternal depression and offspring suicide-related behavior. Method Data were used from a population-based birth cohort, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Three distinct classes of depression symptoms across the mothers’ first 11 years of their child’s life were identified (minimal, moderate, chronic-severe). Offspring psychopathology was assessed at age 15 years and suicide-related behavior at age 16 years. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results There was evidence for increased risk of suicidal ideation in offspring of mothers with chronic-severe depression symptoms in comparison to offspring of mothers with minimal symptoms (odds ratio = 3.04, 95% CI = 2.19, 4.21). This association was independently mediated by offspring MDD, GAD, and DBD symptoms. The same mechanisms were found for offspring of mothers with moderate depression symptoms over time. Results were similar for offspring suicide attempt except for additional evidence of an indirect effect through offspring ADHD symptoms. Conclusion Findings highlight that suicide prevention efforts in offspring of mothers with depression should not only be targeted at offspring with MDD; it is also important to consider offspring with other forms of psychopathology

    Anorectal manometry in children with defecation disorders BSPGHAN Motility Working Group consensus statement

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    Defecatory disorders in children, including chronic constipation (CC) and fecal incontinence (FI), are common conditions worldwide and have a significant impact on children, their families, and the healthcare system. Anorectal manometry (ARM) and high‐resolution anorectal manometry (HRAM) are relatively novel tools for the assessment of anal sphincter function and rectal sensation and have contributed significantly to improving the understanding of the anorectum as a functional unit. ARM has been recognized as the investigation of choice for adults with symptoms of defecation disorders, including fecal incontinence (FI), evacuation difficulties, and constipation. Although it is the gold standard tool in adults, it has yet to be formally accepted as a standardized diagnostic tool in the pediatric age, with limited knowledge regarding indications, protocol, and normal values. ARM/HRAM is slowly becoming recognized among pediatricians, but given that there are currently no agreed guidelines there is a risk that will lead to diversity in practice. The British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN)—Motility Working Group (MWG) therefore has taken the opportunity to provide guidance on the use of ARM/HRAM in children with CC and/or FI

    Disentangling nature from nurture in examining the interplay between parent–child relationships, ADHD, and early academic attainment

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    Background: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is highly heritable and is associated with lower educational attainment. ADHD is linked to family adversity, including hostile parenting. Questions remain regarding the role of genetic and environmental factors underlying processes through which ADHD symptoms develop and influence academic attainment. Method: This study employed a parent-offspring adoption design (N=345) to examine the interplay between genetic susceptibility to child attention problems (birth mother ADHD symptoms) and adoptive parent (mother and father) hostility on child lower academic outcomes, via child ADHD symptoms. Questionnaires assessed birth mother ADHD symptoms, adoptive parent (mother and father) hostility to child, early child impulsivity/activation, and child ADHD symptoms. The Woodcock-Johnson test was used to examine child reading and math aptitude. Results: Building on a previous study (Harold et al., 2013), heritable influences were found: birth mother ADHD symptoms predicted child impulsivity/activation. In turn, child impulsivity/activation (4.5 years) evoked maternal and paternal hostility, which was associated with children’s ADHD continuity (6 years). Both maternal and paternal hostility (4.5 years) contributed to impairments in math but not reading (7 years), via impacts on ADHD symptoms (6 years). Conclusion: Findings highlight the importance of early child behavior dysregulation evoking parent hostility in both mothers and fathers, with maternal and paternal hostility contributing to the continuation of ADHD symptoms and lower levels of later math ability. Early interventions may be important for the promotion of child math skills in those with ADHD symptoms, especially where children have high levels of early behavior dysregulation