626 research outputs found

    Anomalous Paramagnetic Magnetization in Mixed State of CeCoIn5_5 single crystals

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    Magnetization and torque measurements were performed on CeCoIn5_5 single crystals to study the mixed-state thermodynamics. These measurements allow the determination of both paramagnetic and vortex responses in the mixed-state magnetization. The paramagnetic magnetization is suppressed in the mixed state with the spin susceptibility increasing with increasing magnetic field. The dependence of spin susceptibility on magnetic field is due to the fact that heavy electrons contribute both to superconductivity and paramagnetism and a large Zeeman effect exists in this system. No anomaly in the vortex response was found within the investigated temperature and field range

    Strong magnetic fluctuations in superconducting state of CeCoIn5_5

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    We show results on the vortex core dissipation through current-voltage measurements under applied pressure and magnetic field in the superconducting phase of CeCoIn5_5. We find that as soon as the system becomes superconducting, the vortex core resistivity increases sharply as the temperature and magnetic field decrease. The sharp increase in flux flow resistivity is due to quasiparticle scattering on critical antiferromagnetic fluctuations. The strength of magnetic fluctuations below the superconducting transition suggests that magnetism is complimentary to superconductivity and therefore must be considered in order to fully account for the low-temperature properties of CeCoIn5_5.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Pairing Symmetry of CeCoIn5_5 Detected by In-plane Torque Measurements

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    In-plane torque measurements were performed on heavy fermion CeCoIn5_5 single crystals in the temperature TT range 1.8 K T10\leq T \leq 10 K and applied magnetic field HH up to 14 T. The normal-state torque is given by τnH4(1+T/TK)1sin4ϕ\tau_n \propto H^4(1+T/T_K)^{-1}\sin 4\phi. The reversible part of the mixed-state torque, obtained after subtracting the corresponding normal state torque, shows also a four-fold symmetry. In addition, sharp peaks are present in the irreversible torque at angles of π/\pi/4, 3π\pi/4, 5π\pi/4, 7π\pi/4, etc. Both the four-fold symmetry in the reversible torque and the sharp peaks in the irreversible torque of the mixed state imply dxyd_{xy} symmetry of the superconducting order parameter. The field and temperature dependences of the reversible mixed-state torque provide further evidence for dxyd_{xy} wave symmetry. The four-fold symmetry in the normal state has a different origin since it has different field and temperature dependences than the one in the mixed state. The possible reasons of the normal state four-fold symmetry are discussed

    Reverberation impairs brainstem temporal representations of voiced vowel sounds: challenging "periodicity-tagged" segregation of competing speech in rooms.

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    The auditory system typically processes information from concurrently active sound sources (e.g., two voices speaking at once), in the presence of multiple delayed, attenuated and distorted sound-wave reflections (reverberation). Brainstem circuits help segregate these complex acoustic mixtures into "auditory objects." Psychophysical studies demonstrate a strong interaction between reverberation and fundamental-frequency (F0) modulation, leading to impaired segregation of competing vowels when segregation is on the basis of F0 differences. Neurophysiological studies of complex-sound segregation have concentrated on sounds with steady F0s, in anechoic environments. However, F0 modulation and reverberation are quasi-ubiquitous. We examine the ability of 129 single units in the ventral cochlear nucleus (VCN) of the anesthetized guinea pig to segregate the concurrent synthetic vowel sounds /a/ and /i/, based on temporal discharge patterns under closed-field conditions. We address the effects of added real-room reverberation, F0 modulation, and the interaction of these two factors, on brainstem neural segregation of voiced speech sounds. A firing-rate representation of single-vowels' spectral envelopes is robust to the combination of F0 modulation and reverberation: local firing-rate maxima and minima across the tonotopic array code vowel-formant structure. However, single-vowel F0-related periodicity information in shuffled inter-spike interval distributions is significantly degraded in the combined presence of reverberation and F0 modulation. Hence, segregation of double-vowels' spectral energy into two streams (corresponding to the two vowels), on the basis of temporal discharge patterns, is impaired by reverberation; specifically when F0 is modulated. All unit types (primary-like, chopper, onset) are similarly affected. These results offer neurophysiological insights to perceptual organization of complex acoustic scenes under realistically challenging listening conditions.This work was supported by a grant from the BBSRC to Ian M. Winter. Mark Sayles received a University of Cambridge MB/PhD studentship. Tony Watkins (University of Reading, UK) provided the real-room impulse responses. Portions of the data analysis and manuscript preparation were performed by Mark Sayles during the course of an Action on Hearing Loss funded UK–US Fulbright Commission professional scholarship held in the Auditory Neurophysiology and Modeling Laboratory at Purdue University, USA. Mark Sayles is currently supported by a post-doctoral fellowship from Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek—Vlaanderen, held in the Laboratory of Auditory Neurophysiology at KU Leuven, Belgium.This paper was originally published in Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience (Sayles M, Stasiak A, Winter IM, Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2015, 8, 248, doi:10.3389/fnsys.2014.00248)

    Evolution of crystalline electric field effects, superconductivity, and heavy fermion behavior in the specific heat of Pr(Os1x_{1-x}Rux_x)4_4Sb12_{12}

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    Specific heat C(T)C(T) measurements were made on single crystals of the superconducting filled skutterudite series Pr(Os1x_{1-x}Rux_x)4_4Sb12_{12} down to 0.6 K. Crystalline electric field fits in the normal state produced parameters which were in agreement with previous measurements. Bulk superconductivity was observed for all values of the Ru concentration xx with transition temperatures consistent with previous experiments, confirming a minimum in TcT_{c} at x=0.6x=0.6. The C(T)C(T) data below TcT_{c} appear to be more consistent with power law behavior for x=0x=0 (PrOs4_4Sb12_{12}), and with exponential behavior for 0.05x0.20.05 \leq x \leq 0.2. An enhanced electronic specific heat coefficient γ\gamma was observed for x0.4x \leq 0.4, further supporting x0.6x \simeq 0.6 as a critical concentration where the physical properties abruptly change. Significant enhancement of ΔC/Tc\Delta C/T_{c} above the weak coupling value was only observed for x=0x=0 and x=0.05x=0.05.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Physical Review B. v2: text added and figures modifie

    Vortex avalanches in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor Li2Pt3B

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    We investigated the vortex dynamics in the non-centrosymmetric superconductor Li_2Pt_3B in the temperature range 0.1 K - 2.8 K. Two different logarithmic creep regimes in the decay of the remanent magnetization from the Bean critical state have been observed. In the first regime, the creep rate is extraordinarily small, indicating the existence of a new, very effective pinning mechanism. At a certain time a vortex avalanche occurs that increases the logarithmic creep rate by a factor of about 5 to 10 depending on the temperature. This may indicate that certain barriers against flux motion are present and they can be opened under increased pressure exerted by the vortices. A possible mechanism based on the barrier effect of twin boundaries is briefly discussed