239 research outputs found

    A virtual reality game for cognitive impairment screening in the elderly: a user perspective

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    Today, there are 50 million people who have dementia worldwide, that is a new case every3 seconds and more than 152 million cases expected in 2050. Aging-related morbidity is a real social problem making screening a significant challenge. Early diagnosis and management would improve the quality of life offered to the patient and those around him and reduce the economic and social consequences of dementia. The traditional paper-and-pencil approach does not sufficiently reflect the daily reality of the person and what they can accomplish. So, we designed our own VR environment as a candidate solution to the problem

    Disorders of sex development : timing of diagnosis and management in a single large tertiary center

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    Background: We describe the phenotypic spectrum and timing of diagnosis and management in a large series of patients with disorders of sexual development (DSD) treated in a single pediatric tertiary center. Methods: DSD patients who had visited our tertiary center during the survey period (between 2004 and 2014) were identified based on an ICD-10 inquiry, and their phenotypic and molecular genetic findings were recorded from patient charts. Results: Among the 550 DSD patients, 53.3% had 46,XY DSD; 37.1% had sex chromosome DSD and 9.6% had 46,XX DSD. The most common diagnoses were Turner syndrome (19.8%, diagnosed at the mean age of 4.7 +/- 5.5 years), Klinefelter syndrome (14.5%, 6.8 +/- 6.2 years) and bilateral cryptorchidism (23.1%). Very few patients with 46,XY DSD (7%) or 46,XX DSD (21%) had molecular genetic diagnosis. The yearly rate of DSD diagnoses remained stable over the survey period. After the release of the Nordic consensus on the management of undescended testes, the age at surgery for bilateral cryptorchidism declined significantly (P <0.001). Conclusions: Our results show that (i) Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome, the most frequent single DSD diagnoses, are still diagnosed relatively late; (ii) a temporal shift was observed in the management of bilateral cryptorchidism, which may favorably influence patients' adulthood semen quality and (iii) next-generation sequencing methods are not fully employed in the diagnostics of DSD patients.Peer reviewe

    Parantumattoman syövän lääkehoito elämän loppuvaiheessa - hyötyä vai haittaa?

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    Edennyttä, parantumatonta syöpää sairastavan potilaan viimeisen linjan syöpälääkitys on usein heikkotehoista ja voi huonontaa potilaan elämänlaatua. Potilaiden odotukset ja käsitykset syövän lääkehoidon tehosta voivat olla epärealistisia. Hoitohenkilökunnalta vaaditaan tietoa ja erityisen hyviä vuorovaikutustaitoja hoitojen hyötyjen ja haittojen sanoittamisessa. Elämän rajallisuuden ja eksistentiaalisen hädän hyväksyminen sekä niiden kanssa toimeen tuleminen on tärkeää ammattilaisille ja potilaille. Valitettavasti potilaan ennustetta arvioivat työkalut eivät ole juurtuneet kliiniseen käyttöön. Syövän lääkehoito voi olla parantumattomasti sairaalle potilaalle arvokas toivon lähde, mutta ainoana toivon lähteenä sen ei tule toimia. Hyvän oireenmukaisen hoidon merkityksen korostaminen on tärkeää hoitoneuvotteluissa.</p

    Radiation-associated sarcoma after breast cancer in a nationwide population : Increasing risk of angiosarcoma

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    Radiation-associated sarcoma (RAS) is a rare complication of radiation therapy (RT) to breast cancer (BC). This study explored RAS after RT to BC in a nationwide population-based material. The Finnish Cancer Registry was queried for patients with BC treated during 1953-2014 who were later diagnosed with a secondary sarcoma in 1953-2014. Registry data, patient files, and sarcoma specimens were analyzed to confirm diagnosis and location of RAS at or close to the RT target volume. A total of 132 512 patients were diagnosed with invasive BC during the study period. A subsequent sarcoma was diagnosed in 355 patients. After exclusion, 96 RAS were identified. Angiosarcoma (AS) was the most prevalent histology in 50 (52%) of 96 patients. However, the first radiation-associated AS was diagnosed in a patient treated for BC with breast-conserving surgery in 1984, and thereafter, the proportion of AS continuously increased. The 5-year sarcoma-specific survival was 75.1% for RAS treated with a curative intent. The distribution of histologic subtypes of RAS has changed during the 60 years of this registry study. The first radiation-associated AS was diagnosed in 1989, and presently, AS is the most common histologic subtype of RAS. It is possible that changes in BC treatment strategies are influencing the characteristics of RAS.Peer reviewe

    Treatment and Prognosis of Radiation-Associated Breast Angiosarcoma in a Nationwide Population

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    Background Radiation-associated angiosarcoma of the breast (RAASB) is an aggressive malignancy that is increasing in incidence. Only a few previous population-based studies have reported the results of RAASB treatment. Methods A search for RAASB patients was carried out in the Finnish Cancer Registry, and treatment data were collected to identify prognostic factors for survival. Results Overall, 50 RAASB patients were identified. The median follow-up time was 5.4 years (range 0.4-15.6), and the 5-year overall survival rate was 69%. Forty-seven (94%) patients were operated on with curative intent. Among these patients, the 5-year local recurrence-free survival, distant recurrence-free survival, and overall survival rates were 62%, 75%, and 74%, respectively. A larger planned surgical margin was associated with improved survival. Conclusions We found that the majority of RAASB patients were eligible for radical surgical management in this population-based analysis. With radical surgery, the prognosis is relatively good.Peer reviewe

    Establishment of a new human osteosarcoma cell line, UTOS-1: cytogenetic characterization by array comparative genomic hybridization

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    The cytogenetic characteristics of osteosarcoma (OS) remain controversial. The establishment of a new human OS cell line may improve the characterization. We report the establishment of a new human osteosarcoma cell line, UTOS-1, from a typical osteoblastic OS of an 18-year-old man. Cultured UTOS-1 cells are spindle-shaped, and have been maintained in vitro for over 50 passages in more than 2 years. Xenografted UTOS-1 cells exhibit features typical of OS, such as production of osteoid or immature bone matrix, and proliferation potency in vivo. UTOS-1 also exhibit morphological and immunohistochemical characteristics typical of osteoblastic OS. Chromosomal analysis by G-band show 73~85 chromosomes with complicated translocations. Array CGH show frequent gains at locus DAB2 at chromosome 5q13, CCND2 at 12p13, MDM2 at 12q14.3-q15, FLI and TOP3A at 17p11.2-p12 and OCRL1 at Xq25, and show frequent losses at HTR1B at 6q13, D6S268 at 6q16.3-q21, SHGC17327 at 18ptel, and STK6 at 20q13.2-q13.3. The UTOS-1 cell line may prove useful for biologic and molecular pathogenetic investigations of human OS

    Genome-wide array comparative genomic hybridization analysis reveals distinct amplifications in osteosarcoma

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    BACKGROUND: Osteosarcoma is a highly malignant bone neoplasm of children and young adults. It is characterized by extremely complex karyotypes and high frequency of chromosomal amplifications. Currently, only the histological response (degree of necrosis) to therapy represent gold standard for predicting the outcome in a patient with non-metastatic osteosarcoma at the time of definitive surgery. Patients with lower degree of necrosis have a higher risk of relapse and poor outcome even after chemotherapy and complete resection of the primary tumor. Therefore, a better understanding of the underlying molecular genetic events leading to tumor initiation and progression could result in the identification of potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets. METHODS: We used a genome-wide screening method – array based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH) to identify DNA copy number changes in 48 patients with osteosarcoma. We applied fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to validate some of amplified clones in this study. RESULTS: Clones showing gains (79%) were more frequent than losses (66%). High-level amplifications and homozygous deletions constitute 28.6% and 3.8% of tumor genome respectively. High-level amplifications were present in 238 clones, of which about 37% of them showed recurrent amplification. Most frequently amplified clones were mapped to 1p36.32 (PRDM16), 6p21.1 (CDC5L, HSPCB, NFKBIE), 8q24, 12q14.3 (IFNG), 16p13 (MGRN1), and 17p11.2 (PMP22 MYCD, SOX1,ELAC27). We validated some of the amplified clones by FISH from 6p12-p21, 8q23-q24, and 17p11.2 amplicons. Homozygous deletions were noted for 32 clones and only 7 clones showed in more than one case. These 7 clones were mapped to 1q25.1 (4 cases), 3p14.1 (4 cases), 13q12.2 (2 cases), 4p15.1 (2 cases), 6q12 (2 cases), 6q12 (2 cases) and 6q16.3 (2 cases). CONCLUSIONS: This study clearly demonstrates the utility of array CGH in defining high-resolution DNA copy number changes and refining amplifications. The resolution of array CGH technology combined with human genome database suggested the possible target genes present in the gained or lost clones