373 research outputs found

    Emergence of entanglement from a noisy environment: The case of polaritons

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    We show theoretically that polariton pairs with a high degree of polarization entanglement can be produced through parametric scattering. We demonstrate that it can emerge in coincidence experiments, even at low excitation densities where the dynamics is dominated by incoherent photoluminesce. Our analysis is based on a microscopic quantum statistical approach that treats coherent and incoherent processes on an equal footing, thus allowing for a quantitative assessment of the amount of entanglement under realistic experimental conditions. This result puts forward the robustness of pair correlations in solid-state devices, even when noise dominates one-body correlations.Comment: revised version. new figure

    Quantum complementarity of microcavity polaritons

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    We present an experiment that probes polariton quantum correlations by exploiting quantum complementarity. Specifically, we find that polaritons in two distinct idler-modes interfere if and only if they share the same signal-mode so that "which-way" information cannot be gathered. The experimental results prove the existence of polariton pair correlations that store the "which-way" information. This interpretation is confirmed by a theoretical analysis of the measured interference visibility in terms of quantum Langevin equations

    Spontaneous Conversion from Virtual to Real Photons in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime

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    We show that a spontaneous release of virtual photon pairs can occur in a quantum optical system in the ultrastrong coupling regime. In this regime, which is attracting interest both in semiconductor and superconducting systems, the light-matter coupling rate {\Omega}R becomes comparable to the bare resonance frequency of photons {\omega}0. In contrast to the dynamical Casimir effect and other pair creation mechanisms, this phenomenon does not require external forces or time dependent parameters in the Hamiltonian.Comment: To appear on Phys. Rev. Let

    Photon Blockade in the Ultrastrong Coupling Regime

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    We explore photon coincidence counting statistics in the ultrastrong-coupling regime where the atom-cavity coupling rate becomes comparable to the cavity resonance frequency. In this regime usual normal order correlation functions fail to describe the output photon statistics. By expressing the electric-field operator in the cavity-emitter dressed basis we are able to propose correlation functions that are valid for arbitrary degrees of light-matter interaction. Our results show that the standard photon blockade scenario is significantly modified for ultrastrong coupling. We observe parametric processes even for two-level emitters and temporal oscillations of intensity correlation functions at a frequency given by the ultrastrong photon emitter coupling. These effects can be traced back to the presence of two-photon cascade decays induced by counter-rotating interaction terms.Comment: minor revisions, supplementary information added, accepted for publication in PR

    Entanglement Dynamics of Two Independent Cavity-Embedded Quantum Dots

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    We investigate the dynamical behavior of entanglement in a system made by two solid-state emitters, as two quantum dots, embedded in two separated micro-cavities. In these solid-state systems, in addition to the coupling with the cavity mode, the emitter is coupled to a continuum of leaky modes providing additional losses and it is also subject to a phonon-induced pure dephasing mechanism. We model this physical configuration as a multipartite system composed by two independent parts each containing a qubit embedded in a single-mode cavity, exposed to cavity losses, spontaneous emission and pure dephasing. We study the time evolution of entanglement of this multipartite open system finally applying this theoretical framework to the case of currently available solid-state quantum dots in micro-cavities.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Topical Issue of Physica Scripta on proceedings of CEWQO 201

    Total Hemi-overgrowth in Pigmentary Mosaicism of the (Hypomelanosis of) Ito Type: Eight Case Reports.

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    Pigmentary mosaicism of the (hypomelanosis of) Ito type is an umbrella term, which includes phenotypes characterized by mosaic hypopigmentation in the form of streaks, whorls, patchy, or more bizarre skin configurations (running along the lines of Blaschko): these cutaneous patterns can manifest as an isolated skin disorder (pigmentary mosaicism of the Ito type) or as a complex malformation syndrome in association with extracutaneous anomalies (most often of the musculoskeletal and/or nervous systems) (hypomelanosis of Ito). Affected individuals are anecdotally reported to have also partial or total body hemi-overgrowth (HOG), which often causes moderate to severe complications.We studied the occurrence and features of HOG in the 114 children and adults with mosaic pigmentary disorders of the Ito type diagnosed and followed up (from 2 to 22 years; average follow-up 16 years) at our Institutions.Eight patients (5 M, 3 F; aged 4 to 25 years; median age 16 years) out of the 114 analyzed (7%) fulfilled the criteria for unilateral HOG, with differences in diameter ranging from 0.4 to 4.0 cm (upper limbs) and 1.0 to 9.0 cm (lower limbs). Moreover, among these 8 patients, 5/8 filled in the 75th to 90th percentile for height; 6/8 had associated kyphoscoliosis; and 5/8 showed cognitive delays. No tumour complications were recorded. Overall, 6/8 HOG patients presented with additional (extracutaneous) syndromic manifestations, apart from the HOG (ie, with a clinical phenotype of hypomelanosis of Ito).The present study, which includes children and adults with the longest follow-up so far recorded, confirms the association between pigmentary mosaicism of the Ito type and HOG lowering previous estimates (7% vs 16%) for HOG in the context of mosaic hypopigmentation. A careful examination, looking at subtle to moderate asymmetries and associated complications within the spectrum of these mosaic pigmentary disorders, is recommended

    Nonequilibrium Langevin Approach to Quantum Optics in Semiconductor Microcavities

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    Recently the possibility of generating nonclassical polariton states by means of parametric scattering has been demonstrated. Excitonic polaritons propagate in a complex interacting environment and contain real electronic excitations subject to scattering events and noise affecting quantum coherence and entanglement. Here we present a general theoretical framework for the realistic investigation of polariton quantum correlations in the presence of coherent and incoherent interaction processes. The proposed theoretical approach is based on the {\em nonequilibrium quantum Langevin approach for open systems} applied to interacting-electron complexes described within the dynamics controlled truncation scheme. It provides an easy recipe to calculate multi-time correlation functions which are key-quantities in quantum optics. As a first application, we analyze the build-up of polariton parametric emission in semiconductor microcavities including the influence of noise originating from phonon induced scattering.Comment: some corrections in the presentation mad

    Comment on "Imaging the Local Density of States of Optical Corrals"

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    In a recent letter Chicanne {\em et al.} [1] reported the experimental observation of the electromagnetic local density of states LDOS established by gold nanostructures. The obtained images have been compared with combinations of partial LDOSs defined in terms of the imaginary part of the Green-tensor GI=[G−G†]/(2i){\bf G}^I = [{\bf G}-{\bf G}^\dag]/(2i) calculated at the tip position. Moreover just this comparison was the criterion for the choice of the optimum tip design. These results support the point of view that Gu=−(2ω/πc2)u⋅GI(r,r,ω)⋅u{\cal G}_{\bf u} =-({2 \omega}/{\pi c^2}) {\bf u} \cdot {\bf G}^I({\bf r}, {\bf r}, \omega) \cdot {\bf u} (u{\bf u} is the unit vector used to define the effective dipole associated to the illuminating tip) is the key quantity to interpret SNOM images in analogy with the electronic LDOS measured by the scanning tunneling microscope (STM). Rigorous Green-tensor analysis shows that Gu{\cal G}_{\bf u} (that is also the key quantity determining spontaneous decay rates of molecular transitions) is not the correct key quantity, and that measurements in Ref. [1] should have been compared with a different quantity. Moreover the identification of Gu{\cal G}_{\bf u} with the detected SNOM signal can lead to unphysical results
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