42 research outputs found

    Motivation of Employees for Creativity as a Form of Support to Manage Innovation Processes in Transportation-Logistics Companies

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    The paper´s objective is to analyse a certain influence of using creative potential of employees on the innovation processes management in the transportation-logistics companies. An important part is the presentation of partial results of a survey (conducted between 2013 and 2016) regarding particular development of orientation towards the level of motivation and support of employee creativity in Slovak companies with over 50 employees. These results revealed significant deficiencies in the employees’ motivation to be creative and in the extent of their involvement in innovations. In the process of creating an appropriate environment, a particular point evaluation is then provided recognizing the actual level of the organizations’ orientation towards the discussed issue. In order to identify certain barriers to improve the innovation processes, a case study was also used to classify the current state of the three selected transportation-logistics companies operating in the Slovak Republic

    On minimizing the maximum sensor movement for barrier coverage of a line segment

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    We consider n mobile sensors located on a line containing a barrier represented by a finite line segment. Sensors form a wireless sensor network and are able to move within the line. An intruder traversing the barrier can be detected only when it is within the sensing range of at least one sensor. The sensor network establishes barrier coverage of the segment if no intruder can penetrate the barrier from any direction in the plane without being detected. Starting from arbitrary initial positions of sensors on the line we are interested in finding final positions of sensors that establish barrier coverage and minimize the maximum distance traversed by any sensor. We distinguish several variants of the problem, based on (a) whether or not the sensors have identical ranges, (b) whether or not complete coverage is possible and (c) in the case when complete coverage is impossible, whether or not the maximal coverage is required to be contiguous. For the case of n sensors with identical range, when complete coverage is impossible, we give linear time optimal algorithms that achieve maximal coverage, both for the contiguous and non-contiguous case. When complete coverage is possible, we give an O(n 2) algorithm for an optimal solution, a linear time approximation scheme with approximation factor 2, and a (1∈+∈ε) PTAS. When the sensors have unequal ranges we show that a variation of the problem is NP-complete and identify some instances which can be solved with our algorithms for sensors with unequal ranges

    Multifractal tubes

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    Tube formulas refer to the study of volumes of rr neighbourhoods of sets. For sets satisfying some (possible very weak) convexity conditions, this has a long history. However, within the past 20 years Lapidus has initiated and pioneered a systematic study of tube formulas for fractal sets. Following this, it is natural to ask to what extend it is possible to develop a theory of multifractal tube formulas for multifractal measures. In this paper we propose and develop a framework for such a theory. Firstly, we define multifractal tube formulas and, more generally, multifractal tube measures for general multifractal measures. Secondly, we introduce and develop two approaches for analysing these concepts for self-similar multifractal measures, namely: (1) Multifractal tubes of self-similar measures and renewal theory. Using techniques from renewal theory we give a complete description of the asymptotic behaviour of the multifractal tube formulas and tube measures of self-similar measures satisfying the Open Set Condition. (2) Multifractal tubes of self-similar measures and zeta-functions. Unfortunately, renewal theory techniques do not yield "explicit" expressions for the functions describing the asymptotic behaviour of the multifractal tube formulas and tube measures of self-similar measures. This is clearly undesirable. For this reason, we introduce and develop a second framework for studying multifractal tube formulas of self-similar measures. This approach is based on multifractal zeta-functions and allow us obtain "explicit" expressions for the multifractal tube formulas of self-similar measures, namely, using the Mellin transform and the residue theorem, we are able to express the multifractal tube formulas as sums involving the residues of the zeta-function.Comment: 122 page

    Weak coverage of a rectangular barrier

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    Assume n wireless mobile sensors are initially dispersed in an ad hoc manner in a rectangular region. They are required to move to final locations so that they can detect any intruder crossing the region in a direction parallel to the sides of the rectangle, and thus provide weak bar-rier coverage of the region. We study three optimization problems related to the movement of sensors to achieve weak barrier coverage: minimizing the number of sensors moved (MinNum), minimizing the average distance moved by the sensors (MinSum), and minimizing the maximum distance moved by the sensors (

    Open problems on graph coloring for special graph classes.

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    For a given graph G and integer k, the Coloring problem is that of testing whether G has a k-coloring, that is, whether there exists a vertex mapping c:V→{1,2,…}c:V→{1,2,…} such that c(u)≠c(v)c(u)≠c(v) for every edge uv∈Euv∈E. We survey known results on the computational complexity of Coloring for graph classes that are hereditary or for which some graph parameter is bounded. We also consider coloring variants, such as precoloring extensions and list colorings and give some open problems in the area of on-line coloring

    Task swapping networks in distributed systems

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    In this paper we propose task swapping networks for task reassignments by using task swappings in distributed systems. Some classes of task reassignments are achieved by using iterative local task swappings between software agents in distributed systems. We use group-theoretic methods to find a minimum-length sequence of adjacent task swappings needed from a source task assignment to a target task assignment in a task swapping network of several well-known topologies.Comment: This is a preprint of a paper whose final and definite form is published in: Int. J. Comput. Math. 90 (2013), 2221-2243 (DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2013.772985

    The canonical circuit of the avian forebrain

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine anatomische Untersuchung der lokalen neuronalen Schaltkreise des Vogelgehirns. Untersucht wurden der Hippocampus, das Hyperpallium und die trigeminalen, visuellen und auditorischen Areale im Vorderhirn. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass der Hippocampus ein komplexes rekurrentes Verschaltungsmuster aufweist. Die Verbindungen folgten einer strikten topografischen Anordnung entlang der transversalen Axis des Hippocampus. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, dass die lokale Verschaltung in den sensorischen Arealen des Vorderhirns erstaunliche Ähnlichkeiten zu dem Neocortex der Säugetiere aufweist. Trotz früheren Annahmen scheint das Vogelgehirn eine schichten- und säulen-artige Organisation zu besitzen. Diese Arbeit liefert einen wichtigen Beitrag zu den evolutionären Theorien der komparativen Neurobiologie und stellt eine anatomische Basis für die Erforschung der neuronalen Mechanismen des Verhaltens auf der Schaltkreisebene in weiteren Studien

    Smooth traffic flow as one of the most important factors for safety increase in road transport

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    The elimination of the connection between the increase of transport and economical growth has been the main aim of transport policy of the EU for a few years, which has not been accomplished yet. The volume of transport in the EU has been growing at more or less the same rate as economy or more, by nearly 20% with passenger transport and by approximately 30% with freight transport haulage. Transportation causes considerable external costs that although have got concrete originators, are not paid by them. The biggest external costs are connected with emissions, noise, accidents and congestions. In our contribution we would like to characterize congestions and possible solutions