55 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Berpengaruh Terhadap Pembelian Impulsif (Survei Pada Pengunjung Yang Melakukan Pembelian Impulsif Di Distro 3second Cabang Mall Olympic Garden Malang)

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    This study aims to determine the factors which makes Impulse Buying, to identify the influence of the factors on Impulse Buying, and to determine of the factors that has dominant. Research type used in this research is explanatory research with quantitative approach.. The sampling technique used purposive sampling. The sample in this research is 116 respondent. Methods used in collecting data is spread questionnaires. Analysis of the data used is descriptive analysis, factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, and partial regression analysis. The results showed that there are five factors influence the impulse buying, such as Store Atmosphere Factor, Shopping Lifestyle Factor, Reference Group Factor, Brand Trust Factor, and Hedonic Shopping Motivation Factor. These five factors are simultaneously influence on Impulse Buying with R Square of 0,334 and a significance level 0,000 (p < 0,05). These five factors are partially having significant influence on Impulse Buying with a significance value of each ≤0,05 is 0,000; 0,000; 0.012; 0.014; 0,011. The dominant factor is the Store Atmosphere Factor can be seen from higher (B) value of 0,965

    Peran Indonesia National.single Window.(insw).terhadap Penanganan.barang.impor (Studi.kasus.pada.pt. Otsuka Indonesia.malang)

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    This research.aims to (1)analyze the.flow of implementing Indonesia National Single Window.(INSW) in handling.imported goods in PT. Otsuka Indonesia, and (2)to analyze the effectiveness of.implementation of INSW system in PT. Otsuka Indonesia. This research.describes.the differences.that experienced before and after INSW is applied. The method that used is describtive qualitative research. Resultyof this research.showed that the system of INSW is.effective in assist the process of handling import goods in PT. Otsuka Indoneisa. That is because.the system of INSW gave a significant influence and in overall implementation of INSW in PT. Otsuka Indonesia appropriate with the purpose of establishing INSW system, which are improving the quickness of service and the effectiveness of supervision,.as well as the performance.of all activities relating with traffic of exports and imports goods and minimize the time and cost that required to handle activities over traffic export and import goods in entire, particularly related with permitting of expenditures process. The impact of INSW is considered effective by the acceleration of time and reduction of costs in the process of handling of imported goods in PT. Otsuka Indonesia that illustrated in statements of the parties were interviewed

    Pengaruh Atribut Rumah Makan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Konsumen Rumah Makan Terminal Mie, Malang)

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    The purpose of this research are to determine the effect of restaurant attributes on consumers' purchasing decision, and to explain the dominant variable on purchasing decision. Method survey used a sample survey, with a structured questionnaire as a research instrument, located at Terminal Mie Noodle House, Malang. 115 guests collected as respondents and the data was analyzed by statistical analysis. Desriptive analysis was used, and multiple regression with five variables, they were food, convenience, atmosphere, service, and purchasing decision. The result shows that there is significant and positive correlation between restaurant attributes and purchasing decision. Result also showed that service is the dominant variable affected for purchasing decision. The results could be advantage utility for restaurant owner or manager to maximize their resources better, and about to develope strategies for better service that will increase the purchasing decision level. The next research could be conducted by focusing more on different type of restaurant, whether main-course restaurant or appetizer restaurant

    Pengaruh Biaya Bauran Promosi Terhadap Omzet Penjualan (Studi Kasus Pada PT Hero Sakti Motor Gemilang Pusat Malang)

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    PT Hero Sakti Motor Gemilang Pusat Malang is one of center dealers of Suzuki in Malang. One of the ways to increase sales turnover and market competition dealer must doing promotion mix including advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, and public relations.This study aims to describe the promotion activities and its correlation between promotion mix cost and sales turnover. This research is explanatory research. The location at PT Hero Sakti Motor Gemilang Pusat Malang at Jaksa Agung Suprapto No. 38 Malang. To collect the data, interview and documentation were carried out as the instrument. The analytical methods used are descriptive way, correlation, and double linear regression.The result show that promotion mix cost has average correlation toward sales turnover, with R value 0.533. Through double linear regression test, it shows that advertising cost gives negative effect toward sales turnover, personal selling cost gives positive significant effect to sales turnover, sales promotion cost and public relation cost have no significant and personal selling cost has dominant effect toward sales turnover. Due to the fact that personal selling cost has the most dominant effect, it\u27s suggested that increases personal selling cost in order to get maximum result of sales turnover

    Analisis Daya Saing Crude Palm Oil (Cpo) Indonesia Di Pasar Internasional

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    This research aimed to analysis comparative advantage, competitive advantage, Indonesia CPO export position, and factors which are support competitiveness of Indonesia CPO in International market compare to Malaysia and Thailand. This descriptive research uses qualitative – quantitative approach. Analysis with qualitative approach is used to analysis comparative advantage, competitive advantage, and export position of Indonesia CPO in International market used RCA (Revealed Comparative Advantage) and ISP (Indeks Spesialisasi Perdagangan) index. Analysis with quantitative approach is used to analysis factors which are support competitiveness of Indonesia CPO in International market used Diamond Porter. This research used secondary time series data 1999 – 2014 time period. The result of RCA and ISP analysis reveals that Indonesia CPO has the strongest comparative advantage, competitive advantage, and Export position of Indonesia CPO at marturity stage in International market or Indonesia is called as nett exporter CPO in International market. Diamond Porter analysis shows that factors which are support competitiveness of Indonesia CPO in International market are production and supporting and related industries factors
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