34 research outputs found

    X-ray fluorescence analysis of long-term changes in the levels and distributions of trace elements in the rat brain following mechanical injury

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    This paper describes the results of the application of X-ray fluorescence microscopy to the qualitative, topographic and quantitative elemental analysis of nervous tissue from rats with neocortical brain injury. The tissue samples were analyzed with a 15 μm beam defined by the size of the polycapillary focus. Raster scanning of the samples generated 2D cartographies, revealing the distributions of elements such as P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Fe, Cu, and Zn. Special emphasis was placed on the analysis of the areas neighboring the lesion site and the hippocampal formation tissue. The results obtained for rats with mechanical brain injuries were compared with those recorded for controls and animals with pilocarpine-induced seizures. There were no significant differences in the elemental compositions of gray and white matter between injured and uninjured brain hemispheres. A higher level of Ca was observed in the gray matter of both of the hemispheres in brains with neocortical injuries. A similar relation was noticed for Fe in the white matter. A comparative study of hippocampal formation tissue showed a statistically significant decrease in the mass per unit area of P in the dentate gyrus (DG) and the hilus (H) of DG for animals with brain lesions in comparison with the control group. Analogous relations were found for Cu in the DG and Zn in sector 3 of Ammon’s horn (CA3) and the DG. It is important to note that identical changes in the same areas were observed for animals with pilocarpine-induced seizures in our previous study

    The use of fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy for the determination of biochemical anomalies of the hippocampal formation characteristic for the kindling model of seizures

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    [Image: see text] The animal models of seizures and/or epilepsy are widely used to identify the pathomechanisms of the disease as well as to look for and test the new antiseizure therapies. The understanding of the mechanisms of action of new drugs and evaluation of their safety in animals require previous knowledge concerning the biomolecular anomalies characteristic for the particular model. Among different models of seizures, one of the most widely used is the kindling model that was also applied in our study. To examine the influence of multiple transauricular electroshocks on the biochemical composition of rat hippocampal formation, Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microspectrosopy was utilized. The chemical mapping of the main absorption bands and their ratios allowed us to detect significant anomalies in both the distribution and structure of main biomolecules for electrically stimulated rats. They included an increased relative content of proteins with β-sheet conformation (an increased ratio of the absorbance at the wavenumbers of 1635 and 1658 cm(–1)), a decreased level of cholesterol and/or its esters and compounds containing phosphate groups (a diminished intensity of the massif of 1360–1480 cm(–1) and the band at 1240 cm(–1)), as well as increased accumulation of carbohydrates and the compounds containing carbonyl groups (increased intensity of the bands at 1080 and 1740 cm(–1), respectively). The observed biomolecular abnormalities seem to be the consequence of lipid peroxidation promoted by reactive oxygen species as well as the mobilization of glucose that resulted from the increased demand to energy during postelectroshock seizures

    Analiza porównawcza metodyki badań trwałej wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej łopatek sprężarki silnika lotniczego

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    The paper presents a comparison of selected fatigue strength test methods to determine the average finite life fatigue strength. The tests were performed on aircraft engine compressor blades. The paper covers blades fatigue tests results performed using electrodynamic shaker.W pracy przedstawiono analizę porównawczą wybranych metod ustalania wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej łopatek wirnika sprężarki silnika lotniczego – określenia średniej trwałości i wytrzymałość zmęczeniową. Próby zmęczeniowe sprężarki wykonano za pomocą elektrodynamicznego wzbudnika drgań

    Eksperymentalna metoda określania wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej uszkodzonych łopatek silników lotniczych

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    Paper presents methodology and test results for experimental fatigue strength determination of damaged aircraft engine blades. Research was performed using turboprop TWD-10B/PZL-10S compressor blades. High cycle fatigue test stand was described. Fatigue strength of damaged blade was determined for different damage size. Fatigue strength comparison of damaged and undamaged blades is a result of presented work.W pracy opracowano metodykę i prowadzono badania wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej uszkodzonych łopatek silnika lotniczego. W badaniach zastosowano łopatki sprężarki silnika TWD-10B/PZL-10S. Scharakteryzowano stanowisko badawcze do określania wytrzymałości zmęczeniowej dla dużej liczby cykli. Wytrzymałość zmęczeniową łopatek uszkodzonych ustalono dla modelowych ich uszkodzeń o różnych rozmiarach wykonanych na tej samej wysokości pióra łopatki. Przeprowadzono analizy wyników badań – porównano wytrzymałość zmęczeniową łopatek uszkodzonych oraz nowych łopatek nieuszkodzonych

    The role of trace elements in the pathogenesis and progress of pilocarpine induced epileptic seizures

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    X-ray fluorescence microscopy was applied for topographic and quantitative elemental analysis within the areas of the rat brain that undergo neurodegenerative changes in consequence of pilocarpine-induced seizures. Significant changes in levels of selected elements were observed in epileptic animals. They included an increased tissue content of Ca in the CA1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus and in the cerebral cortex. The opposite relation was observed for the Cu level in the dentate gyrus and for Zn in the CA3 region of the hippocampus and in the dentate gyrus