9 research outputs found

    Thermal paint production: the techno-economic evaluation of muscovite as insulating additive.

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    Muscovite is known by its thermal and electrical insulating properties. Based on this, it was hypothesized that its addition on paints should increase the thermal resistance. The use of muscovite as mineral insulating is pointed out as advantageous due to its low cost compared to other materials used for this purpose, such as the ceramic microsphere. The use of a low cost material could open the access to the medium and low income families, implying two aspects: the life quality increase by thermal comfort and the increase of energy saving. Thus, this part of the population could open a new market to thermal paints. Aiming to contribute to this issue, this work evaluated the thermal insulation performance of commercial paints containing muscovite additions and determined the economic evaluation for its industrial production. The thermal paint was formulated by adding 10%, 20% and 40% of muscovite to the commercial paint. This was applied on steel reinforced mortar boards. Thermal insulation tests were carried out in bench scale using an adapted box. The economic evaluation of the industrial production of muscovite-based thermal paint was conducted, considering the Brazilian economic market in this activity. The results showed its ability as an insulating agent due to a reduction of 0.667 °C/mm board by the addition of 40% muscovite. The economic analysis also demonstrated the feasibility of the thermal paint industrial production. The payback is favorable to 5 years when compared to the Selic short-term lending rate, with 21.53% of internal rate return and a net present value of US$ 15,085.76

    Caracterização anatÎmica da folha de Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (Poaceae) e perfil químico do óleo essencial

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    The objective of the work was to accomplish an anatomical and ultrastructural study of mature leaf of Cymbopogon citratus (Poaceae) and analyze the essential oil through Gas Chromatography (GC). For the anatomical study, the material was fixed in FAA, followed bytheethyl dehydration and infiltration of the material in synthetic resin. For the ultrastructural study, the material was fixed and Kamovsky, dehydrated in acetone, dried to the critical point and metallized. For the analysis in GC, the essential oil it was obtained by steam distillation of leaves and analyzed by Gas Chromatography. Through the anatomical study it was observed that the faces of mesophyll are distinctly, the bulliform cells occupy the adaxial surface of the leaf and in the medium region are situated the biggest vascular bundles involved by sclerenchymatous hem with extensions reaching both epidermis. Between the biggest vascular bundles are observed three to five small vascular bundles, linkage only in the abaxial epidermis. Shortly, pointed and unicellular structures, called prickle-hair, had been observed inserted above the veins and micro-hair, that they consist of a long basal cell and an oval distal cell, that are located between the regions of vascular bundles. The chromatogram sample shows that the analyzed essential oil presented three majority components, responsible for 87% of the relative composition of the oil. These components are monoterpenos, justifying the strong smell of the essential oil

    Caracterização biométrica e química da folha de Mentha pulegium x spicata (Lamiaceae)

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    The hybrid Mentha pulegium x spicata, also well-known as poejo de praia, it is a perennial, low plant, with fields, violet stem and opposite leaves, with lance format and sawed board, presenting characteristic smell. The objective of the present work was accomplish a study of the leaf anatomy, including a biometric study of tissue and quantitative analysis of secretory trichomes/mm2 and of stomata/mm2 in both faces of the epidermis, besides a chemical analysis of the essential oil. Histological permanent laminas were made for anatomical analysis of the leaf surface and also sheets of the impression to foliate for the count of the trichomes number and stomatas. The chemical studies were made through the extraction of the essential oil by hydrodistillation and analyzed in GC-MS. The capitate and peltates trichomes are present on both sides of the leaf, even so they prevail in the abaxial surface. The variance analysis show that there are significant differences for the number of capitate trichomes and tectores between the adaxial and abaxial surfaces, but they are not significant for the peltate trichoma. The analyzed of essential oil shows the presence of a majority component, trans piperitone epoxide, being it responsible for more than 80% of the relative composition in the essential oil


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    Muscovite is known by its thermal and electrical insulating properties. Based on this, it was hypothesized that its addition on paints should increase the thermal resistance. The use of muscovite as mineral insulating is pointed out as advantageous due to its low cost compared to other materials used for this purpose, such as the ceramic microsphere. The use of a low cost material could open the access to the medium and low income families, implying two aspects: the life quality increase by thermal comfort and the increase of energy saving. Thus, this part of the population could open a new market to thermal paints. Aiming to contribute to this issue, this work evaluated the thermal insulation performance of commercial paints containing muscovite additions and determined the economic evaluation for its industrial production. The thermal paint was formulated by adding 10%, 20% and 40% of muscovite to the commercial paint. This was applied on steel reinforced mortar boards. Thermal insulation tests were carried out in bench scale using an adapted box. The economic evaluation of the industrial production of muscovite-based thermal paint was conducted, considering the Brazilian economic market in this activity. The results showed its ability as an insulating agent due to a reduction of 0.667 °C/mm board by the addition of 40% muscovite. The economic analysis also demonstrated the feasibility of the thermal paint industrial production. The payback is favorable to 5 years when compared to the Selic short-term lending rate, with 21.53% of internal rate return and a net present value of US$ 15,085.76

    Thermal paint production: the techno-economic evaluation of muscovite as insulating additive.

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    Muscovite is known by its thermal and electrical insulating properties. Based on this, it was hypothesized that its addition on paints should increase the thermal resistance. The use of muscovite as mineral insulating is pointed out as advantageous due to its low cost compared to other materials used for this purpose, such as the ceramic microsphere. The use of a low cost material could open the access to the medium and low income families, implying two aspects: the life quality increase by thermal comfort and the increase of energy saving. Thus, this part of the population could open a new market to thermal paints. Aiming to contribute to this issue, this work evaluated the thermal insulation performance of commercial paints containing muscovite additions and determined the economic evaluation for its industrial production. The thermal paint was formulated by adding 10%, 20% and 40% of muscovite to the commercial paint. This was applied on steel reinforced mortar boards. Thermal insulation tests were carried out in bench scale using an adapted box. The economic evaluation of the industrial production of muscovite-based thermal paint was conducted, considering the Brazilian economic market in this activity. The results showed its ability as an insulating agent due to a reduction of 0.667 °C/mm board by the addition of 40% muscovite. The economic analysis also demonstrated the feasibility of the thermal paint industrial production. The payback is favorable to 5 years when compared to the Selic short-term lending rate, with 21.53% of internal rate return and a net present value of US$ 15,085.76

    Review on impregnation issues in laminates manufacture: opportunities and risks of phenol substitution by lignins or other natural phenols in resins

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    This article provides a general overview of the most promising candidates of bio based materials and deals with the most important issues when it comes to their incorporation into PF resins. Due to their abundance on Earth, much knowledge of lignin-based materials has already been gained and uses of lignin in PF resins have been studied for many decades. Other natural polyphenols that are less frequently considered for impregnation are covered as well, as they do also possess some potential for PF substitution

    Review on impregnation issues in laminates manufacture: opportunities and risks of phenol substitution by lignins or other natural phenols in resins

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