1,190 research outputs found

    Autoimmunity to Pancreatic juice in Crohn´s Disease

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    Enhanced antiproton production in Pb(160 AGeV)+Pb reactions: evidence for quark gluon matter?

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    The centrality dependence of the antiproton per participant ratio is studied in Pb(160 AGeV)+Pb reactions. Antiproton production in collisions of heavy nuclei at the CERN/SPS seems considerably enhanced as compared to conventional hadronic physics, given by the antiproton production rates in pppp and antiproton annihilation in pˉp\bar{p}p reactions. This enhancement is consistent with the observation of strong in-medium effects in other hadronic observables and may be an indication of partial restoration of chiral symmetry

    Expectations of fragment decay from highly excited nuclei

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    The statistical model is used to illustrate the consequences of a successive binary decay mechanism as the initial nuclear excitation is pushed towards the limits of stability. The partition of the excitation energy between light and heavy fragments is explicitly calculated, as are the consequences of the decay of the primary light fragments to particle-bound residual nuclei which would be observed experimentally. The test nucleus 100 44 Ru is considered at initial excitations of 100, 200, 400, and 800 MeV. Exit channels of n, p, and α; and 100 clusters of 3 ≤ Z ≤ 20 ≤ 4, 6 ≤ A ≤ 48 are considered from all nuclides in the deexcitation cascade. The total primary and final cluster yields are shown versus Z and initial excitation. The primary versus final yields are also shown individually for 12C, 26Mg, and 48Ca. We show how multifragmentation yields will change with the excitation energy due to a successive binary decay mechanism. Measurements that may be prone to misinterpretation are discussed, as are those that should be representative of initial nucleus excitation

    Metastable quark-antiquark droplets within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    Chemically non equilibrated quark antiquark matter is studied within the Nambu Jona-Lasinio model. The equations of state of non strange (q = u, d) and strange (q = s) qq systems are calculated in the mean field approximation. The existence of metastable bound states with zero pressure is predicted at finite densities and temperatures T 50 MeV. It is shown that the minimum energy per particle occurs for symmetric systems, with equal densities of quarks and antiquarks. At T = 0 these metastable states have quark number densities of about 0.5 fm 3 for q = u, d and of 1 fm 3 for q = s. A first order chiral phase transition is found at finite densities and temperatures. The critical temperature for this phase transition is approximately 75 MeV (90 MeV) for the non strange (strange) baryon free quark antiquark matter. For realistic choices of parameters, the model does not predict a phase transition in chemically equilibrated systems. Possible decay channels of the metastable qq droplets and their signatures in relativistic heavy ion collisions are discussed

    Particle production by time-dependent meson fields in relativistic heavy ion-collisions

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    According to the Walecka mean field theory of nuclear interaction the collective mutual deceleration of the colliding nuclei gives rise to the bremsstrahlung of real and virtual ! mesons. It is shown that decays of these mesons may give a noticeable contribution to the observed yields of the baryon antibaryon pairs, dileptons and pions. Excitation functions and rapidity distributions of particles produced by this mechanism are calculated under some simplifying assumptions about the space time variation of meson fields in nuclear collisions. The calculated multiplicities of coherently produced particles grow fast with the bombarding energy, reaching a saturation above the RHIC bombarding energy. In the case of central Au+Au collisions the bremsstrahlung mechanism becomes comparable with particle production in incoherent hadron hadron collisions above the AGS energies. The rapidity spectra of antibaryons and pions exhibit a characteristic two hump structure which is a consequence of incomplete projectile target stopping at the initial stage of the reaction. The predicted distribution of e+e pairs has a strong peak at invariant masses Me+e < 0.5 GeV

    Collective mechanism of dilepton production in high-energy nuclear collisions.

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    Collective bremsstrahlung of vector meson fields in relativistic nuclear collisions is studied within the time dependent Walecka model. Mutual deceleration of the colliding nuclei is described by introducing the e ective stopping time and average rapidity loss of baryons. It is shown that electromagnetic decays of virtual &#969; mesons produced by bremsstrahlung mechanism can provide a substantial contribution to the soft dilepton yield at the SPS bombarding energies. In particular, it may be responsible for the dilepton enhancement observed in 160 AGev central Pb+Au collisions. Suggestions for future experiments to estimate the relative contribution of the collective mechanism are given

    Constraints on possible phase transitions above the nuclear saturation density

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    We compare different models for hadronic and quark phases of cold baryon rich matter in an attempt to find a deconfinement phase transition between them. For the hadronic phase we consider Walecka type mean field models which describe well the nuclear saturation properties. We also use the variational chain model which takes into account correlation effects. For the quark phase we consider the MIT bag model, the Nambu Jona-Lasinio and the massive quasiparticle models. By comparing pressure as a function of baryon chemical potential we find that crossings of hadronic and quark branches are possible only in some exceptional cases while for most realistic parameter sets these branches do not cross at all. Moreover, the chiral phase transition, often discussed within the framework of QCD motivated models, lies in the region where the quark phases are unstable with respect to the hadronic phase. We discuss possible physical consequences of these findings