100 research outputs found

    Evaluasi program pemberian makanan tambahan bagi anak sekolah (PMT-AS): ringkasan eksekutif

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    Program PMTAS diluncurkan dalam rangka percepatan pencapaian tujuan pembangunan nasional yang terkait dengan: pengentasan gizi buruk (Insiden terhambatnya pertumbuhan fisik pada anak usia 6-14 tahun terjadi pada 13.3 persen anak laki-laki dan 10.9 persen anak perempuan di tahun 20101); mencapai pendidikan untuk semua (angka putus sekolah di tingkat Sekolah Dasar dibeberapa Provinsi melebihi 3 persen2); dan pengentasan kemiskinan (30 juta orang Indonesia berada di bawah angka garis kemiskinan nasional3). Pemberian Makanan Tambahan - Anak Sekolah (PMT-AS) memiliki tujuan sebagai berikut: (1) Memperbaiki asupan gizi; (2) Memperbaiki ketahanan fisik; (3) Meningkatkan kehadiran dan minat belajar; (4) Meningkatkan kesukaan akan makanan daerah yang bergizi; (5) Memperbaiki perilaku bersih dan sehat, termasuk kebiasaan makan yang sehat; (6) Meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat; (7) Menambah pendapatan masyarakat melalui peningkatan penggunaan produksi setempat

    Social Control in Transnational Families: Somali Women and Dignity in Johannesburg

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    Transnational mobility often separates families and distances individuals from the kinship and social structures by which they organized their lives prior to migration. Myriad forms of insecurity have been the impetus for Somali movement into the diaspora, with people fleeing the realities of conflict that have marked Somalia for decades while physically dividing families as individuals settle in different countries around the world. Mobility has altered the dynamics of households, families, and communities post-migration, reshaping social constructions as individuals move on without the familial support that sustained them in Somalia. While outcomes of these hardships are variable and often uneven in different settlement spaces, migration can offer new opportunities for people to pursue avenues from which they were previously excluded, such as by assuming roles and responsibilities their relatives once filled. These changes precipitate shifting identities and are challenging for women who find themselves self-reliant in the diaspora, particularly in the absence of (supportive) husbands and close kin.Drawing on ethnographic research in Johannesburg’s Somali community, this chapter explores the assumption that migration provides an opening for women to challenge subordinating gender norms. Settlement often grants women greater freedom to make choices in their lives, such as in employment and personal relationships, and yet they remain constrained by networks that limit their autonomy. Even with transnational migration and protracted separation, women are family representatives who must uphold cultural notions of respectability despite realities that position them as guardians and family providers. Women remain under the watchful eye of their extended families through expansive networks and the ease of modern communication, which facilitate a new form of social control as women’s behavior is carefully monitored and reported to relatives afar. These actualities raise questions about the degree to which transnational movement is a liberating force for women or rather a reconfiguration of social control. I argue that despite women’s changing position in their households and families, they remain limited by social control within their extended families and communities

    FinTech revolution: the impact of management information systems upon relative firm value and risk

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    The FinTech or ‘financial technology’ revolution has been gaining increasing interest as technologies are fundamentally changing the business of financial services. Consequently, financial technology is playing an increasingly important role in providing relative performance growth to firms. It is also well known that such relative performance can be observed through pairs trading investment. Therefore pairs trading have implications for understanding financial technology performance, yet the relationships between relative firm value and financial technology are not well understood. In this paper we investigate the impact of financial technology upon relative firm value in the banking sector. Firstly, using pairs trade data we show that financial technologies reveal differences in relative operational performance of firms, providing insight on the value of financial technologies. Secondly, we find that contribution of relative firm value growth from financial technologies is dependent on the specific business characteristics of the technology, such as the business application and activity type. Finally, we show that financial technologies impact the operational risk of firms and so firms need to take into account both the value and risk benefits in implementing new technological innovations. This paper will be of interest to academics and industry professionals

    SPARC 2017 retrospect & prospects : Salford postgraduate annual research conference book of abstracts

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    Welcome to the Book of Abstracts for the 2017 SPARC conference. This year we not only celebrate the work of our PGRs but also the 50th anniversary of Salford as a University, which makes this year’s conference extra special. Once again we have received a tremendous contribution from our postgraduate research community; with over 130 presenters, the conference truly showcases a vibrant PGR community at Salford. These abstracts provide a taster of the research strengths of their works, and provide delegates with a reference point for networking and initiating critical debate. With such wide-ranging topics being showcased, we encourage you to exploit this great opportunity to engage with researchers working in different subject areas to your own. To meet global challenges, high impact research inevitably requires interdisciplinary collaboration. This is recognised by all major research funders. Therefore engaging with the work of others and forging collaborations across subject areas is an essential skill for the next generation of researchers

    Chromatographic methods for the separation and analysis of gold nanocrystals

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    With the ever growing applications of nanomaterials, fast, accurate and cost effective characterization methodologies are needed to ensure high quality materials and practical manufacturing. This problem is a challenging one as nanoparticle shape, size and size distribution are all important features which govern properties as diverse as sample melting point and chemical reactivity. New methods that provide key analytical information, along with a means of improving size and shape distributions would have substantial impact on this growing area. Chromatography is a technique which traditionally has been used to both provide analysis as well as separation of high valued added chemicals. Its applications in nanoscience are to date quite limited, and the objective of this thesis is to demonstrate that chromatographic techniques can be used to measure the dimensions of gold nanocrystals in solution as well as provide methods for physically separating complex distributions of particles. Recycling size exclusion chromatography (RSEC) has been employed to effect physical, base-line separation of subpopulations of spherical gold nanocrystals. This method can be easily applied on other nanocrystalline systems and is scalable to large production. Anisotropic gold nanocrystals, such as gold nanorods, exhibit spectacular optical properties that can be utilized in medical and biological fields. An analytical method, based on aqueous SEC that determines the dimensions of gold nanorods has been developed. The method couples the hydrodynamic volume obtained from SEC and aspect ratio from absorption spectra to provide a complete assessment of nanorod ensembles directly in liquid phase media. Additionally, a close analysis of the hydrodynamic values reveals that the nanorods are aligned with the flow, which makes the separation responsive to variations in aspect ratio. Finally, conventional chromatography provides a resolution which is not large enough to sharpen the distributions of the most monodisperse nanoparticles now produced directly in solution. The application of super high-resolution methods, such as critical point chromatography, can substantially improve the separation power and its application to polymer stabilized gold nanocrystals has been demonstrated

    Insulin pumps use in Greece: Efficacy and safety data from 140 patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) regarding glycaemic control and quality of life in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), who were previously treated with multiple daily injections (MDI). Patients and methods: 140 patients with T1DM [mean age 33.7 ± 22.1 years; 54 males, 76 females, 10 children; duration of diabetes 19.1 ± 8.4 years; total daily insulin usage while on MDI (IU/kg/day) 57.86 ± 15.32; HbA1c at the beginning of CSII treatment 8.67 ± 1.54%] were included in the study. HbA1c, glucose levels, BMI, severe hypoglycemic and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) episodes were recorded and compared to the data prior to CSII introduction. The evaluation of the quality of life was assessed with a self-questionnaire adjusted from the SF-12 and diabetes quality of life (DQoL) questionnaires. Results: HbA1c was reduced from 8.67 ± 1.54 to 6.85 ± 0.52% (p < 0.001). This reduction was independent of age, gender, body mass index (BMI) and diabetes duration. Daily insulin requirements were lower at the end of the follow-up (36.40 ± 12.20 IU/kg/day) compared with the needs during enrolment (57.86 ± 15.32 IU/kg/day) (p < 0.001). BMI presented no significant alterations. Ten (10) severe hypoglycemic episodes were recorded but the overall rate was decreased by 71.5% (p < 0.001). Only 3 cases of ketoacidosis were recorded. Quality of life parameters were remarkably improved. Conclusions: This study provided evidence that CSII treatment was superior to MDI for patients with T1DM in Greece. CSII offered a safe, effective alternative to MDI, while improving glycaemic control, side-effects and quality of life. © 202

    We need an integrated approach to ending violence

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