358 research outputs found

    Static Hand Gesture Recognition for PowerPoint Presentation Navigation using Thinning Method

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    In this paper a method to control the power point presentation navigation using bare hands, is proposed. The proposed method takes static hand gestures as input via webcam connected to the computerand uses thinning method to obtain the hand shape parameters. Thesehand shape parameters are used to countthe number of raised fingers. Based on this count, the gestures are identified and then used to control the slides. This method does not require devices such asmarkers orgloves or any other devices andalso does not require any database to identify a gesture

    Heat Stable Bacteriocin from Lactobacillus Paracasei subsp. Tolerans Isolated from Locally Available Cheese: An in Vitro Study

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    Lactic acid bacteria (135) were isolated and screened for bacteriocin production by agar overlay method. Among them, Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. tolerans isolated from locally available cheese showed maximum zone of inhibition (24-26 mm) against food borne (Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus) and human pathogens (Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi). Bacteriocin was found to be proteinaceous in nature, heat stable (1210 C for 15 min) and active over a wide pH range of 4.0-8.0. It showed stability (60 %) for 30 days at room temperature (30- 320C). Addition of surfactants (EDTA, SDS, hexadecyl trimethylamonium bromide) up to 1% to crude bacteriocin showed increase in antibacterial activity where as metal ions (calcium chloride, zinc sulphate and mercuric chloride) in low concentration (0.5-1 mgl-1) decreased the activity. The bacteriocin was purified to its homogeneity by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration chromatography and HPLC. Molecular weight of bacteriocin was found to be 8.6 and 8.3 KDa by SDS PAGE and LC/MS respectively. Maximum Bacteriocin production was obtained at 35ºC, pH 7.0, NaCl (0.2%) after 28h of incubation. Addition of L-Ascorbic acid increased bactreiocin production. Our present study demonstrates the possibility of using L. paracasei subsp. tolerans as a biopreservative in dairy industry

    Active Vibration Control of Structures using an Impedance Matching Control Technique

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    Active vibration control of structures has gained a lot of interest in recent years. This paper presents an active vibration control methodology of a structure using piezoelectric actuators. The proposed methodology is useful in practical applications where the system to be controlled is difficult to model due to the presence of complex boundary conditions. The impedance matching control technique uses a power flow approach wherein the controller is designed such that the power flow into the structure is minimized. The system transfer function is obtained from the experimental collocated actuator/sensor pair data using Eigen Realisation Algorithm (ERA). The controller is designed for the system transfer function according to impedance matching theory. The above approach is targeted towards the vibration control of wind tunnel stings, which suffer from flow-induced vibration. A wind tunnel sting model is designed and fabricated for this study. The real time implementation of the impedance matching controller has been carried out using dSPACE® Digital Signal Processor (DSP) card. The results are encouraging and demonstrate the feasibility of applying this technique in the wind tunne

    Significance of transvaginal sonographic assessment of cervical length before induction of labour

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    Background: The traditional method of predicting whether an induced labor will result in successful vaginal delivery is based on pre-induction favourability of cervix as assessed by bishop score. However, this method is limited by subjectivity and reproducibility and though done in all the patients prior to induction of labour, several studies have demonstrated poor correlation between Bishop score and outcome of labor. Currently assessment of cervical status by sonographically at term in induction of labor is most accurate and highly reproducible compared to Bishop score.Methods: This study was carried out in a tertiary care teaching institute in Karnataka. 180 pregnant women at or beyond 37weeks who were planned for induction, Bishop score assessment of cervix and cervical assessment by ultrasound such as cervical length (CL) was done one day prior to induction. Induction was with 0.5mg PGE2gel. Maximum 3 induction were carried out over a period of 24hrs. Primary outcome of the study was the onset of active labor.Results: Amongst 160 pregnant women who were induced (20 women were excluded has they underwent LSCS for some other reasons during latent phase) cervical length by sonography <2cm were 14 none had failed induction. Amongst 180 pregnant women who were induced cervical length <2cm in 14 all had Bishop score >4.Conclusions: Transvaginal sonographic measurement of cervical length was evaluated in predicting response to induction. CL <2cm was associated with greater incidence of successful labor induction. These results show the CL has significant role in predicting outcome of labor

    Increasing Tetrahydrobiopterin in Cardiomyocytes Adversely Affects Cardiac Redox State and Mitochondrial Function Independently of Changes in NO Production

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    Tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) represents a potential strategy for the treatment of cardiac remodeling, fibrosis and/or diastolic dysfunction. The effects of oral treatment with BH4 (Sapropterin™ or Kuvan™) are however dose-limiting with high dose negating functional improvements. Cardiomyocyte-specific overexpression of GTP cyclohydrolase I (mGCH) increases BH4 several-fold in the heart. Using this model, we aimed to establish the cardiomyocyte-specific responses to high levels of BH4. Quantification of BH4 and BH2 in mGCH transgenic hearts showed age-based variations in BH4:BH2 ratios. Hearts of mice (\u3c6 \u3emonths) have lower BH4:BH2 ratios than hearts of older mice while both GTPCH activity and tissue ascorbate levels were higher in hearts of young than older mice. No evident changes in nitric oxide (NO) production assessed by nitrite and endogenous iron–nitrosyl complexes were detected in any of the age groups. Increased BH4 production in cardiomyocytes resulted in a significant loss of mitochondrial function. Diminished oxygen consumption and reserve capacity was verified in mitochondria isolated from hearts of 12-month old compared to 3-month old mice, even though at 12 months an improved BH4:BH2 ratio is established. Accumulation of 4-hydroxynonenal (4-HNE) and decreased glutathione levels were found in the mGCH hearts and isolated mitochondria. Taken together, our results indicate that the ratio of BH4:BH2 does not predict changes in neither NO levels nor cellular redox state in the heart. The BH4 oxidation essentially limits the capacity of cardiomyocytes to reduce oxidant stress. Cardiomyocyte with chronically high levels of BH4 show a significant decline in redox state and mitochondrial function

    A study on peripartum hysterectomy in a tertiary referral government hospital

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    Background: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy (EPH) is a major surgical venture invariably performed in the setting of life-threatening haemorrhage during or immediately after abdominal and vaginal deliveries. Aim of the study was to study the frequency and indications for peripartum hysterectomy and to assess the maternal outcome of peripartum hysterectomy.Methods: Cross sectional study was done in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Vanivilas hospital, Bangalore from September 2018 to august 2019. This study consists of 24 cases of emergency peripartum hysterectomy within 24 hours of delivery, operated at Vanivilas hospital.Results: The frequency of peripartum hysterectomy was 1.102/1000 deliveries and following caesarean section and vaginal deliveries are 3.544/1000 deliveries and 0.248/1000 deliveries respectively. Among 24 cases who had peripartum hysterectomy, 16 cases were delivered by caesarean section and 4 cases delivered by vaginal route while another 4 cases delivered by laparotomy for rupture uterus. 22 cases (91.67%) survived with major number of cases having morbidities and there were 2 (8.33%) maternal death.Conclusions: The most common mode of delivery before peripartum hysterectomy was Caesarean section. The most common indication was atonic postpartum haemorrhage. Better protocols for induction and augmentation of labour will decrease the necessity of peripartum hysterectomies

    A prospective study of role of doppler in pregnancy and the perinatal outcome

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    Background: The development of doppler ultrasonographic technology has provided an opportunity to obtain a qualitative and quantitative assessment of maternal and foetal circulation using a non-invasive method. It has been proved by many studies that doppler has a very important role in screening of high-risk pregnancies. Objective of this study was to evaluate the role of colour doppler study in normal and high-risk pregnancy in relation to perinatal outcome.Methods: A prospective study was done including 75 women with high risk pregnancy and 75 normal pregnant women during the period October 2018 to September 2019 in hospitals attached to Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute. Doppler examination was done after recording patients’ history, clinical examination and ultrasound. Results were analysed and conclusions were made.Results: Out of the 22 patients with PIH, 20 patients had abnormal umbilical artery S/D ratio and all 22 had abnormal MCA PI. Out of 12 patients with diabetes, 10 had abnormal umbilical artery S/D ratio. All the patients with IUGR had abnormal umbilical artery S/D ratio and abnormal MCA PI.Conclusions: Colour doppler flow velocimetry done repeatedly can predict adverse foetal events with a great degree of accuracy

    Incidence and pattern of infections in pregnant women with bad obstetric history

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    Background: Adverse outcomes have been seen in pregnant women who had prior bad obstetric history along with infection with TORCH [toxoplasma, other infections (syphilis, varicella zoster, hepatitis B), rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex]complex and bacterial vaginosis. These infections are known to affect the health of the fetus. Objective was to study incidence and pattern of infections in pregnant women with bad obstetric history.Methods: A total of 190 patients with bad obstetric history fulfilling the methodology criteria were evaluated. Serological and molecular evaluations were carried out for TORCH complex and bacterial vaginosis was detected by both gram stain and gold standard clinical Amsel criteria and outcomes were followed.Results: Out of 190 pregnant women with bad obstetric history, a total of 36 (18.8%) were detected to have infections causing bad obstetric history. Toxoplasma was positive in 7 (20%) of the cases, 3 (51.92%) of them had abortions. Rubella in 12 (32%) of the cases, 7 (60%) cases had sensorineural deafness. Cytomegalovirus in 1 (2%) of the cases, 1 (100%) of the case had microcephaly. Herpes in 8 (22%) cases, 6 (71.1%) cases had abortions. Bacterial vaginosis in 8 (22%) of the cases, 4 (48.6%) cases had preterm delivery. The presence of infections with TORCH complex and bacterial vaginosis was related to adverse pregnancy outcomes.Conclusions: Women with bad obstetric history are prone to infections during pregnancy and have been found out to be associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Hence pregnant women should be screened so that early diagnosis and treatment of infections can be done to have better pregnancy outcomes

    First and second trimester bleeding and pregnancy outcome: a prospective study in a tertiary government hospital

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    Background: Bleeding in first and second trimester of pregnancy is one of the common complications of pregnancy. there is evidence from various prospective and retrospective studies that first and second trimester vaginal bleeding which continue with pregnancy is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome, including preterm delivery, low birth weight babies, perinatal death and congenital anomalies. Objective of this study was to know the outcome of pregnancies who have bleeding in first and second trimester of pregnancy.Methods: This study was prospective study done in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Vanivilas Hospital, Bangalore from September 2018 to August 2019.Results: This study concludes that I trimester vaginal bleeding are at increased risk of abortion than in II trimester vaginal bleeding. Risk of placenta previa was more in II trimester vaginal bleeding than in I trimester vaginal bleeding.Conclusions: This study concludes that I trimester vaginal bleeding are at increased risk of abortion than in II trimester vaginal bleeding. Risk of placenta previa was more in II trimester vaginal bleeding than in I trimester vaginal bleeding. Bleeding in I trimester and II trimester call for special attention in view of increased risk of preterm birth and perinatal death. Recognition of these association will be useful for detection and follow up of pregnancies being at high risk

    Study of acceptance of post-abortal contraception in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Unsafe abortions is causing about 8% of maternal deaths in India. So, it’s important to use contraception not only for spacing but also to prevent unintended pregnancies. It is well known that fertility is resumed in the immediate cycle following an abortion. Post abortal contraception is very important in preventing pregnancies in the immediate post-abortal period. This study was intended to know the acceptance of post-abortal contraception in women coming for medical termination of pregnancy (MTP) or following spontaneous abortion in tertiary care centre. Thus, it is vital to know the choices made by them, to know the method accepted so that it will be helpful in bringing awareness in those who do not opt for post-abortal contraception. Aims and objectives were to study the acceptance rate of post-abortal contraception. Also, to study the method of contraception accepted.Methods: It was a retrospective cohort study from 2018 to 2020 done in Vani Vilas hospital, BMCRI, a tertiary hospital. A total of 2273 patients were enrolled in the study. Data was collected from both 1st trimester and 2nd trimester abortion patients (spontaneous/induced) from the Comprehensive abortion care register. The acceptance and method of contraception accepted was studied. Inclusion criteria were-women coming to tertiary centre for abortion (spontaneous/induced) to Vani Vilas hospital. Exclusion criteria were-Molar pregnancy and Ectopic pregnancy. Demography, educational status, details of spontaneous or induced abortions, parity and gestational age at abortion, the acceptance and methods of contraception accepted were studied.Results: A total of 2273 patients were included in the study of which 738 were MTP and 1535 were cases of spontaneous abortion. 912 (40.12%) were primigravidae and 1361 (59.87%) were multigravida. Various methods of contraceptives were accepted by 1973 (86.80%) patients, whereas 300 (13.19%) did not opt for any method of contraception. Of 1973 patients,176 (7.7%) underwent sterilization.Conclusions: The acceptance rate of post-abortion contraceptive methods was good. Acceptance of COCs and LARC was almost similar in this study. Immediate acceptance of contraception in the post-abortal period is very crucial in reducing unintended pregnancies and abortions hence family planning services after abortion need to be strengthened